Andrew Totheroh

Internship Final Reflection

Throughout my internship experience at Crawfordsville High School I did a multitude of tasks, jobs, and activities. I was able to re-connect with old teachers and fellow staff workers that were employed by the school during my time there. I met current students through the tasks I completed, and had fun being back home. The internship experience was a positive one and I’m glad that I was able to do it back at CHS.

During my internship I completed many different tasks. I was able to shadow a weight lifting class called specialized P.E. and showed students the proper form when it comes to lifting weights so they may become stronger and avoid injury at the same time. I also did a nutrition presentation to a classroom full of second graders informing them on the benefits of eating healthy foods from all food groups covered in the My Plate model. I presented a power point presentation to a high school health class over leadership and the different forms leadership can fall into. Lastly, I showed a high school health and nutrition class how to make green strawberry smoothies and informed them on the health benefits they can receive by drinking that particular smoothie along with many other types of smoothies.

Along with my completed tasks in the internship, I was also reminded of what high school is like. Things had changed since my time of roaming the halls, there were more minority students than when I attended and the tension between students was obvious clear. There were multiple fights throughout the month I was there, more than in the four years I attended. There were also more students that needed extra attention in some subjects, or special needs. Had I been in the halls when I was in high school I know I would have joined the crowd teasing the minority and special need students. However, since my time at Manchester, I have grown to not judge until I get to know someone and to always keep an open mind. I actually took it upon myself to help those students out, whether that be with homework during my downtime or helping show them proper form when it came to lifting weights during specialized P.E. I enjoyed working with those students and created bonds that I know if I were to ever return to those halls, those students would run over and tell me hello. The liberal arts education I received at Manchester College is the reason I learned to always stay open minded when meeting new people.

When I shadowed in specialized P.E. class my background in fitness really came in handy. Since I have lifted weights in preparation for football for eight years, I have experience on using proper form so you don’t injure yourself completing those certain exercises. I was able to demonstrate this to the group of students so they could take what I was telling them and perform the exercise properly the next time they attempted it. Along with my experience exercising, I have taken a multitude of classes that demonstrate proper exercising form as well as proper nutrition to help the body recover after exercise. During the internship I informed the students of what types of food they should consume immediately after exercise so the body can repair and grow. The students took this knowledge and ran with it so I know my message was heard by them all.

As I near graduating from Manchester College and embark on a new chapter in my life I know the education I received from Manchester College has helped prepare me for the “real world”. As I enter the front doors of m future employer I know I have the necessary background to teach multiple exercises to various people so they can become informed on how to prevent injury. I know the liberal arts education I received will keep my mind open so I don’t judge anyone, instead get to know them as a person instead of just looking at their outside appearance. I also will bring to the workplace a positive attitude and willingness to work for everything. I will be a positive role model for children and someone they can look up too and ask for advice. I will make an impact on my community by volunteering my time and efforts towards needs that are much greater than mine. One of the most important educational tips Manchester taught me was that helping others is always important, no one person is greater than an entire group.

Overall my internship experience was a positive on and one I’m glad I was able to complete. Looking back over the previous month spent in the halls of Crawfordsville High School, I learned a lot about my school, but was able to reflect on my time spent at Manchester College and the education I received. I can say that MC played an important role in the person I have become over these past four years and helped me to mature into a positive citizen and role model for the younger generation.