Animal Kingdom Project

Introduction: You are assigned the task of creating a very educational and visually appealing project on the Animal Kingdom. Pretend your audience is a group of peers and you must teach them about the classificationsystem of the animal kingdom. You will have two days in class to complete the assignment. Some projects may be presented in class.

Task: To create a visual presentation - either a Microsoft PowerPoint or PhotoStory (3). To complete the presentation you will need to…

  • Locate two to four essential, easy to understand facts about each of the animal phyla listed below, and two to four facts for each main class of chordates.
  • Locate one picture (no clip art) for each phylum and class.
  • Include an animal sound link on four of your slides.
  • You must use the drawing tools to create a picture for two of the slides.
  • Use 16 point or larger font for slide text.
  • Slides must be saved to dr strong – zoology folder in the student shared directory.

Resources: Use thelaptops and following internet resource to look up the facts and pictures on your own. Always be safe online! Make sure to return your laptop gently and correctly to the mobile cart.

Process: Construct a 16 slide PowerPoint or PhotoStory presentation to teachothers about the animal kingdom while including all of the following elements:

  1. Title slide (with your name)
  2. Porifera - Sponges (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  3. Cnidaria – Jellyfish, anemones (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  4. Platyhelminthes - Flatworms (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  5. Aschelminthes (group of 7 phyla) - Roundworms (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  6. Annelida - Segmented worms (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  7. Arthropoda (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  8. Mollusca (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  9. Echinodermata (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  10. Chordata (one fact, one picture, five classes, and a title)
  11. Fish (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  12. Amphibians (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  13. Reptiles (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  14. Birds (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  15. Mammals (one fact, one picture, and a title)
  16. References (title, website above and your textbook)

Assessment: You will be graded as follows:


Title slide5 points

Phyla slides18 points

Class slides10 points

Reference slide5 points

Drawn pictures4 points

Sounds8 points

*Content inaccuracies, spelling or grammar errors, and facts not put into your own words (plagiarism) will result in point deductions!


Total50 points