Annual General Meeting of The Friends of Britannia Panopticon Music Hall Trust SC029031
1st June 2016
Location: Britannia Panopticon Music Hall, 113-117 Trongate. Glasgow,G1 5HD
Trustees present
Nick Barrett
Craig Wilson
Graham Hunter
Mike Fraser via skype
Members of the Friends and volunteers present:
Margaret Tomlinson, Hamish McQueen, Stefan Bielecki, Andrew Brady, Brian Chaplin, Ann Metcalfe, William Gallagher, James McLean, John Addison, Becca McCall, Lawrence Dunn, Debbie McCall, Peter Crilly, Janet Muir, Hugh Muir, Edward Pickard
1: Chairman’s Opening remarks
Nick Barrett welcomed everyone to the 2016 AGM and extended apologies for the change of date.
Apologies for absence
Apologies were read out from Elizabeth Gardner, Viola Lewis, Avril Dowie, Elizabeth Smith, Jean Wallace, Isabel Stirling and Ainslie and Inez McIntyre.
Minutes from the 2015 AGM19/8/015
These were made available on the website and via email/post prior to the meeting.
Matters arising from last year’s minutes
Ann Metcalfe querieda statement from the 2014 minutes, this is to be reviewed later.
Presentation of reports for 2015
Directors Report. Read by Judith Bowers in which she detailed the progress over the last year:
- She noted that the new SCIO (a change in status for the charity to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) would be finalised in the coming weeks
- New trustees will be engaged to boost the new trust with the relevant skills for the next phase (which includes building purchase); it was suggested that John Addison be invited back onto the board. Lawrence Dunn was also asked to join the new SCIO board as the volunteers and subscribers representative.
- A Bar, Entertainment and Market Traders Licenses were being progressed at this time. The licenses would be a significant help to our fundraising efforts.
- Judith thanked Edward Pickard for purchasing that last of A.E. Pickard’s scrapbook collection from Norman Slark. These will be digitised over the coming months and added to the Pickard’s Papers digital archive. Funding for this will have to be generated.
- Judith also thanked the volunteers and staff for their dedication and hard work.
Shop Report.The shop report from Magda Shukis (shop manager) was read out by Nick Barrett wherein it was stated that we have had problems with the landlord, Ryden, which Mike Fraser has managed to conclude. Business had also been negatively impacted due to the number of WW1 commemorativeOrange Walks which resulted in blocking off streets and preventing customers from gaining access. Donations of goods to the shop have, however, increased.
Judith stated that the accounts are available to view on the website, and printed copies were made available for those who required them. The bank account has been quite healthy this year, and details of the different funding packages we have received are also contained. Much of the extra income was funding which was used to carry out work on the windows & mullions, stage works, new electrical fittings, new door in the New Wynd, kitchen facilities, and improvements to the toilets.
Ratification of Craig Wilson as a trustee
Craig Wilson was invited onto the Trust by Judith Bowers. Craig has a background in building conservation as a surveyor and as a University lecturer. Craig also has experience as a charity trustee including with the Tyne & Weir Building Preservation Trust. Craig was nominated by Graham Hunter and seconded by Mike Fraser.
Proposal to amend clause 9(b) of the Friends constitution to read:
“If the society is wound up, any funds remaining after the liabilities have been met shall be transferred to the Britannia Panopticon Music Hall Trust or, if this is not possible, to another charity having the same aims and objectives.”
Nick Barrett explainedthe need for this amendment which will allow current assets to be transferred directly to the new SCIO. Graham Hunter seconded the motion and it was passed.
Applications for licenses
Judith stated that all appropriate paperwork and notices had been submitted for Entertainment, Bar and Market Traders licenses. Talks had also begun with Arran Breweries, who have agreed to stock the bar on a “sale or return” basis. We expect that this will be in place by July in time for the Moisture Festival.
Update on current projects
Judith Bowers described some of the community projects, including ties with various community groups including Autism UK, Men’s Mental Health and Theatre Nemo.
Janet Muir suggested that we bring in someone to sign for the deaf at our music hall shows, which was well received by all in attendance.
Disabled access has been considered and John Addison has manged to locate where it might be possible to provide a lift in future.
Update on the dissolution of the BPMHT and the Application for the Friends Trust to become a SCIO
Nick Barrett has explained that two applications have been submitted to OSCR:
1: For the dissolution of the BPMHT (Britannia Panopticon Music Hall Trust) - which must be done before the new SCIO can be approved
2: For the Friends Trust to become a SCIO
OSCR has now approved the new constitution for the Friends of Britannia Panopticon Music Hall (SCIO) and the dissolution of BPMHT but awaits information with regards tothe transfer of assets (amendment to clause (9b)) and the minutes from this (2016) AGM.
Any other business
Stefan Bielecki mentioned that many of the old swimming pools have formed a network that has been beneficial to the conservation and restoration of those buildings. He asked if there was anything similar that the Panopticon could align itself with. Judith Bowers responded that we are known tothe Theatres Trust of GB, *Visit Theatres and several building preservation trusts and receives support from this network.
*Visit Theatres is an incentive across Europe to open venues to the public out with performance.
Craig Wilson suggested a need to build greater ties with organisations such as Four Acres Trust and Glasgow Building Preservation Trust as part of our strategic development.
Closing remarks
Nick Barrett and the trustees extended their deepest thanks to everyone attending.