Florissant Water & Sanitation District
Meeting Minutes
For September 8, 2015
2244 Hwy 24, Florissant Co. 80816
Board of Directors Present: Cathy Valdez, Ginger Bruvald, Bob Faux, Barb Faux
Absent: Chris Penland
Others Present: Water Operators: Louis Lemon, Henry Cole, Cynthia and Charlotte from My Books First, Chuck Mahoney from Park State Bank, Paul Kenndy
Cathy Valdez called the meeting to order at 6:12 pm
1.Reading of the Minutes:
Bob Faux motioned to waive the reading of last month’s meeting minutes. Barb Faux seconded the motion. The motion was voted upon and passed unanimously.
2.Operator Reports:
Waste Water Operator Henry Cole reported the following:
*The waste water inspection went well. We should receive a letter from the state in about a month with any issues they saw.
*Henry bought chlorine. We need to make sure to mark that we are returning an empty barrel on the packing slip to get credit for the barrel.
*Henry used Victors weed whacker to cut down the weeds at the ponds. We need to buy Victor new weed whacker line.
*We need to buy an $800 PH meter but it can wait until the new waste water plant is underway.
Drinking Water Operator Louis Lemon reported the following:
*Tiger Timbers water meter is fixed. He wants another tap on his land.
*The State wants us to do testing on the wells. We need to replace the meter at a cost of $226.
Bob Faux made a motion to have Louis replace the meter. Ginger Bruvald seconded the motion. The motion was voted upon and passed unanimously.
*The weeds up at the main tank in CrystalPeak need to be cut. Louis will do that.
*The sump pump at the alluvial well needs to be replaced to drain the water.
Bob Faux made a motion to spend the $200 to replace the sump pump. Barb Faux seconded the motion. The motion was voted upon and passed unanimously.
*Before the new plant comes on line, the computer software that runs the plant will need to be upgraded. The Allen-Bradley Plant Floor software costs $15,000. But Touchscreen can be purchased for $7000. That is the software that Woodland Park Water District uses for their same system as FWSD’s new system. Cynthia believes the new software is covered in the grant but will double check.
*Construction status for the coming week: Epoxy the plant floor. Pull out the cabinets. Bring in the new filters.
3.Board Member reports: none
4.Guest: Chuck Mahoney
* The old Hutchinson Lumber property is about 3 weeks away from being subdivided into 4 properties. Ace Hardware is purchasing the building and one other parcel. Gold Rush water will have another piece of the property. One parcel will still be for sale.
In return for a free tap, ParkState will deed us a 60 foot easement where we can possibly install a second alluvial well.
5.My Books First Report:
* Cynthia reported that the attorney revised Louis Lemmon’s operator contract. She gave Louis a copy to look over before the next meeting.
*Cynthia reported the need to shut off 65 Mesa for non payment of invoices.
Bob Faux made a motion to shut off 65 Mesa. Ginger Bruvald seconded the motion. The motion was voted upon and passed unanimously.
*Cynthia reported that she had received the invoice from Biggs Kofford for the 2014 audit. She asked that the Board transfer $5000 from savings to checking for payment of the invoice. Ginger Bruvald made the motion to transfer the funds for payment. Bob Faux seconded the motion. The motion was voted upon and passed unanimously.
*Cynthia was looking at the by-laws and found that Board members could be paid up to $1600 each annually. She asked the Board if they would like to be paid and how much. There was discussion between the Board members and it was decided that now is not the time to address this issue.
*A stop sign at the bottom of the driveway needs to be installed according to a notice from CDOT. Cynthia will look at the rules regarding stop signs and report back to the Board.
6.Payment of Bills. Ginger Bruvold motioned to pay all bills. Bob Faux seconded the motion. The motion to pay bills was voted upon and passed unanimously.
7.The meeting was adjourned at 7:15.