
Westmoreland Road Elementary School

Mrs. Bostic

Fourth Grade

English Language Arts and Science

266-3440 ex. 4423

School Policies / Procedures

Our school day begins at 8:30am. According to our attendance policy, a child is tardy after 8:50am. Parents must sign their child in/out when dropping them off after 8:40am, or when picking them up.

You are welcome to have lunch with your child but the following procedures apply:

  • Limited to parents / guardians only (no siblings, grandparents, etc.)
  • No fast foods, soda, or glass containers are to be brought in.
  • As a visitor, you must sign in and obtain a Visitor Pass.
  • Parents are not permitted to accompany their child to recess.

Take Home Folders / Planners

Your child has a Take Home folder and Planner provided by the school. Any notices from the school or classroom will go home in their Take Home folder, along with completed work, and assignments to be done as homework. Assignments, as well as notes from the teacher will be written down in their planner,so please make it a routine to check the planner nightly. Please sign or initial your child’s planner each night so that I know it is being checked. I check student planners during our morning routine.

Any notes for the office, lunch money, Scholastic book orders, etc. can be placed in your child’s folder to be brought to school the following day. If you are sending in money, please make sure it is in a sealed envelope or bag with your child’s name on it.

Behavior Plan

In our room there is a chart with fivecolor blocks that are used to display student’s behavior. Every child starts on green each day. They can move up or down on the behavior chart, depending on whether or not they are making good choices or poor choices. Students are rewarded with stickers for being on green all day, and for “raising the bar” to pink and purple.

  • Green = 1 sticker
  • Pink = 2 stickers
  • Purple = 3 stickers

Students use the stickers to fill sticker charts located in their cubbies. Once they have filled a sticker chart, they get to choose a coupon for a reward. The rewards will be granted during the school day.

When students are not making good choices in the classroom, there are consequences. When students are on yellow, they lose 10 minutes of recess and a note in the planner if I feel it is necessary. If a student goes to red, it will result in a phone call home and loss of recess completely, but may also require the principal’s involvement or a parent-teacher conference, depending on the severity.

The goal of the behavior plan is to create a safe, caring, and cooperative classroom for all students to enjoy. In order for any behavior plan to be successful, it is imperative that parents are supportive of the policies in the classroom. If you have any concerns at any point during the school year, please contact me immediately. I thank you in advance for your support.

**Homework Policy**

Homework reinforces material covered in the classroom. It is important for your child to complete their homework, as it demonstrates their ability and understanding of a specific task, as well as provides practice with the skills. Fourth graders are given time each day to work on assignments. Work that needs to be completed at home is work that your child did not finish during the school day.

Homework club: Each month students are in the homework club until they miss an assignment. One missed assignment, on the day it was due, results in being removed from the club. At the end of the month, students in the club will eat lunch in the classroom and I will provide the dessert.


We have a time scheduled for snack each day before our lunch. If you choose to send your child with a snack, please make sure it is a healthy choice!

Birthday Parties

I am happy to celebrate birthdays in school! If you would like to send in a snack for the class for the celebration, please let me know a few days in advance. The following are some things to consider:

  • Cupcakes and cookies are easiest – nothing that needs to be cut!
  • Remember any products needed for your treat – cups / napkins.
  • We currently have 19 students in our class. With this current roster we have the following allergies: pineapple, tomatoes, treenuts, walnuts, and pecans.
  • Treats can be left in the office in the morning.
  • Birthday invitations may be passed out in school, only if the whole class is invited, OR all the boys OR all the girls are invited (school wide policy).
  • Summer birthdays will be celebrated in June.


Report Cards Issued:

Quarter 1 @ Parent - Teacher conferences (November 10th, 18th, or 22nd)

Quarter 2 February 2, 2017

Quarter 3 April 13, 2017

Quarter 4June 21, 2017

State Testing:

ELAMarch 28th, 29th, 30th

MathMay 2nd, 3rd, 4th

ScienceMay 24th Performance Test, June 5th Written Test