Angela April Bellman
Tiffany Dupin
Lesson Plans: September 12-16, 2016
Bell RingerFirst five students in the class will get on Iready Math or St Math, the rest of the students will be working on morning work.
Computer Lab Schedule
Bellman’s Class – 12:40pm-1:25pm, Rm 11
Dupin’s Class – 12:40pm-1:25pm, Computer Room
Monday – Iready Math
Wednesday – St Math
Thursday – Iready Math
Lesson / 2. OA.C.4Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in a rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends.
2.NBT.A.2 Count within 1000; skip count by 5s, 10s and 100s.
Monday - Iready Math Interactive Lesson for Supporting Skills – Add Using Arrays
Tuesday - Brain Pop Jr. – Equal Groups
Wednesday - Brain Pop Jr. - Arrays
We will be covering the following pages in the Math Ready Common Core Book
Lesson 5.
Monday – pgs. 30 – 31 – TSW analyze an array and write a number sentence with equal addends to find the total number of objects in the array.
Tuesday – pgs. 32 – 33 – TSW use an array as a representation for solving an addition problem. TSW write a number sentence and use skip-counting to model the number of objects in the array.
Wednesday – pg. 34 – 35 – TSW practice what they know about repeated addition and skip-counting to solve array problems.
Thursday – pg.36 – 37 – TSW independently to complete the Common Core Performance Task. TTW circulate and observe the students. TSW solve problems involving arrays that may appear on a math test. This will be part of their formal assessment.
Friday – Formal assessment will be given.
Center 1 / Teacher Center - Remediation/skill building center. Review the concept of rows and columns. TSW write in their journal books the array problems the teacher gives them. TSW work word problems using arrays to solve each problem. TSW write this in their journal books.
Center 2 / Materials – A-through-R arrays, math journal book. TTW explain how the center works – TSW observe the arrays by each letter. They will record how many rows and how many columns. They will write repeated addition sentences for each array.
Center 3 / Computer Center – Iready Math or ST Math
Center 4 / Visual Model: TSW following directions given to make different arrays. They will you counters for manipulatives. TSW write a repeated addition sentence to go with each array they make.
Center 5 / Student Lead Activities – TSW complete Ready Center Activities. Below, On, and Above level. Materials – Counters and array recording sheet, dry erase pens and sock.
Homework / Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week.
Vocabulary / Array – a set of objects arranged in equal rows and equal columns.
Row – the horizontal group of objects in an array.
Column – the vertical groups of objects in an array.
Essential Question / How do I decompose a ten as a strategy for subtraction place values?
How do I recognize that since addition is the inverse operation of subtraction, addition can be used to solve a subtraction?
How do I evaluate mental strategies for subtraction a number from a two-digit number?
I Can / I can decompose a ten as a strategy for subtraction place values.
I can recognize that since addition is the inverse operation of subtraction, addition can be used to solve a subtraction.
I can evaluate mental strategies for subtraction a number from a two-digit number.
Intervention / Math – Mr. Allen will work with the following students from
Ms. Bellman’s Class– D.C., Z.G. and A.H.
Ms. Dupin’s Class – A.M. AND J.H.
Angela April Bellman
Tiffany Dupin
Lesson Plans: September 12-16, 2016
Bell RingerFirst five students in the class will get on i-Ready or St Math, the rest of the students will be working on morning work.
Computer Lab Schedule
Bellman’s Class – 12:40pm-1:25pm, Rm 11
Dupin’s Class-Technology Lab
Tuesday – Iready ELA
Friday – Iready ELA
Hands On Lesson / RI.2.3. Describe the connection between steps in technical procedures in a text.
PS.2.b. Investigate and describe properties and changes of matter.
Monday - Iready ELA Interactive Lesson for Cause and Effect, Level B.
Brainpop, Jr.- How to Essay (This will reinforce writing directions and following directions)
We will be covering the following pages in the ELA Ready Common Core Book
Lesson 5.
Monday- pg. 66-67 TSW through a series of illustrations, students are introduced to the idea of describing connections between steps in a set of directions.
Tuesday - pg.68-69, 72 – TSW read directions that explain how to do a weather experiment. They find words in the directions that show the order of the steps. TSW answer a short response question.
