Name: Lewi Stone ID. No: 01539377-0


Department of Zoology

Faculty of Life Sciences

Tel Aviv University

Ramat Aviv 69978


Ph: 972-3-6409806

Fax: 972-3-6409403;



Period of study Name of University Degree or Subject Date of

(dates) (incl. city & country Professional Award

if not in Israel) License ______

1976-1979 Monash University B.A. Mathematics 1980

Melbourne, Australia

1980-1981 Monash University B.Sc. (hons.) Mathematics 1981

1981-1982 Monash University Teaching . Dip. Ed. 1982


1984-1988 Monash University Ph.D. Theoretical 1988

Biology (Physics)

Title of Doctoral Dissertation:

Some Problems in Community Ecology: Processes, Patterns and Persistence in Ecosystems

Supervisor: Dr. Alan Roberts


Period (dates) Name of Institution Department Rank/Function


1980 (3 months) Telecom (Australia) Scientific Res.Officer

1980-1982 Monash University Mathematics Tutor (part-time)


1982-1984 Vic. High School Education Mathematics Teacher


1984-1989  Council of Adult Education Math Teacher (Melb.)

Period (dates) Name of Institution Department Rank/Function

1988-1989 Dept. of Epidemiology Bio-statistician

Melbourne University

1989-1990 Israel Oceanographic and Systems Ecologist

Limnological Research Pty.

Ltd., Tiberias, Israel

1990-1992 Griffith University Mathematics Lecturer

Qld., Australia Theoretical Ecology

1992-1993 Weizmann Institute Environmental Scientist

Israel Science

1993-1994 Tel Aviv University Zoology Lecturer

1994-1996 Tel Aviv University Zoology Senior Lecturer

(with tenure)

1997- 2000 Tel Aviv University Zoology Associate Professor

2001 - Tel Aviv University Zoology Full Professor


2005-2008 Israel Science Foundation: Epidemiological. Persistence in population models and the dynamics of infectious diseases: Accounting for seasonal forcing and spatial clustering

2008- EU Seventh Framework: (EPIWORK

2005-2008 Israel Science Foundation: Investigation of extrapair phenomena by evolutionary game methods. ($150,000)

2000 James McDonnell 21’st Century Scientist Award ($450,000)

2000 Israel Science Foundation: Game theory analysis of female and male mating strategies, and extra pair paternity ($100,000)

2000 Rieger Foundation- Phytoplankton Models ($10,000)

2000 Adams Super Center Grant: Neural synchronization ($10,000)

1999  EU Fifth Framework Environmental (EU 200,000)


1999 MARS 2, Biological indicators of natural and man-made changes in marine and coastal waters (DM 180,000)

1999 Tel Aviv University Internal Grant ($20,000)

Population Dynamics

1998 MARS 1, Biological indicators of natural and man-made changes in marine and coastal waters (DM 55,000)

1997 Keren Kayemet Ecological Fund ($10,000)

1994 Rashi-Guastellah Fellowship ($30,000)

1994 BMFT (Joint German-Israeli Research program) (DM 120,000)

The flow of energy and nutrients in Lake Kinneret and Lake Constance

1994 Tel Aviv University Internal Grant ($7,000)

1991 Ian Potter Foundation ($500)

1991 Griffith University Research Grant ($2,000)

Nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems

1991-1993 Australian Research Council ($34,560)

Use of Lands at Thematic Mapper data to monitor seasonal fluctuations

in phytoplankton in Moreton Bay, Qld.

1991 Australian Research Council ($12,000)

Artificial intelligence tools for ecologists

1980 Telecom Research Scholarship

F. Editorial duties:

2003-- Associate Editor - Ecology

1998 Associate Editor – American Naturalist

1997 Founding Member of Israel Biomathematics Society

G. Reviewer For:

Science, Nature, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, American Naturalist, PNAS, Ecology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Limnology and Oceanography, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Journal of Ecology, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Ecology Letters, Israel Journal of Zoology, Oecologia, Physics D, Theoretical Population Biology, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology,

Ecological Modelling

G1. Doctoral students

1991- 1992 cosupervisor/ James McEwan Ph.D., Griffith University

Modelling the phytoplankton dynamics of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Aust.

1997-2002 Amit Huppert – Models of phytoplankton blooms; Population Synchronization

1999-  Arik Kirshenbaum – Neural Synchronization

2000-  Ronen Olinky – Network models of recurrent infectious diseases

2001-  Sveta Buminovich: Structured models of diseases of development.

