Full Senate

April 5, 2017

6:00 PM Alderson Auditorium

I.Call to Order – 6:00 pm

II.Guest Speaker: Mike Williams and Chief Chris Keary, Campus Carry Information Session

  1. Info session consisted mostly of Q&A and was streamed online. Can be found on KU Student Senate Facebook page. For more information on the live stream contact
  2. For more information about the concealed carry policy and how it affects students, visit

III.Approval of the Minutes

  1. March 15, Cycle 11 Full Senate Minutes
  2. Chance motions to approve, Daniel seconds, minutes approved (Vote 1)

IV.Officer Reports

  1. Stephonn Alcorn, Student Body President
  2. Happy you’re all still here and still committed
  3. I believe concealed carry should be up to decision of the university
  4. Have testified multiple times
  5. Graduate appreciation week
  6. KBOR First Generation task force first meeting is tomorrow
  7. Title IX workgroup put together to look into issues and suggest recommendations
  8. Recommending administrators and other higher-ups are trained in related areas
  9. KBOR meeting at Cap Fed coming up
  10. General funding streamline
  11. Allyssa, Mitch, Whit, Daniel and Quiz have been working very hard on that
  12. Excited to see this be implemented
  13. Just got back from Big XII on the hill in DC a couple hours ago
  14. Climate study results were released last week
  15. Most of the things that came out concerned staff and faculty morale, University has more data than they had before now, think you will see productive steps to address all the issues involved
  16. Thanks to everyone who has worked with us about how to work with MSG to best find a way to serve multicultural students
  17. Tuition advisory board
  18. Advocating to keep any increase as low as possible and any revenue increase we do get goes back to students
  19. Will be presented ultimately to KBOR
  20. Tuition increases should be used for student resources and not things that administration should fund – specifically staff and faculty concerns
  21. Brittney: Talking about revenue, has any discussion taken place to putting those funds to more GTA training?
  22. There have been talks about putting it towards graduate support
  23. Rex: Union referendum verdict?
  24. Cleared of charges but must take campaign materials down
  25. Jasmine: With our positions as senators, do we need to apply again or we do we continue as a senator without having to apply again?
  26. If you filed your candidacy forms and petition with elections commission you could apply to be an elected senator, I believe you are an appointed senator so your reappointment would be handled internally within AbleHawks and Allies
  27. Jasmine: AbleHawks and Allies seriously wishes for me to continue as a senator
  28. Jasmine: Do they need to email to the senate committee?
  29. Gabby: Following general election, groups will announce their appointed senators
  30. Jasmine: When is that meeting?
  31. April 26th
  32. Gabby Naylor, Student Body Vice President
  33. Last night to see legislation
  34. Great to see what everyone has done the past few months in DC
  35. UT-Austin sexual assault survivor fund – in the final stages of making a similar process here
  36. A couple things referred by StudEx tonight
  37. University Senate meetings – two left. Encourage anyone interested next year to come to those
  38. You all will receive an invitation to a reception at the Chancellor’s house Tuesday April 18th from 4-5:30 pm
  39. Especially seniors are encouraged to come
  40. Formally Women’s Leadership Course is accepting applications for anyone interested in taking that course next year
  41. Tuesdays and Thursdays
  42. Jasmine: You were talking about a meeting on the 26th, what time is that at?
  43. 6:30 pm
  44. Danny Summers, Chief of Staff
  45. Sabine will arrange a banquet for us before joint senate
  46. Enjoy elections, some of my fondest college memories were during election season
  47. Whoever follows me in this position come to StudEx April 4th
  48. Multicultural Greek plots
  49. Still working on this, hoping to get it all set to go before the end of the year
  50. Myself and Elizabeth Johnson visited at general assembly and will be passing it along to them because they deserve to be the face of this, just helping them get started and providing help
