Project Executive Report

NAPM LLC Meeting – September 23, 2014

q LNPA WG Meeting Highlights:

Ø LNPA WG Meeting was held on September 9 and 10, 2014, in Denver, Colorado

Ø NANC Change Order 372 Alternative NPAC/SMS Interface

· One Vendor has completed certification testing and is taking downloads in XML format.

Ø Non-Geographic Porting

· At the May 2014 LNPA WG, a sub-team was formed to identify the issues and impacts of being able to port telephone numbers anywhere in the USA as a result of the work being done for the IP Transition

· The Non-Geographic sub-team reported that they are developing a white paper with three sections discussing (1) technical impacts, (2) customer impacts, and (3) regulatory impacts.

Ø Transition from PSTN to IP

· PSTN to IP transition effects on LNP continue to be an ongoing agenda item for the LNPA WG.

· At the September meeting, the WG reviewed discussion questions offered by JSI.

· Penn Pfautz, AT&T, stated that the ATIS NNI taskforce is working on a draft report to be out around October 1st. As currently planned, the report will offer four IP network alternatives – two of which involve use of the NPAC. The NNI will be requesting feedback on the alternatives.

· WG consensus is to review and analyze the alternatives and provide feedback concerning LNP implications to the NNI.

Ø LNPA WG continues the process to identify and discuss NPAC functionality that could be considered for sun-setting

· Discussions continue for each item remaining on the list until fully resolved.

Ø Co-Chair Elections to be held at November Working Group meeting

· Linda Peterman is resigning as the Working Group CLEC Co-Chair effective the end of the year due to changes in her job responsibilities.

· An election will be held to fill the CLEC Co-Chair position at the November meeting.

· Election will include voting on the Wireless and Wireline Co-Chair positions.

Ø Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)

· SPs did not approve the Neustar proposed solution to the MVNO issue.

· Neustar introduced a PIM describing the problem and proposed resolution.

· The PIM was rejected by the LNPA Working Group.

· The WG noted that this issue should be championed by an SP affected by the problem.

Ø Next LNPA Working Group Meeting.

· The next LNPA WG meeting is scheduled for November 4-5, 2014, in Atlanta, GA, hosted by AT&T.


Confidential and Proprietary - for use by the NAPM LLC only

Prepared by Deb Tucker, Ron Steen, and Paula Campagnoli