Wednesday - pgs. 70-71,73–TSW read and follow directions to make wind streamer to determine the way the wind blows. TSW answer a short response question.
Thursday pgs. 74-79– TSW read and follow directions to bake brownies or make a rainbow. TSW discuss the changes in matter for the brownies or discuss how the rainbow is made. (Weather and Life Center availability will determine which activity is completed.)
Friday – TSW be given assessments in ELA and Math.
Center 1 / Teacher center: Remediation/skill building center –TSW read “Sammy the Snail.” TSW answer a series of question on the story. TSW sequence Sammy the Snail.
Center 2 / TSW read “Sammy the Snail.” TSW answer a series of question on the story. TSW sequence Sammy the Snail.
Center 3 / Computer Center – Iready ELA
Center 4 / Language Center: Language Center – TSW complete a packet on reflexive pronouns.
Center 5 / Pair-Share Center –TSW sequence the making of brownies. TSW write the directions and illustrate one part of the directions.
Homework / Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week.
Vocabulary / Steps in a process - Directions – a set of steps that tell you how to do or make something.
First, next, then, and last – are clues that let you know the order.
First –tells me this must be the first step in the directions.
Next – tells me this is the second step in the directions.
Last – tells me this is the last step in the directions.
Refraction- when light is bent
Compass – tells you the direction the wind is blowing.
Essential Question / How can I understand that technical procedures provide directions for completing a task?
How can I understand that directions are a set of steps that tell how to find, do, or make something?
I Can Statements / I can understand that technical procedures provide directions for completing a task.
I can understand that directions are a set of steps that tell how to find, do, or make something?
Intervention / Boost –
Ms. Bellman’s Class – J.A., M.M.,AND Q.Q.
Ms. Dupin’s Class-L.H., L.G., D.P.
Mr. Redmond –
Ms. Bellman’s Class – D.B., K.E., AND T.L.
Ms. Dupin’s Class- J.W., J.L., W.J., J.R., K.B.
Ms. Bellman’s Class – O.C., C.H., AND A.Z.
Ms. Dupin’s Class – L.G., L.H., J.M., AND D.P.
Ms. Bellman’s Class –
Ms. Dupin’s Class- W.J., J.M., J.S.
Computer Intervention – Extra iReady, MRC, or ST Math Fluency –
Ms. Bellman’s Class- M.D., J.A., AND B.M.
Ms. Dupin’s Class-E.W., A.B.
Teacher - Remediation/skill building center. TTW work with letters, sounds, and blends with TS. TTW use flash cards to help build red word knowledge. TTW distribute Phonics Fluency books to have students read a page at a time out loud.TTW ask question to check for comprehension.
Angela April Bellman
Tiffany Dupin
Lesson Plans: September 12-16, 2016
Computer Lab ScheduleBellman’s Class – 12:40pm-1:25pm, Rm 11
Dupin’s Class- Technology Lab
Tuesday – Iready ELA
Friday – Iready ELA
Writing, Language, and Spelling
Lesson / L.2.1c define and identify reflexive pronouns
RI.2.3 describe the connection between steps in technical procedures in a text.
Brain Pop, Jr.
Project Read Unit 17, Skill: final consonant blends –st, -nt, -mt, -sk, -sp, -nd
We will be covering the following pages from the Ready Common Core book.
Monday – pgs. 408 TSW define and identify reflexive pronouns.
pgs. 67 TSW write the steps in the procedure.
Tuesday-pgs. 69 & 72 TSW write the steps in the process and describe how the
words tell the order in which to do things.
Wednesday-pg. 73 TSW write what the directions help them to do.
Thursday – pg. 409 TSW identify reflexive pronouns.
pg. 79 TSW write how following directions help them to understand
how rainbows.
Friday-ELA and Math Assessments given
Center 3 / Computer Center – I-ready ELA
Language Center – TSW complete a packet on reflexive pronouns.
Center 5 / Pair-Share Center – TSW sequence the making of brownies. TSW write the directions and illustrate one part of the directions.
Homework / No homework.
Essential Question / How can I identify the main characters in a multiparagraph text?
How can I use adjectives appropriately?
I Can / I can identify the main characters in a multiparagraph text.
I can use adjectives and adverbs appropriately.
Intervention / Intervention listed on the Reading Lesson Plans.