2002- 2008 Yael Artzy-Randrup – Spatial Ecological Models

2006- Naama Kopelman

2006- Assaf Zvoloni

2008- Oren Barnea

2008- Uri Rolle

2008- Arik Kershenbaum

2009- Menachem

G2. M.Sc. Students

1995-1997 Amit Huppert: El Nino and the Pacific's coral reef bleaching cycle

1998-2001 Assaf Kaplan: Bird flight analysis

1999-2001 Gal Almogy: Intra-host Models of AIDS

2001- 2005 Oren Barnea: Statistical models of the Kinneret phytoplankton bloom

(with Dr. Andrew Solow)

2005- 2007 Inbal Lotz

2008- Or Givan

2008- Chai Molino

2008- Rami Yaari


Post-Doctoral Fellows

1995-1996 Dr. Alfredo Ascioti

1996-1997 Dr. Peter Saparin

1995-1998 Dr. Dvora Hart

1996-1997 Dr. Boris Shulgin

1998-2001 Dr. Bernd Blasius

1999- 2006 Dr. Michael Fishman

1999-2000 Dr. Ian Rozdilsky, (Fullbright Scholar)

2000-2001 Dr. Sabine Stoecker

2000-2002 Dr. Netta Cohen

2000-2001 Dr. Nico Stollenwerk

2002-2003 Dr. He DaiHai

2003- 2005 Dr. Roni Braunstein

2003- 2008 Dr. Anna Litvak-Henenzon

2006- Dr. Oren Hasson

2007- Dr. Asher Uziel

2009- Dr. Nehemia Shwartz

2009- Dr. Haggai Katriel


1. Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Dietary Salt Study Management Committee: Statistical Analysis: J.L. Hopper (co-ordinator), S. Cheng, L. Stone. Fall in blood pressure with modest reduction in dietary salt intake in mild hypertension. The Lancet, No. 8635 Vol. 1: 399-402, 1989.

2. Stone, L. Phytoplankton - bacteria - protozoa interactions: A qualitative model portraying indirect effects. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 64: 137-145, 1990.

3. Stone, L. and Roberts, A. The checkerboard score and species distribution. Oecologia 85: 74-79, 1990.

4. Roberts, A. and Stone, L. Island-sharing by archipelago species. Oecologia 83: 560-567, 1990.

5. Roberts, A. and Stone, L. Comments on Dolph Schluter's remarks. Oecologia 83: 567, 1990.

6. Stone, L. and Roberts, A. Conditions for a species to gain advantage from the presence of competitors. Ecology 72(6): 1964-1972, 1991.

7. Bergstein, T. and Stone, L. The distribution of fecal pollution indicator bacteria in Lake Kinneret. Water Research 25(3): 263-270, 1991.

8. Stone, L. Coloured noise or low-dimensional chaos? Proceedings of The Royal Society of London (B) 250: 77-81, 1992.

9. Stone, L. and Weisburd, R. Positive feedback in aquatic ecosystems. Trends in Ecol. Evolut. 7(8): 263-267, 1992.

10. Stone, L. and Roberts, A. Competitive exclusion, or species aggregation? An aid in deciding. Oecologia 91: 419-424, 1992.

11. Murray, N., Gabric, A.J., Stone, L., Realini, G. and Kohl, M. The production and cycling of dimethylsulphide in marine surface waters - a simulation approach. Fresenius Environ. Bull. 1: 274-279, 1992.

12. Stone, L. and Roberts, A. Can there be a war of all against all? J. Soc. Evolut. Syst. 15(3): 315-318, 1993.

13. Stone, L. and Weisburd, R. Reply to Ringelberg. When positive is not negative. Trends Ecol. Evolut. 8: 36, 1993.

14. Stone, L. and Berman, T. Positive feedback in aquatic ecosystems: The case of the microbial loop. Bull. Math. Biol. 55: 919-936, 1993.

15.  Gabric, A., Murray, N., Stone, L. and Kohl, M. Modelling the production of dimethyl-sulphide during a phytoplankton bloom episode. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 98 C(12): 22805-22816, 1993.

16.  Gabric A., Murray, N., Stone, L. and Kohl, M. A model of DMS production during a phytoplankton bloom. In: G. Restelli and G. Angletti (eds.). Dimethylsulphide: Oceans, Atmosphere and Climate. Kluwer Publishers, pp. 63-81, 1993.

