3. HOST 2017.
4. HOST 2018.
Agenda Item 1: President’s Summary of Conference (Conference Considerations)
1. The president presented his general conclusions on the 21st Annual Conference of the IAPTC, highlighting the excellent arrangements by the Host, the participation of a large number of institutions, and the significant and professional contributions made by the speakers, moderators and participants.
2. The President noted that conference discussions had been framed and situated by updates on UN High level Panel and UN Secretary General reports, plus the global 1325 study, as well as a report and analysis of the 28 Sep NY Peacekeeping Summit. He added that the conference seminar focused on three important topics - integrated training, partnerships and evaluation of training. He appreciated the most successful Ideas Bazaar – with some 28 contributors; the professional and informative regional briefs, including North America for the first time; the wide range of thematic discussions (7 topics); and the excellent social program and opportunities for networking – many ‘corridor’ and ‘coffee’ discussions
Agenda Item 2: Amendments to Articles of Association
3. There were no proposals for amendments by the members.
Agenda Item 3: Host 2017
4. The Cairo Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping (CCCPA) offered to host the 23rd Annual Conference of the IAPTC. The offer was accepted by members unanimously, and the President expressed appreciation, on behalf of the membership, for the kind and timely offer.
Agenda Item 4: Host 2018
5. Institutions from Asia Pacific region (as per Regional Rotation)were invited to volunteer to host the 24th Annual Conference of the IAPTC, in 2018. The Secretariat will mail hosting information to all members from the region. Offers to host in 2018 should be sent to the secretariat prior to the 2016 annual conference. The decision on 2018 host will be taken at the Annual General Meeting in Sarajevo, in September 2016.
Agenda Item 5: IAPTC Plus
6. The proposed IAPTC Plus concept has been available on the web site for some 4 months for the information of members. The President explained the concept, the key element of which is the addition of an extra half day of ‘non-programed time’, to be used by any member for consideration of any education and training matter with interested colleagues. Members were invited to come up with their views/suggestion to make best use of this opportunity.For the 21st annual conference four groups had asked for a venue and time for discussions during IAPTC Plus, namely OCHA and the civilian, pedagogical and police chairs of the Executive Committee.
Agenda Item 6: Change of Secretariat
7. The president requested members to express interest in occupying the institution’s secretariat. Col Taufik also presented IAPTC’s gratitude to CUNPK, from India, for 10 years of dedicated professional service to the Association.The current membership expressed particular thanks to the former Director of the Secretariat, Col Sunny Murugesan, for his personal service to the Association over some 3 years. Col(retd) Aboagye suggested that members of the secretariat should notify ceasing of activities as secretariat at least one year in advance, so that the institution can find ways to address it.He was apprised that the proposal to handover the Secretariat was notified to the Executive Committee in January 2015, and the call for bids and changeover process placed on the website more than four months ago.
Agenda Item 7: Principal Changes to Host Guidelines
8. The President noted that proposed changes to the current ‘Host Guidelines’ had been on the web site since May 2015 and that no comments on the changes had been received, The principal changes included the concept of “multifunctional hosting”, familiarity with the IAPTC based on past participation in an Annual Conference, as well as the reordering of paragraphs into a more logical sequence. There were no proposals for change by members so the revised guidelines are to be placed on the IAPTC web site as one of the several best practices and processes of the Association captured on the site.
Agenda Item 8: Guidance for Functional Chairs
9. The President explained that in the past there has been no real guidance for new functional chairs (other than members IAPTC experience), which creates certain difficulties for new members filling these rotating posts. Draft guidance has been on the web site since May 2015, and no comments have been received to change the guidance. There were also no comments during the AGM on this issue. Accordingly the President noted that the guidance would be placed on the web site for the benefit of members as a whole, and incoming volunteer chairpersons in particular.
Agenda Item 9: Regional Associations
10. The president noted that one other document that has been highlighted on the web site for some 4 months related to the relationship between the IAPTC and the 4 similar Regional Associations that have evolved over the past 13 years. The document also suggested that, for the benefit of the entire IAPTC membership, the briefings on regional education and training for future conferencesbe focused on: issues, challenges, accomplishments and major initiatives. The historical background of the associations should not be the focus of suchpresentations. The President complimented the Associations for the briefings offered during the 21st annual conference. There were no comments on the document from the membership so the Secretariat will enhance the current information on the web site on Regional Associations by adding the information contained in the document tabled at the AGM.