  51. Jasmine: I believe in all of the officers’ reports, there are a lot of meetings or messages, that they are mentioning a lot of different meetings, are you planning to email a list of all of those to us, so we can add to our calendars?
  52. Yes
  53. Mady Womack, Government Relations Director
  54. Good to be back in Kansas
  55. Big XII on the Hill
  56. Focused on
  57. Campus sexual assault
  58. Financial aid
  59. Mental health
  60. Research funding
  61. Our team did a great job of humanizing these issues
  62. Happy to send anyone policy papers if they want specifics
  63. Met Tuesday and today with everyone in Kansas delegation
  64. Interesting hearing Yoder talk about being former student body president at KU
  65. Meetings with KS delegation were the most productive
  66. Heard in conversations
  67. Higher ed. reauthorization is something they want to accomplish
  68. Talking about TRIO, year long Pell Grant program, Department of Education FAFSA being codified into actual legislation
  69. KS legislature
  70. Failed to get a vote on concealed carry
  71. Still talks about making small changes though
  72. Discussion of a flat tax and end of LLC exemption
  73. Connor: In DC, any discussions with DACA and BRIDGE act?
  74. Meetings are pretty short, lots of times is whatever they want to talk about once you get through your immediate issues
  75. Jasmine: Was there any discussion about making sure that campus is becoming more accessible?
  76. That came up in Gabby’s meeting, Rhode Island congressman is a paraplegic and he is definitely trying to keep those universities accessible. Didn’t know if he could work on it this session but has something in the works for this upcoming year, hopefully KS delegation can help with that.
  77. Jasmine: Any discussion about adding emotional support animals?
  78. That did not come up but we did speak a lot on mental health services in general, can definitely follow up about that
  79. Abdoulie Njai, Director of Diversity & Inclusion
  80. Affordability talks in DC
  81. We had people who could actually talk from personal experience; I received a Pell Grant and was in TRIO in high school. Was great to have that real experience. Big for me to emphasize directly these issues directly.
  82. Nice to hear almost everyone supported a lot of the things we spoke about especially in light of President Trump’s proposed cuts.
  83. Sexual assault awareness month
  84. Speaker April 17th from 7-8 in Big XII room
  85. Jasmine: What is the plan for ideas to develop better campus environment for marginalized students?
  86. I serve on the DEI committee and that is one thing we’re working as a committee to address. We know statements aren’t enough. Working with faculty and administration on this.
  87. Connor Birzer, Communications Director
  88. Deferred to Anna Buhlinger
  89. Haskell tour coming up, let me know if you want to attend – April 15th 2-3 pm, starts at statue in the front
  90. Their student body president will be speaking at Dole SAB April 25th
  91. April 15th 2-4 pm in Heritage room at Carnegie Buildilng is the 50th anniversary of fair housing in Lawrence
  92. Floor open to a group of people who lived during the era it was passed in
  93. Jasmine: Can you give Danny your email?
  94. Of course
  95. Allyssa Castilleja and Whit Collins, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer
  96. Whit
  97. $2.05 remaining if everything goes through tonight
  98. Allyssa
  99. Last year, we ran on a funding reform platform
  100. Sat down with Quiz earlier this week, and Daniel Lee also really helped with this
  101. Not published yet because no student groups that can get funding
  102. This streamlines the funding process, you would send them this application (I can send PDF out to everyone, it should go out on the Finance Committee listserv tonight)
  103. Explanations of half-over-$1000 rule, contractural services form, W7
  104. We think this will be a better way – would have helped a lot this year with communications back and forth via email – and will populate a forum
  105. Each administration can decide who would receive this information
  106. Questions
  107. Josh – Where does $2.50 go?
  108. Allyssa – into reserve for next year
  109. Chance Maginness – Is this for all funding requests or general?
