Annual PerformanceEvaluation for Teaching Associates/
Lecturers and Visiting Faculty
Form revised 3/2017
Name:Academic Year:
Academic Rank:___ Teaching Associate/Lecturers___ Visiting Faculty
Form revised 3/2017
After completing and signing this performance evaluation, department chairs should (a) review and discuss with the faculty member his or her performance for the year, and (b) provide the faculty member with a copy of the evaluation. If the faculty member wishes to take exception to the chair’s review, a statement of exception should be noted below and stapled to the original of this form.
This form has three areas for evaluation: Teaching, Professional Life, and Service (including advising). Department chairs must complete the Teaching section; if the instructor advises students, chairs must also complete the Service section.
Department ChairDate
By signing below the faculty member indicates that he or she has read and received a copy of the department chair’s evaluation. Faculty should also initial below as appropriate:
____ The chair has discussed this evaluation with me.
____ A statement of exception is attached.
Faculty MemberDate
Vice President and Dean of the CollegeDate
Chair’s Evaluation—Teaching
Form revised 3/2017
Please evaluate the teaching of the faculty member. A thorough evaluation will include strengths, special areas of commendation, areas that need improvement, and recommendations for addressing those issues. Especially worthy of mention are the creation of new courses, large scale course revisions, implementation of innovative pedagogies, unusual level of offerings in the INQ/HNRS programs and of independent studies, internships and/or student research, and attendance at teaching workshops/conferences. Please indicate if your evaluation is based upon additional sources of evidence, such as classroom visits or informal feedback from students.
Chair’s Evaluation—Professional Life
Form revised 3/2017
This section of the evaluation is optional.
Please evaluate the faculty member’s achievements in the area of professional life.
Chair’s Evaluation—Service
Form revised 3/2017
If advising is part of the faculty member’s contractual responsibilities, you must complete this section.
Please evaluate the faculty member’s advising and any service to the department and the institution. A thorough evaluation will include strengths, special areas of commendation, areas that need improvement, and recommendations for addressing those issues.
Form revised 3/2017