Sabino Springs Homeowners Association

6101 E. Grant Road, Tucson, AZ 85712

Phone: 520-638-8620 Fax: 520-638-8619


April 28, 2014

Annual Meeting of the Members

The annual meeting of the Sabino Springs Master Association was held on Monday April 28, 2014 at The Arizona National Golf Course. The Association Board of Directors (Sandy Mannakee,

Dave Piper, David Youngerman, Rick Williams, Maria Lerbs, John Spiller and Don Johnson) were also in attendance. HBS Management was represented by Howard Schmitter, Barbara Schmitter and Tracy Kirk. The meeting was conducted as follows.

  1. Call to Order/Certification of a Quorum

Ms. Mannakee called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M., and verified that there was a quorum present either in person or by proxy.

  1. Introductions by the President

Ms. Mannakee welcomed everyone for coming and had each member of the Sabino Springs Board of Directors introduce themselves.

  1. Approval of 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Ms. Lerbs to approve the minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Johnson:all were in favor and the motion was approved.

  1. Election of Board Members

There were 2 vacancies on the board to be filled this year. The board thanked the following people for running for the Board of Directors; David Youngerman, Madeleine Murray and Leslie Ann Williams. The results of the vote re-elected David Youngerman and newly elected to the board is Leslie Ann Williams. Ms. Mannakee thanked Barbara Algire and Greg Curwen for serving on the Election/Nomination Committee and HBS for overseeing the voting tabulation. The election of the officers will take place at the May 19, 2014 board meeting.

  1. Election of the Amendment to the CC&R’s

This year the Sabino Springs HOA membership was asked to pass an amendment to the CC&R’s regarding the reduction of assessments for the golf course. The dues for the course were approximately $60,000 annually. The proposed new assessments for the course would be $30,000 annually. The amendment passed with a 95% approval from the membership.

  1. Board of Director’s Remarks

Ms. Mannakee thanked the board for all of their hard work. She stated it was a very tough 18 months and that the board worked many hours discussing the best solution regarding the problems with the golf course situation. Ms. Mannakee also thanked the Board for stepping up and taking individual responsibility for the many committees. Ms. Mannakee had each of the board members summarize what their committee job was and what they have done this year.

Dave Piper – Vice President This year Mr. Piper was responsible for the Facilities Committee. This committee focuses on the streets in the neighborhood. This year there was no work that needed to be done. Mr. Piper stated that next year there will most likely be patching and crack filling.

Don Johnson – Mr. Johnson was appointed to the board a month ago to replace Dusty Fields.

John Spiller – Mr. Spiller was responsible for the Landscaping Committee. This year a number of things were accomplished and more will continue in this coming year. New plants, trees and updating of the monuments will take place this year.

Maria Lerbs – Ms. Lerbs, was responsible for the Events Committee. She stated this past year there were 2 Gaslight events, the Holiday party, Progressive dinner, Cowboy Cookout, Easter Egg Hunt. Ms. Lerbs also stated there are some new clubs that have started this year as well, such as Chicks with Sticks chaired by Madeleine Murray. The committee is also looking into yoga and water aerobics. The ladies lunch continues to be held the second Tuesday of every month at the Arizona Golf Course clubhouse.

David Youngerman – Mr. Youngerman was appointed to the board in 2012 to replace Wayne Zoellick, who resigned. Mr. Youngerman was appointed interim Secretary/Treasurer to fill the vacancy after Dusty Fields resigned from the Board. Mr. Youngerman reported at this time the association is close to being on budget. We are about 1.4% over budget. This is due to an extremely high gas bill and some monument repairs. The board will look into some over the other accounts to see where the 1.4% can be made up before the end of the year. The operating account currently has approximately $106,000. The reserve account has $602,000. The reserve account uses the reserve account for capital repairs. He also reported this HOA compared to other HOA’s has been very disciplined with this reserve account. It is about 75% funded where as other HOA’s are about 35%-40% funded. This board and the previous board should be given a lot of credit for the financial discipline they have kept over the years. Going forward Dave Piper and David Youngerman are reviewing the reserve account analysis that was done in 2012 and will be updating and revising it as needed.

Rick Williams –Mr. Williams stated that he has enjoyed his time on the board and complimented all of the hard work the board has done this past year. He did not re-run this year and his seat was 1 of the 2 voted on in this election. Ms. Mannakee thanked Mr. Williams and noted that he will be missed.

Sandra Mannakee – Ms. Mannakee is responsible for Communications Committee and is has been working with Tracy Kirk and the Committee on Sabino Springs Website. She stated that the Website is a resource available for all meeting minutes, financial information and event information. She also reported that there is now a Classified Section as well as where residents of Sabino Springs can go to sell or buy items from other residents. This is site is generated and monitored by Tracy Kirk. She also reported that the photo contests have been very successful. She added if anyone has ideas for the website please let Tracy Kirk know. Ms. Mannakee also reported that the HOA will be working in conjunction with Arizona National to hold our regular board meetings at the clubhouse going forward as well as advertising their dinner and special events.

  1. Call to the Audience

The following questions were asked by homeowners:

Q: Now that the association has approved the decrease for the golf club, will the HOA dues be going up? If so how much?

A: Mr. Youngerman stated that the board will be looking at the budget and the reserve account before making a decision regarding raising dues.

Q:How do you develop the formula to be able to state that the reserve account is 75% funded?

A:The formula comes from looking at what the expected expenses will be over the next 15 years. Then it is looked at to see how much will be needed to fund those expenses when they occur.

Q:Is there interest being made on the reserve account money?

A:Yes. The money is invested in CD’s.

Q:The board has developed 20 color schemes, if a home is not painted one of those schemes can the owner repaint the same color they currently have?

A: Only if that color is the original color of the house.

Q:Can the regular board meeting notice and agenda be sent out through email?


Q:Where can the homeowners get samples of the new paint schemes?

A:The HOA office has the colors available.

Q:Can you talk about the conservation fund and how it is used?

A:The conservation fund is a small fund that was established by the fees that were gathered whenproperties sold. When a house is sold $20.00 is collected and put into this fund. This money has been used to help start the walking trail. This money must be used for something that has to do with conservation.

Q:What is driving the budget to be over?

A: Dave Piper and David Youngerman reported, acombination of a gas bill, a breach in the solar panels and irrigation leaks due to the irrigation lines getting old. The current irrigation system is 15 years old and in need of replacing. This is going to be discussed at the next board meeting.

Q:Do the board meetings have to be in April?

A:Yes. This is specified in the CC&R’s.

  1. Adjournment

With no further business before the members, the meeting was adjourned at 6:51p.m.