Town of Howland
Monday, May 8, 2017
Selectmen Present: Michael Harris,John Neel, Glenn Brawnand Andrew LeBlanc
Others Present: David Wilson, Town Manager, Kimberly Soucier Recording Secretary and attendees.
Selectmen’s Meeting
Call to Order: The Selectmen’s Meeting was called to order byChairman Harris at 6:00pm.
Accept the Minutes of April 24,2017: A motion was made byMr. Neel seconded byMr. Leblancto accept the minutes from the lastmeetingas printed and place them on file; motion carried.
Public Comments:Gail Garron mentioned that there was some discussion at one of the economic development meetings on having a dumping station for RV’s in the parking area near the new bridge. The Board stated eventually when the lots are developed and there is a sewer connection and away to monitor it they will look into it.
Any Changes to the Agenda: None
Comprehensive Road Study/River Road Concern- Discussion on how to proceed- Mark and Sandra Weimer were present at the meeting discussing their concerns with the drainage issue in their basement. Their basement has flooded twice this past winter. It has been determined that there is an issue with the drainage pipe at the right of way. Instead of tearing up the road right now the Weimer’s agreed to hold off until the road construction on River Road begins and then will take a look and repair the drainage problem if needed.
Bid Opening- 5 Front Street-The Town received one bid on 5 Front Street. Diamond Valentin bid was in the amount of $1,500.00. A motion was made by Mr. Brawn and seconded by Mr. Leblanc to table this until the Board gets further information on what her intent is with the apartment building as there is still a tenant living there; motion carried. The eviction notice will end this July and the next step to finalize the eviction will be going back to court.
Discussion on Upcoming Budget Hearing- A. Presentation of Article Questions for Board Approval. B. Recommendations of the Budget Committee for Board Approval- A motion was made by Mr. Brawn seconded by Mr. Neel to accept the articles as written along with the recommendations from the Budget Committee and to include the Maine Municipal Bond Bank question on the Lagrange Road and County Road Project; motion carried.
Sewer Issue- Penobscot Avenue-Town Manager explained to the Board that the Howland Baptist Church has an obstruction in their sewer line under the water main in the roadway. The sewer line is on the opposite side of the road. The obstruction was found to begin about 2.5 feet into the roadway. Mr. Chasse wanted to know whether or not the Town is responsible to repair the issue where it is in the road right of way. The Sewer Ordinance that was adopted in 1989 does not define this kind of problem. Town Manager stated that he spoke with Maine Rural Water and is willing to come up and help with updating the language in the Sewer Ordinance. A motion was made by Mr. Neel seconded by Mr. Leblanc to have the Planning Board modify the existing Sewer Ordinance; motion carried. A motion was made by Mr. Neel seconded by Mr. Leblanc to have the Highway and Sewer Department dig up the area to determine what the problem is and have it repaired. Mr. Chasse will be notified of what the Town will be doing; motion carried.
Discussion on adding an Ambulance- Chief McNallywas present at the meeting stating that the Ambulance Service had to turn down numerous runs which is a loss of revenue every time they are called out. The two ambulances were out on runs. Chief McNally came to the Board with an idea on adding another ambulance rig. In hopes to purchase a good used ambulance within the price range of what is in the Ambulance Account. The next question if purchased where would we house the rig. The Chief has notified numerous Towns on Howland’s Ambulance Service in hopes to pick up runs. After some discussion the Board agreed to have the Town Manager and Fire Chief put together a proposal together on the cost and revenue that the 3rd rig will bring in along with housing the unit and bring back to the Board for further discussion.
Discussion on CES Billing/Credit-Town Manager asked the Board whether or not they wanted to accept the credit that was given from CES in the amount of $575.00 or have them reevaluate the bill again. Mr. Brawn abstained from discussion. It was the consensus of the Board to have the Town Manager send off a letter to CES asking them to reevaluate the invoices and credit amount again.