17 Stone, L. Period doubling reversals and chaos in simple ecological models. Nature 365: 617-620, 1993.

18. Stone, L. and Berman T. Lake Kinneret: A seasonal model for carbon flux through the planktonic biota. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38: 1680-1695, 1993.

19. Stone, L. Ecological chaos. Nature 367: 418, 1994.

20. Tziperman, E., Stone, L., Cane, M. and Jarosh, H. El-Nino chaos. Science 264: 72-74, 1994.

21. Berman, T. and Stone, L. Musings on the microbial loop. Microbial Ecol. 28: 251-253, 1994.

22. Berman, T., Stone, L., Yacobi, Y.Z., Schlichter, M., Nishri, A. and Pollingher, U. Primary production and phytoplankton in Lake Kinneret: A long-term record (1972-1993). Limnol. Oceanogr. 48: 1064-1076, 1995.

23. Stone, L. Biodiversity and habitat destruction in model forest and coral reef ecosystems. Proc. Royal Soc. B 261: 381-388, 1995.

24. Stone, L. and Ezrati, S. Chaos, cycles and spatio-temporal dynamics in plant ecology. J. Ecol. 84: 279-291, 1996.

25. Stone, L., Dayan, T. and Simberloff, D. Community-wide assembly rules unmasked. Amer. Nat. 148: 997-1015, 1996.

26. Stone, L., Eilam, E., Abelson, A. and Ilan, M. Modelling Coral reef biodiversity and habitat destruction. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 134: 299-302,1996.

27. Stone, L., Gabric and Berman, T. Ecosystem stability and productivity: seeking a relationship. Amer. Nat. 148: 892-903, 1996.

28. Stone, L., Landan, G. and May, R.M. Detecting time's arrow: A method for identifying nonlinearity and deterministic chaos in time-series data. Proc. of Royal Soc. B263: 1509-1513, 1996.

29. Hart, D., Stone, L., Stern, A., Straile, D. and Gaedke, U. Methods for balancing ecosystem flux charts: New techniques and software. Environ. Mod. Assess. 2: 23-28, 1997.

30. Neiman, A., Saparin, P. and Stone, L. Coherence resonance at noisy precursors of bifurcations in nonlinear dynamical systems. Physics Review E. 56: 270-274, 1997.

31. Stone, L. and Saparin, P.I. Noise induced effects and stochastic resonance in an El Nino model. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Systems Near the Millenium pp. 341-346 (American Inst. of Physics, Woodbury, New York) 1997.

32. Stone, L., Saparin, P., Huppert, A. and Price, C. El Nino chaos: The role of stochastic resonance and noise in the ENSO cycle. Geographical Research Letters 25: 175-178, 1998.

33. Stone, L., Shulgin, B. and Agur, Z. Theoretical examination of the pulse vaccination policy in the SIR epidemic model. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 31:207-215, 2000.

34. Huppert, A. and Stone, L. Chaos in the Pacific's coral reef bleaching cycle: A model. American Naturalist, 152: 447-459, 1998.

35. Shulgin, B., Stone L. and Agur, Z. Pulse vaccination strategy in the SIR epidemic model. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 60: 1123-1148, 1998.

36. Price, C., Stone L., Huppert, A., Rajagopalan, B. and Alpert P. A possible link between El Nino and precipitation in Israel. Geophysical Review Letters 21: 3963-3966, 1998.

37. Stone L. and Hart, D. Effects of immigration on the dynamics of simple population models. Theoretical Population Biology 55: 227-234, 1999.

**38. Blasius, B., Huppert, A. and Stone L. Complex dynamics and phase synchronization in spatially extended ecological systems . Nature 399: 354-359, 1999.

39. Lotem, A., Fishman, M. A. and Stone L. Evolution of Cooperation between individuals. Nature 400: 226-227, 1999.

40. Stone L., Huppert, A., Rajagopalan, B. and Loya, Y. Mass coral reef bleaching: An outcome of increased El Nino activity? Ecology Letters 2:325-330, 1999.

41. Hart, D.R., Berman, T. and Stone L. Seasonal dynamics of the Lake Kinneret. Food web.The importance of the microbial loop. Limnol. Oceanogr. 45: 350-361, 2000.