  110. Allyssa – the short answer is both. There is an option for special event funding
  111. Chance (follow-up): Will it make them answer all the questions about special events?
  112. Allyssa – if it’s not a special event, they choose no.
  113. Chance: Would those questions go away?
  114. Allyssa – no, but I’m sure there’s a way we could do this. This is why I need this feedback. Thank you.
  115. Stephonn Alcorn – how much would this help student groups?
  116. Allyssa – a lot
  117. Trinity – is there a way in this forum that we make sure everyone who’s applying is open to everyone?
  118. Allyssa – yes, all of the requirements from SSRR have to be checked by the applicant
  119. Dylan Jones – would still have to go to finance committee?
  120. Allyssa – yes, would still go to finance committee. Just helps with the bill creation
  121. Dylan Jones – Outside funding option?
  122. Allyssa – no, and that’s something you could help me for
  123. Sophia Templin – Why need a bill?
  124. Allyssa – Bill not needed to implement this
  125. Brittney – Any student can use this. Would you then assign this to a senator or an assigned senator?
  126. Allyssa – They will decide if it goes to the chief of staff, treasurer…they would decide that. They would not have to seek out their treasurer
  127. Gabby – if you’re assigned to a student organization, you can let them know. This serves as a central place for them to fill out information
  128. Brittney – Could we have a place where they enter the name and email of their senator?
  129. Allyssa – yes
  130. Dylan Jones – Does there need to be a bill for this to be in SSRR?
  131. Allyssa – no. Daniel (Lee) and I talked about a bill to solidify this, but there’s nothing now.
  132. Dylan Jones – What if next people don’t want to do this?
  133. Allyssa – That’s why it’s in Rock Chalk Central, to ensure continuity. This is something I’ll definitely stress in my turnover document and something Quiz will speak on supporting
  134. Rex Templin – Random way for people to give you
  135. Allyssa – you’re on finance committee, give it to me and finance committee will get it tonight
  136. Sana – how will students know this exists?
  137. Allyssa – Rock Chalk Central…hopefully all senators will have info about this
  138. Stephonn – I just want to make sure everyone understands the information of this. Can you tell me, start to finish, how long it takes students to get funding versus this plan?
  139. Allyssa – This would definitely streamline the process and go from 5 weeks to about 2 or even 1 week. Tabling bills causes things to go weeks longer than needed. This is something I wish I had when I was a Freshman. This is a great platform
  140. Victoria - can make this not just for Senate funding but for all funding available?
  141. Allyssa – No. At the end we can have other resources for funding, but not something I want to make into a Coke funding or Department of Education Funding. This is just for Student Senate. We can line out different options at the end
  142. Danny – I think this would make the process of a bill being sent to myself or Allyssa…the chain of communitation between us and Sabine, I think this would help. Building this infrastructure would spell it out for them and do a lot.
  143. Allyssa – and if you’re a senator and get all the information in one email, it would reduce the back-and-forth involved.
  144. Dylan – My question is similar to Victoria’s, is this something that would change line-item?
  145. Allyssa – If it looks for unallocated, line-item process is very similar
  146. Brittney – There are obviously due dates for legislation to Danny, would there be a deadline for this like 24 hours before Finance committee?
  147. Allyssa – Yes, Mitch and I talked to Quiz about this. There would be an automated response that would change every Monday that would say this Senator will write this by this date, you would have to attend this meeting at this time. It would be on a response from a form
  148. Brittney – what if they apply on a Tuesday or…?
  149. Allyssa – well if it’s on a Tuesday of a Full Senate meeting, they’ll have to wait…something the Chief of Staff can do
  150. Chance – Just want to thank you all on this
  151. Allyssa – thanks, Chance
  152. [Applause]

