Ch. 13: Urban Patterns
Introduction & Case Study (p. 430-432)
- Describe some differences between urban and rural environments.
- Why do MDCs have a higher percentage of people living in urban areas?
- Case Study: Describe the drastic differences in living conditions within urban areas.
Key Issue #1: Where Have Urban Areas Grown? (p. 433-438)
- What is urbanization AND what are the 2 factors in urbanization?
- Differentiate between the percentage of people living in cities in MDCs and LDCs. How is Latin America unique?
- When and why did MDCs begin to urbanize? When and why have LDCs begun to urbanize?
- How has the location of the world’s biggest cities changed since 1900? What are the reasons for this change?
- Describe Wirth’s 3 social differences of a city from a rural area.
- Complete the chart:
Physical Definition / Characteristics of Definition / Challenges/Shortcomings of Definition
Legal Definition
Urbanized Area
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
MIcropolitan Statistical Area
- Give examples of overlapping metropolitan areas. How does this further confuse the process of defining a city?
Key Issue #2: Where Area People Distributed Within Urban Areas? (p. 438-447)
- Complete the chart:
Model / Who Developed? / Characteristics / Illustration
Concentric Zone
Multiple Nuclei
Latin American
(p. 445-446)
- What is a census tract and how is it used?
- What is a social area analysis?
- What problems exist with the 3 U.S. urban models? What can all 3 models be combined to illustrate?
- Describe the differences between U.S. & European cities in what groups of people live where? What reasons might exist for these differences?
- Why are LDC cities designed similarly to European cities?
- Describe the layout of pre-colonial Islamic cities of Southwest Asia and North Africa.
- Describe the layout of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan.
- In what ways did the French affect the old cities with their colonial city building practices?
- How were Spanish colonial cities constructed? How did they impact Aztec and Incan cities?
- Describe the wealthy sectors of Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City.
- What is a squatter settlement? Why do they form and where are they found?
- What are other names for squatter settlements in different parts of the world? What are characteristics of squatter settlements and the people who live there?
- List some of the cities where the largest squatter settlements are found near.
Key Issue #3: Why Do Inner Cities Have Distinctive Problems? (p. 447-451)
- What options exist for deteriorated housing?
- Describe the process (housing life cycle) of filtering.
- What is redlining? Though illegal, why does the practice continue?
- What is urban renewal? How is it accomplished?
- Describe public housing and its challenges. Why has the amount of public housing declined in the U.S.? What is different about public housing in Western Europe?
- What are the criticisms of urban renewal?
- What is gentrification? What attracts middle-class residents back to the city?
- Give positives and negatives of gentrification.
- Describe the characteristics of the underclass.
- Describe the problems that are associated with poverty.
- In what ways does ethnic and racial segregation still exist in U.S. cities?
- What choices do cities have to close the gap between costs of services and funding? What challenges exist for these choices?
- What is annexation? What challenges exist for cities and annexation in the U.S. today?
Key Issue #4: Why Do Suburbs Have Distinctive Problems? (p. 451-461)
- What has happened to both urban and suburban population in the U.S. since 1950?
- What attractions exist for suburban living?
- Complete the chart:
Model / Who Developed? / Characteristics / Illustration
Peripheral Model (Galactic City Model)
- What are edge cities AND how did they develop? Give examples of edge cities.
- What is the density gradient? How has it changed in recent years? Notice Figure 13-21.
- Describe suburban sprawl. What problems exist with sprawl?
- Describe how the British attack sprawl by using greenbelts.
- Describe the types of segregation in modern suburbs. How do local governments encourage segregation?
- How have changing transportation methods contributed to suburbanization?
- Differentiate in the U.S. and European governments’ approaches to motor vehicles. What challenges and improvements exist for motor vehicle use?
- Describe rush hour. Discuss advantages of public transportation versus motor vehicles.
- Give examples of new or expanded rapid transit systems in the U.S.
- What challenges exist for public transportation in the U.S.?
- How do European countries and Japan differ from the U.S. in terms of public transit?
- What is meant by local government fragmentation? Give examples.
- What problems are associated with fragmented governments?
- What is a council of government? Describe the 2 main types AND give examples of each.
- Describe the goals of smart growth. Give examples of smart growth policies.