42. Stone L., B. Shulgin and Z. Agur. Theoretical examination of the pulse vaccination policy in the SIR epidemic Model Mathematical and computer Modeling 31: 207-215, 2000.

43. Stone L., Dayan, T. and Simberloff, D On desert rodents, favored states and unresolved issues: Scaling up and down regional assemblages and local communities Amer. Nat. 156: 322-328, 2000.

44. Blasius B and Stone L. Chaos and phase synchronization in ecological systems. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 10: 2361-2380, 2000.

45. Vandermeer, J., Stone, L. and Blasius B. Categories of chaos and fractal basin boundaries in forced predator-prey models. Chaos Solitons and Fractals 12: 265-276, 2001.

46. Blasius B and Stone L. Nonlinearity and the Moran effect. Nature 406: 846-847, 2000.

**Reviewed in: Loyd AL & May R Synchronicity, chaos and population cycles: spatial coherence in an uncertain world. TREE 14: 417-418 .1999.

47. Fishman, M Lotem A and Stone L. Heterogeneity stabilizes reciprocal altruism interactions. J. Theor. Biol. 209: 87-95. 2001.

48. Cazelles, B., Bottini, S. and Stone L. Unexpected Coherence and Conservation. Proceedings Royal Society B 268: 2595-2602. 2001.

49. Rozdilsky, I. and Stone L. Complexity can Enhance Stability in Competitive systems. Ecology Letters 4:397-400. 2001.

50. Stone L., Olinky R., Blasius B., Huppert A., Cazelles B. Complex Synchronization Phenomena in Ecological Systems. American Institute of Physics. 2002.

51.Almogy G, Stone L and BenTal N. Multi-stage Regulation, a Key to reliable adaptive biochemical pathways. Biophysical Journal 81: 3016-3028. 2001.

52. Solow, A.R., Stone L. and Rozdilsky I. A Crtical smoothing test for Multiple Equlibria. Ecology 84: 1459-1463. 2002.

53. Huppert A., Blasius B., and Stone L. A Model of Phytoplankton Blooms. American Naturalist 159: 156-171. 2002.

54. Fishelson L., Bressler V., Abelson A., Stone L., Gefen E., Rosenfeld M. and Mokady O. The two sides of man-induced changes in littoral marine communities: Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea as an example. The Science of the Total Enviornment 296: 139-151. 2002.

55. Almogy, G, Cohen N., Stoecker, S and Stone L. Immune response and virus population composition: HIV as a case study. Proceedings Royal Society B 269: 809-815. 2002.

56. Fishman, M., Lotem A. and Stone L. Fertility assurance through extrapair fertilization and male parental effort. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 64: 809-823. 2002.

57. He D., Stone L. and Zheng Z. Analysis of generalized synchronization in directionally coupled chaotic phase coherent oscillators by local minimal fluctuations Physical Review E, 66, 036208. Sept. 2002.

58. Lotem A., Fishman M.A. and Stone L. From reciprocity to unconditional altruism through signaling benefits. Proceedings Royal Society B 270: 199-205. 2003.

59. Stone L., He D., Becker K. and Fishelson L. Unusual synchronization of Red Sea fish energy expenditures. Ecology letters, 6: 83-86. 2003.

60. He D., Shi P. and Stone L. Noise induced synchronization in realistic models. Physical Review E 67, 027201, 2003.

61. He D., Zheng Z. and Stone L. Detecting generalized synchrony: An improved approach. Physical Review E 67, 026223. 2003.

62. Fishman M.A., Stone L. and Lotem L. Fertility assurance through extrapair fertilizations and male paternity defense. J. Theor. Biol. 221: 103-114. 2003.

63. Solow A.R., Stone L and Rozdilsky I. A critical smoothing test for multiple equilibria. Ecology 84: 1459-1463. 2003.

64. He D.H. and Stone L. Spatio-temporal synchronization of recurrent epidemics. Proceedings Royal Society of London; Biological Sciences 270 : 1519- 1526. 2003.

65. Gao J., Lu H.P., He D.H., Stone L. and Zheng Z. Unexpected correspondence between noise-induced and master-slave complete synchronizations. Phys. Rev. E 68, 037202. 2003.

66. Gefen E., Stone L., Rosenfeld M. and von Westernhagen, Hein. Biological indicators in marine and coastal waters: a statistical and modeling analysis of the MARS campaign. Helgol. Mar. Res. 57: 272-284. 2003.