Annual General Meeting 12thMarch 2018
Meeting Minutes
- Welcome from the President
- Attendees
-Yvonne Chow, Dan Ferguson, Trevor Ghouse, Erandi Parish, Claudia Peet, Lucy Polich, Melissa Cramer, NeridahZlatnik, Mira Schaal, Christine Wright, Tanisha Wright, Katie Pether, ShamaalPennnison, Coralie Gibson, Stephanie Curtis, Amanda Welschbillig, Paul Larkin, Sharon D’Abbs
- Apologies
-Marisa Groenewald
- Confirmation of previous Minutes
-Motion to approve the minutes from the general meeting on February 5, 2018was carried.
-Motion to approve the minutes from the annual general meeting onMarch 13, 2017 was carried.
- Business arising from previous minutes
-There was no reaction from parents about the new social media policy.
-The P&C Facebook page has now been refreshed and old members removed
- Correspondence
- WA Council of State School Organisations Inc. P&C Handbook
- School Canteen Association booklet
- Mr Soft Serve ice-cream van
- Australian Fundraising Specialists.
- Everything glows
- Glow productions
- 2017 Fundraising directory
6.2.Out – nil
- Reports:
-Reports tabled: Finance report for the year ended 31 December 2017, Treasurers report for the period 1 January 2018 to 5 March 2018.
-Total cash at bank on March 5 2018 - $34,063.05.
-In 2017 the P&C donated $15,000 to the school for equipment and works.
-Both the canteen and the uniform shop made good profits in 2017
-Motion to move profits from canteen and uniform shop to the general account was carried.
-Motion to roll over termdeposit for 6 months when it expires in March until September 2018 was carried
-Motion to retain H&R Block as the auditor of the P&C accounts was carried.
-Only current executive committee members should be signatories to P&C accounts so old members will be removed.
-A record of P&C financial members of the must be kept.
-Report tabled: Canteen manager report
-Thanked the volunteers involved in running the canteen.
-There are 261 users of the online service. The systemhasn’t been working on the Tuesday after a public holiday.
-There will be one menu for the year. There are only a couple of price rises due to suppliers increasing costs.
-Profits will be down in the first term due to holidays and excursions.
-Suggestions for new menu items are welcome. We only do heat and serve food because there are limited cooking facilities
-New cleaners have taken over the school contract have been doing a good job.
-Stephanie provided a report on behalf of uniform shop manager.
-New shorts and dress were passed around. The fabric is different but the colours and style are similar. The dress is yellow and green like the shirts and not thecurrent check pattern.
-The shirts will be $2 more expensive and girls dresses will be less expensive.
-It was thought that the ease of cleaning would be equal if not better than for the current clothes.
-The new uniform will be introduced in term 4 ready for the start of 2019. Children can still wear their old uniforms after the new one starts.
-We will run down the current stock so we aren’t left with clothes that can’t be sold.
-It was unanimously agreed to accept the new uniform including the shirt with the white piping.
-There were 7 events run last year: Easter raffle ($1000), Mothers Day stall and raffle ($865.67), Wood raffle (June) – $1318.19, Disco (Aug) - $1331, Fathers Day (Sept) - $896.43, Bunning sausage sizzle (Oct) - $2469.80 Family portrait (Nov) - $481.31
-Thanked all the helpers in the greater school community
-It worked well having the Awesome Arvo later this year as the kids were more settled.
-Easter raffle will be held on March 29. Tickets have been distributed.
-Amanda will do a push notification reminder about selling the raffle tickets.
-There will be a gift wrapping session on March 27.
-In term 2 the Mothers day stall will be on May 9 and raffle on May 11.
-Wood raffle will be on June 23 at the Mundaring Village
-A local family with landscaping business has donated the wood.
-The disco will be held in August.
-Fathers Daystall on August 29 and raffle on Aug 31.
-A quiz night will be held during term 4. Hoping for this to be the first non-sport event at the new recreation centre to attract people who aren’t from the school.
-The bike donated by local MLA will be used as a prize for the quiz night.
-Carols by candlelight will be held in week 8 of term 4.
-There will be no Bunnings sausage sizzle or family portrait events this year.
-We provided the Bendigo Bank with an estimate of $500 for their in-kind contribution to the P&C for printing and posters. Bendigo Bank will also separately be supporting the quiz night.
-Report tabled: Principal’s Report
-It has been a challenging start to the year with the increased number of students creating a different dynamic in the playground.
-About $3M is allocated for staff salaries and resources for the 2018 school year with details to be presented at the next meeting of the School Council.
-Two teachers have recently been placed on fixed-term contracts securing them for the rest of the year. We have also been able to add staff resources for Developmental Reading Group, curriculum leadership roles and Students At Educational Risk (SAER).
-A record 106 students are involved in the after-school sports program. An application has been submitted to continue the program in term 2.
-Planningis underway for the ‘Aussie Optimism’ social and emotional health program that the school will be running.
- General business
-There was a question about who was counting the Coles Sports for Schools vouchers being collected. They aren’t counted but weighed. The weight is reported to Coles using an honesty system.
- Election of 2017 Committee
-All positions declared vacant by outgoing president Trevor Ghouse and nominations calledfor as follows:
President - no nominations, position vacant
Vice President –Claudia Peetnominated and elected unopposed.
Treasurer - Yvonne Chow nominated and elected unopposed.
Secretary –Dan Ferguson nominated and elected unopposed.
Executive Committee - declared to be those elected in above positions in addition to:
NeridahZlatnik, Kate Pether, Erandi Parish, Amanda Welschbillig.
Publicity (website & social media) - Amanda Welschbillignominated and elected unopposed.
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator –Marisa Groenewald nominated and elected unopposed.
Canteen sub-committee convenor –Sharon D’Abbs nominated and elected unopposed.
Canteen sub-committee –Tanisha Wright, Coralie Gibson,Katie Pether.
Auxiliary sub-committee co-ordinator - Erandi Parish nominated and elected unopposed.
Auxiliary sub-committee - Lucy Polich, Erandi Parish, Melissa Cramer, Christine Wright, Tanisha Wright, Mira Schaal, ShamaalPennison, Katie Pether and Coralie Gibson.
School Council Representative –Stephanie Curtisnominated and elected unopposed.
WACSSO Representative - Yvonne Chownominated and elected unopposed.
-If a President is not elected before term 1 finishes then the P&C can’t continue.
-Principal will send a notice to parents that we are still looking for someone to be President.
Meeting Closed: 9:18 p.m.
Next meeting:
The next general meeting will be held on Monday 7th May2018at 7.30pm in the staffroom.
MPS P&C minutes 12/3/2018