Committee Updates- Economic Development- The committee met on May 3rd was a good and long meeting. Representatives from Poland Springs and Maine Stream Internet were present to give a general overview of what their ideas were for the community not pacifically Howland just in the general area. Town Manager stated what he got out of the presentation was that when Poland Springs decides to move into an area it’s not a matter of if it’s when. Once a decision is made could take up to several years before the plant is actually built. They are looking to Lincoln to build a plant. This will possibly benefit Howland as trucking routes were discussed, the fact that they are going to purchase land from private spring owners that have springs on their land. They will be turning those into substations for the water, which they call a recharge area in the event of drought or contamination. Everyone will benefit as a new development will come into the area. Poland Springs will attend a Board Meeting once they progress to present their plans. Maine Stream Internet explained what it takes to bring broad band service into rural areas. There is grant money available if Municipalities decide to look into the broad band service. The representative will provide a packet of information as to what the cost are how they can come up with grant funding. They basically use existing lines that are here already may need some upgrading some lines will be good to go. There is a cost for some private companies to move into an area as there is competition. Farmers Market plans to start in May as soon as they get everything together. It is going to be kind of a Farmers Artisan Market will be more things there not just food products. They have to show the Town liability insurance. The first year they will be down by the skating rink, if they grow enough we may have to move them across the street somewhere near the walking trail. They will be here every Sunday once they get going. ATV Trail- The Board had a copy of a map of the proposed ATV trail. The trail will be going on Town owned property behind the Credit Union, The Handy Stop and onto the back of the Tannery Site down to the Memorial section onto the King’s Bridge to go either North or South on Old County Road. Glenn mentioned and wanted to know how the Board feels to rock off a section making a 65” opening for ATV accessible having this an rest area for the ATV riders. At a later date will also be accessible for snowmobilers. If the Board wants to proceed with the idea it would benefit the Town to touch base with Laura Rose Day as she has a lot of funding sources on what we would like to see over there. Thinking ahead further would make a nice little parking area having a cook out and possibly enjoy some entertainment at the gazebo. The slopes will need to be leveled up, trees removed and 400-500 yards of gravel. Mr. Harris stated that he will donate his bull dozer to do the work and if needed Mr. Brawn will be donating his excavator.
Personnel Policy- Review of Section VII- (overtime and call-out) -There was a request to have the Board review the Personnel Policy referencing the overtime and call out time. The request was to have overtime paid out on an 8 hour day rather than after a 40 hour work week. After some discussion motion was made by Mr. Brawn seconded by Mr. Leblanc to leave the overtime and call out time in the Personnel Policy as is; motion carried.
Manager’s Report- Highway has been working on the damaged stones up to the cemetery. The stones are placed back on the base, resealing them and using the clear silicone on the outside. They will continue resealing the stones when weather gets better. Husson University- Town Manager stated that he will be out of the office on Friday, May 12th, to teach a class at the Husson University on a standard field sobriety program. Charitable Donations still has $500.00 left in the account. The Board agreed to use up the $500.00 before June 30th and donate it to the Lincoln Food Cupboard and the United Methodist Church in Lincoln. Cemetery Vandalism- There have been bits and pieces of information coming in and the Town Manager has funneled the information to the investigating officer. Evaluation- The Board agreed to do the 6 month Town Manager Evaluation before the end of this fiscal year as two of the Selectmen may not be here on the next term. The present Board member’s has had the opportunity to work with the Town Manager in the past and the evaluation should be done by the present Selectmen. The evaluation will be placed on the next agenda. King Bridge- We need to start thinking about the King’s bridge dedication in June, 2017. Town Manager will touch base with Theresa Thurlow get her thoughts bring back to the Board for discussion. In the meantime Town Manager will touch base with DOT on the signage.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the meetinga motion was made by Mr. Brawn seconded by Mr. LeBlancto adjourn; motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:04pm.