Animals for Research Act
R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 24
Historical version for the period March 30, 1992 to March 24, 2009.
Last amendment: O. Reg. 179/92.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
1.In this Regulation,
“anaesthetic” means a procedure that causes the loss of sensation of pain in the whole or any part of the body of an animal and “anaesthesia” and “anaesthetize” have corresponding meanings; (“anesthésique”, “anesthésie”, “anesthésier”)
“communal” means containing more than one animal; (“commun”)
“environment” means the total of all the conditions and elements that make up the surroundings of an individual animal; (“environnement”)
“euthanasia” means the deliberate infliction of an intended death upon an animal other than death that arises directly as an immediate result of an experimental or testing procedure; (“euthanasie”)
“game animal” means a game animal or fur-bearing animal as defined in the Game and Fish Act; (“gibier à poil”)
“intracardial” means delivered into the heart; (“intracardiaque”)
“intraperitoneal” means delivered into the abdominal cavity; (“intrapéritonéal”)
“intrathoracic” means delivered into the thoracic cavity; (“intrathoracique”)
“intravenous” means delivered into a vein; (“intraveineux”)
“livestock” means cattle, goats, horses, sheep or swine; (“bétail”)
“sanitize” means to clean for the purpose of controlling disease-producing organisms and “sanitized” has a corresponding meaning; (“désinfecter”, “désinfecté”)
“vermin” means an animal the presence of which may be harmful to the health, comfort or welfare of an animal in a research facility or supply facility. (“ravageurs”) R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.1.
2.Every research facility and supply facility shall,
(a) be located in a place free from conditions that might injuriously affect the sanitary operation of the research facility or supply facility; and
(b) be constructed in such manner that it is capable of being maintained in a sanitary condition. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.2.
3.Every part of a research facility or supply facility that is adjacent to any building that is part of a research facility or supply facility shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition free of refuse, debris and vermin. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.3.
4.(1)This section applies to,
(a) every room that is used for the housing of animals in a research facility or supply facility or for surgical, experimental or testing procedures involving animals; and
(b) every room that is used for storing feed, bedding or waste or for the preparation of food in a research facility or supply facility. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(1).
(2)Floors shall be,
(a) soundly constructed of hard, durable material;
(b) impervious to water;
(c) constructed of a material that may be readily sanitized; and
(d) maintained in a good state of repair, free from cracks, holes and other damage. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(2).
(3)Where there are floor drains,
(a) a floor drain and any trench installed in connection therewith that is used for waste disposal shall be flushed at such intervals as may be necessary to prevent any accumulation of waste that might impair the health or welfare of any animal in the room;
(b) the floor shall be so constructed and maintained that surface liquids thereon will drain into the drain; and
(c) the operator of a research facility or supply facility shall cause the drains to be examined as often as is necessary to ensure that they are functioning properly, have an adequate water seal and are not harbouring vermin. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(3).
(4)Walls shall be,
(a) soundly constructed of hard, durable material;
(b) impervious to water to a height adequate for sanitary maintenance;
(c) constructed of a material that may be readily sanitized; and
(d) maintained in a good state of repair free from cracks, holes and other damage. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(4).
(5)Where there is a door,
(a) every frame or moulding around the door opening shall be so constructed and maintained that it has no space or spaces capable of harbouring vermin; and
(b) the door shall be maintained in a good state of repair free from cracks, holes and other damage. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(5).
(6)Where it is not practicable to sanitize any equipment that is in the room unless it is removed from the room, the opening of at least one door in the room shall be of sufficient size to permit the removal of the equipment from the room. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(6).
(7)Where there is a window,
(a) every frame or moulding around the window opening shall be so constructed and maintained that it has no space or spaces capable of harbouring vermin;
(b) means shall be provided to prevent the effects of direct sunlight through the window;
(c) the window shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent the entrance of vermin through the window; and
(d) the window shall be maintained in a good state of repair free from cracks, holes and other damage. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(7).
(8)Roofs and ceilings shall be,
(a) soundly constructed; and
(b) maintained in a good state of repair free from cracks, holes and other damage. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(8).
(9)Light fixtures shall be so constructed and maintained as to be readily sanitized. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(9).
(10)Where any pipe, drain, conduit or other service facility is installed through any floor, wall or ceiling, the place where the pipe, drain, conduit or other service facility enters or leaves the room shall be so sealed as to prevent the entrance of vermin into the room. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(10).
(11)Alleyways and service aisles between cages or pens shall be of sufficient width to permit the safe and efficient movement of persons and equipment and shall not be used for storage or accumulation of materials or equipment of any kind. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(11).
(12)Every room in a research facility or supply facility shall be maintained in a clean condition. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(12).
(13)The operator of every research facility or supply facility shall take all reasonable steps to prevent the spread of and to destroy vermin and invertebrates that may be harmful to the health, comfort or welfare of any animal in the research facility or supply facility except only that such steps need not be taken to the extent that the presence of such vermin or invertebrates forms a necessary element in any research. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.4(13).
