Sons of Confederate Veterans

Fayette County, Georgia

P.O. Box 142232, Fayetteville 30214



Table of Contents

  1. Camp Officers
  1. Appointed Staff Officers
  1. Committees
  1. Elected Officer Job Descriptions
  1. Appointed Officer Job Descriptions
  1. Special Liaisons
  1. 2012 Camp Calendar
  1. Official Pledges and Salutes
  1. Charge to SCV by Gen. S.D. Lee
  1. Camp Roster
  1. Camp By-Laws
  1. 2011-2012 Budget


Commander: Robert F. Jones, Jr.

205 Brown’s Hill Ct. Tyrone 30290 770-487-8251

1st Lieutenant-Commander: Bloise A. Hill

100 Windridge Dr. Fayetteville 30215 770-460-8167

2nd Lieutenant-Commander: John F. Sloan, III

131 Dixon Cir. Fayetteville 30215 770-461-2458

Adjutant: Lee H. Mize, Jr.

100 E. Kelley Lake Dr. Brooks 30205 770-719-7978


Editor: C.B. Glover (Voting member of the Exec. Council)

Executive Councilman: Roy W. Butts, Jr. (Voting member of the Exec. Council)

Chaplain: Joe N. Bray


Genealogist: John F. Sloan, III


*Immediate Past Cmdr. Mitchell D. Crabbe is a member of the Exec. Council

STANDING COMMITTEES (*denotes chairman)

Membership: John Sloan*, Lee Mize, Glen Allen

Nominating: Scott Gilbert, Mitch Crabbe*, Jim Rector

TEMPORARY COMMITTEES (*denotes chairman)

Special Projects: B. Hill, S. Gilbert*, J. Lynch, M. Crabbe, Lee Mize

Sesquicentennial: J. Sloan, P. Murphy, M. Crabbe, S. Gilbert, R. Butts, B. Kerlin


Elected Officers


The Camp Commander will be responsible for securing, and scheduling speakers for our monthly meetings; Planning and leading all meetings of the Camp Executive Council; overseeing the functions of all committees, and Camp officers; planning, and supervising all Camp functions, and activities, and any other such needs as may arise.

1st Lieutenant-Commander

The 1st Lt. Cmdr. will be prepared to fill in for the Commander at any meeting, or other function should the Commander not be present, or available. He will also assume any specific duties assigned to him by the Commander.

2nd Lieutenant-Commander

The 2nd Lt. Cmdr. will be prepared to fill in for the Commander at any meeting, or other function should the Commander, or 1st Lt. Commander not be present. He will also assume any specific duties assigned to him by the Commander.


The Adjutant will be the Treasurer for the Camp. The Adjutant will be responsible for the official records of the Camp, and will maintain our official roster of members.

The Adjutant will be responsible for the collection of membership dues, and will call on any other officers and members for assistance as needed for that particular job.

Executive Councilman-At-Large

The Executive Councilman per the Camp by-laws has no authority as such, but will serve as a representative of the membership. The Executive Councilman will be charged with maintaining a good relationship with our active members, and will solicit their opinions and feelings on particular matters as he sees fit in an effort to be able to represent the members in the governing of our Camp.


Appointed Staff Officers


The Editor will serve as the Camp webmaster, and will assist the Commander in all matters of internal communication among Camp members. He is by the Camp by-laws, a member of the Camp Executive Council.


The Chaplain will provide leadership in matters of spiritual, and moral importance. The Chaplain will contact as necessary any persons on the Camp prayer list using his discretion as to the means of contact, and offer the proper sentiments of support. The Chaplain has the authority to perform any other functions that he feels necessary in the historic traditions of his office, subject to the support, and approval of the Executive Council, and the Camp Commander.

Quartermaster: The QM will be responsible for securing access to the meeting location, and will be responsible for any other Camp property as designated by the Commander and/or staff.

Genealogist: The Genealogist will assist prospective members in their genealogical research for the purposes of membership.


ADC’s will serve as personal assistants to the Commander, and any other officers so designated.


Town of Tyrone: Robert F. Jones, Jr. & Roy W. Butts, Jr.

City of Fayetteville: John W. Lynch

City of Peachtree City: H. Glen Allen & Scott K. Gilbert, Jr.

Town of Brooks: Lee H. Mize, Jr.

Fayette County: James D. Rector

Fayette County Historical Society: C.B. Glover

SAR/DAR/UDC: John F. Sloan, III


Camp Meetings:

Jan: 19 Feb: 16Mch: 15Apl: 19May: 17Jne: 21

Jly: 19 Aug: 16Sep: 20Oct: 18 Nov: 15Dec: 20


Confederate Memorial Day:

Thursday, April 26, 7:00 PM, Fayetteville gazebo

Fayetteville Art Show/Taste of Living History/Taste of Fayette

Saturday, May 12-13, Holliday Dorsey Fife House Museum

Brooks Day

Saturday, May 12, Brooks Park

Tyrone Founders Day

Saturday, September 15

Inman Farm Heritage Days

Saturday, and Sunday, September 15-16



The Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The Pledge to the Georgia State Flag

I pledge allegiance to the Georgia flag, and to the principles for which it stands: Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation

The Salute to the Confederate Flag

(With right hand extended, palm turned upward)

I salute the Confederate flag, with affection, reverence, and an undying devotion to the cause for which it stands.

The Charge to the SCV


Lieutenant-General Stephen D. Lee

New Orleans, 1906

“To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will submit the vindication of the cause for which we fought; to your good strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldiers good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations.”