V.Consent Agenda

  1. 2017-146: A BILL TO FUND SAE
  2. 2017-147: A BILL TO FUND ENVIRONS
  4. 2017-149: A BILL TO FUND KU ARMY ROTC
  9. Motioned to approved, seconded, approved (Vote 2)

VI.Regular Agenda

  2. Institutionalizes what Abdoulie and Jacob have done this year
  3. Codifies our programs like Summer Venture and Jayhawks First programs
  4. Daniel motions to call to question, seconded, passes (Vote 11)
  6. This makes sure there is a relationship codified and established
  7. Want to move away from the notion that this was forced, this was all hands on-deck to get something approved that would give them a platform to have standing and funding
  8. Description of the program and legislation displayed on screen
  9. Wanted to make sure MSG had a declared role and purpose within our SSRR so it would be enforced down the line
  10. Will go in tandem with a memorandum of agreement that will last 4 years
  11. Added definitions, all else was in the bill that was proposed to committees
  12. Trinity: For MSG purposes, I believe it was forced but I do truly believe this is a step towards progress
  13. Trinity: Not nice for people to think I sold out and gave up on what we agreed upon individually. This agreement wasn’t ideal and never will be. I will go through this and make sure it reflects what we agreed upon previously. There is no parallel between circumventing an outside entity and MSG
  14. Trinity: Fact that this was a 3 year process to achieve, I need to always remember what marginalized students gave up to get to this point
  15. This is progress but none of this is in the best interest of marginalized students
  16. Abdoulie: Advocating for these issues is a difficult position for one person to do, being able to have a group to collaborate with on issues like this is something that will be very helpful to advance things for marginalized students
  17. Sophia: Language in this bill is drawn from rules and regulations that we see with other groups, like CCO, keep an open mind
  18. Stephonn: Thought process was if there are certain things we can’t do, knowing that, what can we do to enhance the experience of MSG students and I think we accomplished that
  19. Overview of amendments having been made between the two groups between committees and now, all are seconded
  20. Jonathan: Understand that you did your due diligence, did you get a legal opinion?
  21. Trinity: Got an expert opinion from the director of the OMA
  22. Sophia: Not the purpose of it
  23. Zoya: Relevance of MA, when they seem to be overlapping?
  24. MA is our multicultural group, nothing saying people can’t serve on both. Intentionally overlapping to an extent. Collaboration is the goal but MA must make themselves relevant to serve these students
  25. Victoria: With regards to being similar to CCO, I don’t see salaries here, would you do that in future?
  26. That’s in the line item bill
  27. Jasmine motions to call to table this, no second, motion fails
  28. Motion to call to question on the bill, seconded, bill passes (Vote 12)
  30. With the requests going through, I am projecting an unallocated of $60,000, not including any rolling over or our $44,000 reserves
  31. Victoria: How much was unallocated this year?
  32. $75,000, but minus the travel fund we had $62,500
  33. Markus: Could you discuss moving this to block from line item?
  34. For fiscal year ’18 the funds will be block. They don’t have a financial history technically, but now since they fall under Senate they do have a history that allows them to be eligible for block history
  35. Sophia and Stephonn and Trinity
  36. Outline the MSG line-item proposal in PowerPoint – for all the details reach out to or for the PowerPoint
  37. Changed the stipends away from one-time to multiple stipends over time
  38. Trinity friendlies to give $1,000 a semester
  39. Agreed upon, that would be possible with the language of this bill
  40. Will be enough money to do all the speakers and programming that MSG wants to do through MEF
  41. Josh: 3 weeks ago you asked us to fail the MSG bill at $2, why have you changed your mind when it gets cut in half, does this alleviate all the problems you had with the first bill?
  42. I get what you’re saying but think you should look at it differently. MSG is trying to do the same thing but funding proposal is drastically different. $1 came out of conversations with the Chancellor. We tried to think of what we can do to empower and engage these students.
  43. Jonathan: MOA, do we use that for other organizations?
  44. Yes, Bert Nash, CCO
  45. Daniel: With the allocation the way it is, would their funding be locked in these positions? Would SS be locking MSG’s budget?
  46. For at least two years
  47. Jasmine: We have less than five minutes with the interpreters, so could we keep that in mind?
  48. Brittney motions to call to question the bill, seconded, bill passes (vote 13)
  50. 4th attempt, some of this bill is incorrect, but not cause for concern – not in the parts that actually allocate the money
  51. Daniel motions to call to question, seconded, passes (Vote 14)
  52. 2017-159 A BILL TO AMEND SSRR TO ESTABLIHS EOF MINORITY RETENTION SCHOLARSHIP (generated in committee as a whole)
  53. Stephonn outlines the scholarship plan to be filled by the 25 cent increase to EOF in fee
  54. EOF board will vote on this at least once a month
  55. Requested any recipient work with Student Money Management Services
  56. Jonathan moves to call to question, seconded, division rules in favor of calling to question (Vote 15), bill passes (Vote 16)
  58. Joe: Thought of this bill when I realized I may have midterms next semester during my wedding, and I realized there was no codified way to be excused for that
  59. SenEx would like the language to be tighter, I would like to follow the IRS guidelines for a “life event”
  60. Change in household, dependency status, or in residence
  61. Excused for both finals or any regular exam, and missed work
  62. Hospitalization, medical emergency of a family or friend, or individuals with military orders
  63. Not much about protecting the self
  64. Josh: Do you know the current policy for excused absences?
  65. It’s the same as what is shown everything past “excused” on both lines, same as current policy – Dr.