5.(1)Every room that is used for the housing of animals within a research facility or supply facility shall be equipped with a lighting system that is so designated, constructed and maintained that,
(a) it distributes light as evenly and with as little glare as possible; and
(b) it provides adequate light for the proper observation of every animal in the room. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.5(1).
(2)In every twenty-four-hour period, every lighting system referred to in subsection (1) shall be so operated as to produce,
(a) in the case of diurnal animals, a minimum of eight continuous hours of light; and
(b) in the case of nocturnal animals, a maximum of sixteen continuous hours of light,
for the animals that are housed in the room except only that the system need not be so operated to the extent that the number of hours of light or the absence or reduction thereof forms a necessary element in any research. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.5(2).
6.Every room that is used for the housing of animals within a research facility or supply facility shall at all times be ventilated by means of an air ventilation system that distributes either fresh air or recirculated air uniformly in the room without drafts so as to provide enough fresh air or recirculated air in the room for the health, welfare and comfort of the animals therein except only that the room need not be so ventilated to the extent that ventilation or the lack of ventilation forms a necessary element in any research. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.6.
7.In any room that is used for the housing of animals within a research facility or supply facility the temperature within the room shall be maintained,
(a) at a level that is as constant as may be practicable; and
(b) at a level that is suitable for the health, welfare and comfort of every animal that is housed in the room,
except only to the extent that the temperature forms a necessary element in any research. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.7.
8.The air in every room within a building that is part of a research facility or supply facility and that is used for the housing of animals shall be maintained at a relative humidity that is suitable for the health, comfort and welfare of any animal in the room except only to the extent that relative humidity forms a necessary element in any research. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.8.
9.(1)Where the research facility or supply facility receives animals that have been shipped or transported to the research facility or supply facility,
(a) the area in which the animals are placed at the time they are received shall be maintained in a sanitary condition;
(b) except in the case of germ-free or gnotobiotic animals, the animals shall be removed without undue delay from any shipping containers in which they have been shipped or transported;
(c) the animals shall be examined for disease by a person competent for the purpose as soon after receipt as may be practicable; and
(d) the operator shall take or cause to be taken all reasonable steps necessary to prevent the escape of the animals. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.9(1).
(2)Where the operator of a research facility or supply facility rejects animals that have been shipped or transported to the research facility or supply facility, the operator shall take, or cause to be taken all steps reasonably necessary to provide for the health, welfare and comfort of the animals until the animals are transported from the premises of the research facility or supply facility or are destroyed. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.9(2).
10.(1)The operator of every research facility and every supply facility shall ensure that there is, in the research facility or supply facility, an adequate number of persons competent in the care of animals to properly care for every animal in the research facility or supply facility. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.10(1).
(2)Where the operator of a research facility or supply facility has been notified that animals are being shipped or transported to the research facility or supply facility, the operator shall cause a person to be present at the place where the animals are expected to arrive at such time as is reasonable to anticipate the arrival of the animals. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.10(2).
11.Only persons competent to handle the species or type of animal being handled shall handle animals in a research facility or supply facility. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.11.
12.(1)Every dog or cat in a research facility shall be identified by tattoo, neckband, individual tag, physical mark or a tag or marking on the cage in which the animal is kept. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.12(1).
(2)The operator of every research facility shall maintain within the research facility a record of every dog and cat in the research facility and shall preserve the record within the research facility for at least two years from the date that the dog or cat was last in the research facility and the record shall include,
(a) the sex of the dog or cat;
(b) the estimated age and weight of the dog or cat;
(c) the colour, markings and any physical abnormalities of the dog or cat;
(d) the breed or type of the dog or cat;
(e) the name of the person from whom the dog or cat was purchased or otherwise acquired and the date thereof where the dog or cat was not born in the research facility;
(f) any invoice, bill of sale or like record of the purchase of the dog or cat; and
(g) the allocation of the dog or cat. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.12(2).
(3)The operator of every research facility shall maintain within the research facility a record of all animals in the research facility other than dogs or cats and shall preserve the record within the research facility for at least one year from the date that the animals entered the research facility and the record shall include,
(a) the date of arrival of the animals;
(b) the name of the person from whom the animals are purchased or otherwise acquired; and
(c) the allocation of the animals. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.12(3).
(4)Every licensed operator of a supply facility shall maintain within the supply facility for a period of one year from the date of purchase or sale a record of all animals purchased or sold by the licensed operator and the record shall include,
(a) the date of such purchase or sale; and
(b) the name of the person from whom or to whom the animals were purchased or sold, as the case may be. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 24, s.12(4).
13.Every cage, tank or pen used in a research facility or supply facility for the housing of animals shall be so constructed and maintained that,
(a) except in the case of fish and snakes, every animal in the cage, tank or pen may comfortably,
(i) extend its legs to their full extent,
(ii) stand,
(iii) sit, and
(iv) lie down, and in the case of animals other than livestock, turn around and lie down in a fully extended position;
(b) in the case of fish and snakes, every animal in the cage, tank or pen shall have adequate room for its health, welfare and comfort;