"There must be an appropriate administrative structure for each residency program."
Program / Clinician Investigator ProgramUniversity
Date of Review (month/year)
The following attachments must be included with this questionnaire. Electronic or weblink access is acceptable.
v Appendix ‘A’ Agendas - Residency Program Committee Meetings (for past 2 years)
v Appendix ‘B’ Program policy on resident safety
v Appendix ‘C’ Research grants (for past 12 months)
v Appendix ‘D’ Publication record of research supervisors (for past 12 months)
1. Program Director
a) Does the program director have Royal College certification?
Name of specialty/subspecialty:YES
Please provide medical qualifications:NO
b) Describe the resources (time and support) available to the program director to manage the program.
c) Are these resources sufficient? YES NO
If no, please explain
2. Faculty CIP Committee
Attach, as Appendix ‘A’ (electronic or weblink access), copies of the agendas of the Faculty CIP Committee meetings for the last two years.
a) Committee membership (underline the name of the Chair of the committee.)
Name / Department / University Appointmentb) Resident members
Elected by Peers / Appointed by the FacultyName / Residency Level / Name / Residency Level
c) Describe how the Faculty CIP Committee functions OR provide a copy of the Terms of Reference for the Committee (include name of attachment on page 1).
d) List the subcommittees of the Faculty CIP Committee, if any, and describe the functions of each subcommittee OR provide a copy of the Terms of Reference for the subcommittees (include name of attachment on page 1).
e) Describe how the Faculty CIP Committee communicates with members of the Residency Program Committee, the department or division, and residents.
3. Resident Selection
a) Describe how residents are selected into the program.
4. Administrative Structure and Linkages among Graduate Units, CIP Committee and Office of Postgraduate Medical Education
a) List all administrative units involved in the CIP. Include academic (clinical) departments, graduate units, and Faculty Administrative Offices involved in the CIP (i.e. Postgraduate Medical Education, Research Office).
Name(s) of Department(s) and/or Division(s)in Faculty CIP / Name(s) of Departmental CIP Coordinator(s)
b) Describe the role of each academic unit mentioned above in the CIP with respect to provision of supervisory faculty, selection of CIP residents, provision of structured programs of study, monitoring and supervision of residents.
c) Describe the reporting structure among the CIP participants, CIP supervisor, CIP director, Faculty of Medicine CIP Committee, and each of the administrative and academic units participating in the CIP (graduate units, Postgraduate Medical Education Office). Clearly indicate areas of responsibility and authority.
d) Clinical and Research Integration
Outline the ways in which integration of the research and clinical educational experience of CIP residents in the CIP are to be achieved.
e) Clinical Duties of Resident While on Research Component of the CIP
The resident assigned to the CIP must devote 80% of their time to reaching the research objectives of the CIP. Describe the clinical responsibilities of the resident while assigned to research and how they relate to the research objectives of the resident. Indicate clearly the time commitment to clinical responsibilities.
5. Career Planning and Counselling for Residents
a) Describe how ongoing career planning and counselling is ensured for all residents.
b) Describe how counselling for stress or personal problems is provided to residents.
c) Describe how residents are made aware of support services and how to access them.
6. Resident Safety
Attach, as Appendix ‘B’ (electronic or weblink access), the program policy on resident safety related to travel, patient encounters and educational activities.
7. Ongoing Review of the Program
a) How often does the Faculty CIP Committee review:
Overall program ______
Individual rotations ______
Formal curriculum ______
Resources and facilities ______
b) Provide at least one example of how the information obtained in these reviews is used to improve the program.
c) How does the Faculty CIP Committee review the individual training plans? How often is this done?
d) How does the Faculty CIP Committee review the appropriateness of supervision and research environments of residents? How often is this done?
e) How does the Faculty CIP Committee review the evaluations of individual supervisors? How often is this done?
f) Describe the process for residents to evaluate individual supervisors? How often is this done?
g) How is the information obtained in these reviews used to improve the program?
h) Are residents involved in the reviews of the program, training and teachers? YES NO
7. Research Environment
Attach, as Appendix ‘C’ (electronic or weblink access), a list of operating grants for the primary research supervisors of your CIP residents during the past 12 months. Include the annual dollar amounts and the source of research funds.
Attach, as Appendix ‘D’ (electronic or weblink access), a list of peer-reviewed publications of the primary research supervisors of your CIP residents during the past 12 months.