
  1. Cells Begins on Chapter 7

Important Scientist for Cytology (study of the cell)

  1. Robert Hooke: credited with first looking at and using the term “cells” , this term is still used today.

He observed ______cells through a ______, it was this instrumentwhich allowed scientist to learn about the world of micro–organisms.

  1. Anton van Leeuwenhoek also looked at organisms in pond water in the year ______.
  1. Matthias Schleiden a German botanist in 1838 concluded that all plants are made up of cells. Theodor Schwann a German biologist concluded that all animals are made up of cells a year later.
  1. German Physician a Rudolph Virchow concluded that new cells could be produced only from pre-existing cells.
  1. These scientist composed the “Cell Theory”, which states:
  2. All living things are composed of cells.
  3. Cells are the basic units of structures &functions in living things.
  4. New cells are produced from existing cells.

Individual cells are able to be observed by microscopes (190-192)

Simple microscopes which have ______len(s)

Compound/Complex light microscopes which have ______len(s)




  1. The cell:
  2. There are two groupings of Cells (193-195)
  3. **Prokaryotes:______



  1. **Eukaryotes:______



  1. **Cell parts and functions ( refer to pages196-207):YOU WILL FILL IN THE FUNCTION ON THE SHART SHEET


  1. Nuclear membrane(envelope):
  1. Nucleolus:
  1. Chromatin (chromosomes):

3. Cytoplasm:______

  1. endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth ) (rough ER has ______attached to them, smooth ER DOES NOT have ______attached to them.
  1. ribosomes: ( free located in ______, attached to ______)
  1. golgi complex(apparatus):
  1. lysosomes:
  1. mitochondria:
  1. vacuoles: bigger in ______cells, smaller in ______cells)
  1. chloroplast:* (in ______cells, not in ______cells)
  1. cytoskeleton: Made up of (______& ______)
  1. centrioles:#(in ______cells, not in ______cells)
  1. cytosol:
  1. cell wall:

Cell Transport: (208-217) *

Plasma membrane: controls what enters and leaves the cell, like a fence around a factory; the plasma membrane has “gates” / openings that allow some things to enter and leave the cell.

The cell must maintain a stable internal environment, (______) to stay alive, even in adverse conditions. The plasma membrane must determine what is to enter and leave as it receives information from the nuclear material. Since the membrane has the ability to let some items enter and leave the cell it is often referred to as a______membrane.

The layers of the plasma membrane are multi-layered, each layer is made up of a lipid layer with molecules of proteins embedded in them. The lipids in the cells’ membrane are made up of two glycerol and one phosphate which are called phospholipids.

Diffusion: the movement of particles from an area of ______

to an area of ______. The particles that move create

energy, energy that is created is called ______. A moving particle of matter moving in a straight line will continue to move until acted upon by another force.

Osmosis (210-211): is the diffusion of ______through a selectively permeable membrane usuallyfrom an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration. There are three types of osmotic solution movements. Draw diagram to help comprehend/understand. P-211.

  1. Isotonicsolutions: cells ______
  1. Hypotonicsolution: cells ______
  1. Hypertonic solution: cells ______

The movement/transport of particles across a membrane may occur in two ways (208-213):

Passive/Facilitated transport:

Active transport:


  1. phagocytosis
  1. pinocytosis


Homeostasis (214): ______


Cell specialization: cells of ______organisms are specialized with different cell types and different functions which contribute to the homeostasis of the organism.

List the level of multi-celled level of organization