Semester Assessment Report Form: Spring 2008 Data
DUE October 31, 2008
Directions: Please complete a form for each of the programs within your department. This form was designed to provide a format for assessment reporting and should not be used to limit the amount of information provided. Each box that is attached to each of the sections is designed to adjust to varying lengths. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Bea Babbitt at x51506 or via email at: .
1. Program Information:
Program / RadiographyDepartment / Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences
College / Allied Health Science
Program Assessment Coordinator / George Pales
Semester Data Collected / Spring 2008
Report Submitted by / George Pales
Phone/email / 5-1859/
Date Submitted
2. According to the Assessment Plan for this program, what were the planned assessments to be conducted during the Spring 2007 semester? You may want to copy and paste from this program’s assessment plan.
Which outcomes for this program were measured? / How did you measure the outcomes? / What results did you expect? If the students performed well what would their performance look like, i.e. percentages, means, or comparisons to a national standard?__3__outcomes out of a total of __3__ outcomes evaluated this semester.
2007 Program Graduate Survey
2007 Employer survey of graduates
2007 ARRT Board Exam results of UNLV RAD graduates / Survey Results
Survey Results
2007 UNLV RAD students ARRT Board results / Graduates overall satisfied with the UNLV RAD Program
Employers satisfied with the quality of UNLV RAD graduates
Minimum of 75% overall pass rate on the ARRT boards by 1st time examinees
3. Results. What are the results of the planned assessments listed above? Describe below or attach to the form.
ResultsGraduate survey showed overall satisfaction with the UNLV Radiography Program.
Employer survey showed overall satisfaction with the UNLV Radiography Program.
National ARRT board exam results of first time UNLV Radiography Program graduates was 86 %
4. Conclusions and Discoveries. What conclusions or discoveries were made from these results? Describe below or attach to the form.
Conclusions and DiscoveriesThe UNLV Radiography Program continues to provide competent “entry level” radiologic technologists for the Southern Nevada medical community.
5. Use of Results. What program changes are indicated? How will they be implemented? If none, describe why changes were not needed.
Minor adjustments to several classes mentioned by students will be made. i.e.: emphasizing course content and one adjustment in class time/day Spring Semester.6. Dissemination of Results, Conclusions, and Discoveries. How and with whom were the results shared?
Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences Dept. Chair; Dean and Associate Dean – School of Allied Health Sciences; Radiography Program Advisory Committee.