Agenda Item 10: Consolidation & Development Committee
11. Mr Jonas Alberoth, Chair of the Consolidation and Development Committee(CDC), presented the purpose of the CDC and the activities carried out during the working year, highlighting the drafting of guidance papers and the development of new concepts for the IAPTC. The speaker also informed the membership on the future activities of the CDC. The full CDC report willbe included in the final conference report.
Agenda Item 11:Members’ Suggestions for Themes for 2016
12. Mr.Petteri Taito recommended that the conference theme should focus on ongoing issues, so it is advisable to decide on this issue at a later date.Ms Omo suggested the inclusion of capacity building for national staff in peacekeeping missions as a theme for the 2016 conference. Ms Eduarda Hamann suggested adding to the topic of Evaluation the issue of performance on the ground. In the opinion of Col(retd)Aboagye, the conference should be based on sharing experiences, knowledge and lessons learned and not on teaching. The 2016 theme will be discussed at the Executive Committee Planning Session in May in Sarajevo and all members are invited to suggest themes to any member of the Executive Committee by email prior to mid-May 2016.
Agenda Item 12: Members views
13. Mr Gustavo Carvalho brought out that plenary sessions are not always suited for discussions and building knowledge. Using different methodologies should be encouraged for maximizing gains in sharing experiences and discussions.
14. Another issue raised was the doctrinal concepts and guidance for uniformed personnel as an additional theme to be explored in future conferences. Inspector Richard Haye invited members to send suggestions to the Association, through the IAPTC website.
15. Col Claus Amon suggested that the event should be a conference and not a seminar, with less lectures and more discussions. Mr Markus Feilke reinforced this idea by suggesting more deep discussions on the proposed topics. He also underscored the need for more police officers as speakers and moderators.
16. Mr Ronaldo Reario highlighted the importance of sharing best practices and failures, translated into effective learning and training programmes. Mr David Lightburn added the need to reflect on the issue of the number of thematic discussions.
Agenda Item 13: 2016 Executive Committee
17. The president highlighted the challenges involved in managing the Association for the next yeardue to the change in the secretariat.Considering the need for stability, continuity and access to institutional knowledge,there is a strong proposal by the Executive Committee to maintain two of the four current functional chairs, rotating only two of them.
18. Ms Julie Sanda brought out that the continuity of the institution is maintained by the presidency group and the CDC, further noting that there’s no need for not rotating all of the functional chairs.A representative from KAIPTC argued that ACCORD has previously occupied the civilian chair and that institutional rotation should be stimulated.
19. Col(retd)Aboagye argued that IAPTC should respect its constitution and rotate the functional chairs yearly, clearly stating that the functional chair for Africa must rotate. Ms Irene Limo stated that the decision for ACCORD to keep the chair for one extra year was made by the Executive Committee, and not by ACCORD. Mr David Lightburn reinforced Ms Limo’s point and answered Col(retd) Aboagye that the constitution does not state that functional chairs must rotate. He elaborated the rationale for continuity and stability, as well as the fact that ACCORD (and the Police and Pedagogical Chairs) had developed a real working committee in 2015, unlike some committees in the past, and thus the Executive Committee requested that ACCORD continue in the chair.
20. Mr Richard Haye, based on his experience, argued in favour for either a longer period for holding a functional chair or a system of mentorship. Mr Petteri Taito highlighted the fact that APSTA has submitted a list with proposals for all positions. Mr Lightburn pointed out that Regional Associations have no say in the management of the IAPTC, and vice versa. Moreover, it is especially important in this time of change, to have some continuity in the management of the Association.
21. Mr Jonas, Commander of the South African PKTC, requested a five-minute break so that African members could decidehow to address the issue, which was granted by the president. After the break, Col(retd) Aboagye expressed that, in the spirit of teamwork and harmony, the African representatives had decided that KAIPTC withdraws its offer to chair the civilian committee, and that the future EXCOM proceeds as proposed with ACCORD as the Chair.
Agenda Item 14: Any other Business
22. As the 2017 Host, a representative of CCCPA presented an overall perspective of Egypt’s role in peacekeeping, as well as some basic facts onthe Cairo Centre for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA). An initial overview of the conduct of the 2017 conference was also presented.