Annex C – Programme/Discipline Committee

  1. Name of College

Name of Committee

A meeting of the Programme/Discipline Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee for (discipline/programme) was held on (date), in (room)

Present: Chair:

Names and positions/titles (should be consistent with the details already provided to the Faculty Office and ensure quoracy)


Other staff present: minute taker, observer etc.

1.Confirmation of Quoracy

2.Attendance and apologies for absence

3.Terms of Reference

4.Declarations of Interest

5.Minutes of the previous meetings:

The minutes of the meeting(s) held on …. were received and noted as correct.

6.Matters arising from the previous minutes

7.Report on Chair’s Actions

8.External Examiners’ reports and associated correspondence / action from previous year.

The reports and associated correspondence were received. Note any action taken as a consequence.

9.Receipt of a report from the Mitigation committee

10.Receipt of the condonement rules for all programmes under consideration

11.Final year students: to recommend awards and classification to the College APAC

The Committee considered the schedule of results, noted decisions of the Mitigation Committee and agreed the marks, condonement (up to agreed limit) and classifications, subject to the following comments in individual cases (by student number only):-

E.g. Classics:

Student no xxxxxxxx: Programme xx

Student has an Alleged Academic Offence on module XX so mark and classification are on hold.

Student no xxxxxxxx: Programme xx

Due to an error in module selection, the student has taken too many credits at level 1 to be able to graduate. Approval from the Dean of the relevant Faculty will be sought by the Chair to recommend the award to the College APAC.

Failures above the condonement limit are referred to the College APAC as follows:

12.Progression lists, referrals/deferrals, stages 1 and 2 (and 3 for 4 year programmes) i.e. non finalists student lists

The Committee considered the schedule of results, noted decisions of the Mitigation Committee and agreed the pass and progression recommendations, subject to the following comments in individual cases:

Failures above the condonement limit are referred to the College APAC as follows:

13.Consideration of Assessment procedures

14.Oral report by the External Examiner

The following oral comments were made by External Examiners:-

15.Post-examination disclosure of marks advice can be found at the following website:

16.Referred examinations

Members were reminded of the dates for referred examinations from xx August – xx August 20xx, marking deadlines to be advised.

17.Any other business

E.g. Prizes/Deans Commendations

18.Date of next meeting

The Chair concluded the meeting with thanks to the Members of the Committee for their support and input.

...... CHAIR