Andragogic script for your success at AIU 50% Ask Questions 50% Listen
1. May I please speak with Mr. or Mrs. (______)? I’m calling you to see if you qualify for the (______) degree program here at AIU, that you inquired about?
- Where do you work? What is your job description or position with the company? How long have you been working ______(use name of company)?
- Why are you seeking a degree at this time? What other benefits do you think you can gain from your new degree? Co-workers have__degree? Do People you supervise have __degree? Is a good example to set for your kids? How will you celebrate, with who? What is the income differential in (country), in the US it is __%, what will you do with an additional $20,000 Pesos/month?!!
- What is your understanding of online learning? Would you rather choose your own courses, or do you prefer if AIU defines them? Have you ever done research or projects? In what environment do you learn best?
5. Do you have a goal in mind as to when you want to achieve your degree (use specific name of area of study) program?
Are you excited about the possibility of studying at AIU?
How prepared and ready are you to begin your studies?
What importance do you give to Education and Learning?
Why have you waited until this time to get started/continue it?
6. Cool features about AIU. Virtual Campus. Millions records in Online Library. Picture of you Advisor and Tutor. Phase 1 Instructions Examples and Video Conferences, do you enjoy watching TV or YouTube videos? MYAIU and 13 elements to improve the Human Condition, Student Networking and Chat with other students, AIU monthly magazine “Campus Mundi”. AIU’s Radio and TV Channels with student/faculty participation.
7. (If they meet the Admissions Requirements) Ask for payment method. What credit card will you be using to pay your enrollment fee and monthly tuition?No Financial Asssitance should be considered or given until prospect gives a commitment to start and is ready and able to submit the Enrollment fee.
- Closing objections: Be ready to ask and wait for response. The idea is for them to speak frankly and remember their own goals & commitments
What about your educational goals? Stop & Listen
Has something changed since we spoke just 3 days ago? Stop & Listen
What about your studies? Stop & Listen
When will you give priority to yourself and your education? Stop & Listen
Have you achieved your goal of_____? Stop & Listen
What about the ____ opportunity that you mentioned would be possible?
What will you do about your education? Stop & Listen
Preguntas que facilitan la presentación Andragogica. Ósea no explicar, sino guiando al prospecto con preguntas que le permitan entender por si mismo.
Que fue lo que le llamó la atención de AIU que le motivo a contactarnos?
Cómo aprende usted mejor.? Cual método le es más eficaz?
Se ve usted teniendo éxito aprendiendo en línea? Con que grado de éxito? medio, regular , bueno.
Cuál es su entendimiento del aprendizaje en línea?
Ha hecho usted investigaciones o proyectos en el pasado? Se ve capaz de hacerlo en AIU.?
Que tan frecuentemente lee usted? Qué tipo de lectura le gusta?
Ha utilizado usted videoconferencias educativas? Cree que le serian útiles?