Annual Meeting of the Membership
- Call to order- Board members present: Todd Dusosky, Jill Robinson, Karl Woerle, Dana Gibson, Jackie Fabel, Melissa Bright, Susie Griffith, Jenni Gallipo, Brian Evans, Nick Kopp, Deb Zepeda, Kate Gambino CRU members present: Shannon Scarella, Mike Snicker, Rachel Snicker, Gary Mahle, Amy Lindsoe, Gary Griffith, Ryan McAlpine, Brian Beedle, Jessica Moore, Greg Reierson, Carlos Mostek
- Approval of agenda and previous year’s meeting minutes- motion by Jackie Fabel, second by Jenni Gallipo
- Introductions/Welcomes to the membership- President-
- Annual Reports- 15 min
- President- State of the Club-lots of good changes happening, survived the age change, rebranding of the club from CRSA to CRUnited, 3 state championships this summer out of 15 teams, 11 Fall teams, hosted TopSoccer, ODP and district and state tournaments. Thanks to all board members dedication
- Treasurer- Annual Financial report- $108,369 in account right now, paid big chunks for NSC winter training, taxes for 2016 sent in
- Director of Player Development and Coaching (DOC)- Future of the Programs- interesting year with the age change, ended on a great note with 3 championships and how small our club is, winter training starts in Nov, MYSA annual meeting in Nov 4th in Bloomington- rsvp by Oct 1, looking for a new tournament director and need to submit tournament to MYSA- looking at u13-up doing a combined boys/girls tournament in May and doing a June jamboree for U12 down. Appreciates everyone turning up for all of our events.
- Open Floor-15 min-Jackie Fabel (volunteer director)- encourage families on teams to volunteer at all of the events, it makes a difference for how well our events have run. Karl Woerle (comp director)- need proactive coaching. Jenni Gallipo (Rec Director)- need good communication for our membership, members need to know where to go for info
- Elections of Board of Director Positions – 30 min-
- Bylaw Amendments- Secretary 45 min-2.027-change facilities director to facilities coordinator, motion by Brian Evans, second by Jill Robinson, all approved
3.07-add facilities coordinator to the coordinator positions, motion by Jill Robinson, seconded by Susie Griffith, all approved
- Elections Results:
- Vice President- Nick Kopp
- Treasurer- Susie Griffth
- Competitive Director- Karl Woerle
- Rec Director- Jenni Gallipo
- Marketing Director- Brian Evans
- Registrar- Jill Robinson
- Equipment & Uniform Director- Michelle Paine
- Nominations for Executive committee appointments to Members at Large positions- Tournament Director: Dana Gibson, Facilities Coordinator: Gary Mahle, Webmaster: Matt Gerard, Members at Large: Mike Snicker, Shannon Scarrella, Brian Beedle
- Watch for fundraising, conversations with CR hockey and potential emailing, conversations about CRU lower fees compared to some other clubs- spread the word about the benefits that we have! Shed update- need exterior sealed, will jack hammer around the shed and put drain tile, before snow sets in. Any help in the shed goes towards volunteer hours. Nick is looking at getting an association insurance policy in $2000-$3000 range.
- Adjournment- motion by Susie Griffith motion, Jenni Gallipo seconded