12th Grade Humanities
Mrs. Cyndi O’Brien
First Semester Government: To develop an understanding of the foundations of our federal government and analyze the way the federal, state, and local government impacts our lives. Students will analyze, evaluate, discuss, and compare primary source documents and English literature in order to gain a deeper understanding of our governmental structure.
Second Semester Economics: This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of the way in which economics affect the lives of individuals and how individuals, through their economic choices, shape their world. It will also attempt to widen students’ understanding of the richness and complexity of American society and to deal objectively with the world’s peoples and systems. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of economic principles,systems, and activities, in order to fully participate as a citizen in the U.S. Free Enterprise System.
Course Description
The 12th Grade Humanities class is designed to cover the Language Arts standards in the content of government and economics. While studying government and economics, students will learn about the foundations of American democracy and the structure of the federal, state, and local governments. Students also learn the significant decisions that have been made by our federal courts and how those decisions affect Americans today. They continue to learn about the role of political parties in American government and the structure of the American legal system. The focus of the course shifts toward understanding key concepts in the U.S. economic system. Students learn why economic decisions are made, as well as how economic decisions are made. The end result is students will complete the course with the full knowledge of the inner workings of the American government and economic system, leading them to become productive American citizens with the education to make effective decisions concerning their own future.
Because the Humanities class is essentially a combined English and Social Studies class, the standards taught are also a combination of both Language Arts and Social Studies. The impossibility of teaching all standards in both subjects renders the necessity of identifying the most critical areas and ensuring that those are taught first. Every attempt to teach as many standards as possible are made. The approach to the class is that it is first and foremost a Language Arts class, but is taught through the landscape of American Government and Economics. Standards covered are:
Arizona State Standards for Social Studies
S3:C1:PO:1-4, S3:C2:PO: 1-9, S3:C3:PO 1-5, S3:C4:PO 1-5
Common Core Standards English Language Arts
All Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening Common Core Standards will be covered by the end of Semester 2.
11th Grade Humanities
Materials Needed:
*1 3” or 4” 3-ring binder
*8 tab dividers
*1 packet loose leaf, college-ruled binder paper
*1 composition notebook
*Pens, pencils, eraser, highlighters
*Independent Reading Book
*Library card with no fines
*Computer and Internet access
*School-appropriate email address
*Printer with ink
Methods and Procedures
This unit involves the exploration of complex concepts and potentially controversial topics. In order to make the necessary connections and gain understanding, every student is expected to participate in small group and whole class discussions. If given a preparation assignment for these, every student is expected to be prepared and participate. Each student will be enhancing his/her writing skills through journaling/jumpstarts, vocabulary building assignments, current event assignments, and writing conferences with the teacher. The students will enhance their reading skills through exposure to a variety of types of texts, reading aloud during class, and following along with audio recordings. Students will also be given graphic organizers and supplemental handouts to help better understand concepts/lessons. For each topic covered, there will be at least one major assignment (essay, presentation, debate, etc.), one quiz, and one test. All essays must be typed, double-spaced, in size 12 font.
Classroom Rules and Expectations
The following is a list of rules that must be followed in the classroom. The teacher will keep track of adherence to the class rules. Participation is graded in part on adherence to these rules:
- Follow all directions.
- Be on time and in your seat when class begins.
- Be prepared for class and have all required materials with you.
- Do not eat or drink (except water) in class. No gum chewing in class.
- Stay in your seat during class unless you have permissionto be out of your seat.
- Raise your hand to speak your mind or ask questions. Do not call out.
- Be respectful of those around you. They have a right to learn without disruptions.
- Be positive and encouraging to your classmates. No put downs of any kind are tolerated.
Electronics/Cell Phones
All cell phones, MP3 players, video games, or other electronic devices must be turned OFF and put out of sight into a bag or backpack. Students may check messages during lunch or between classes, but NOT DURING CLASS. In the case of an emergency (accident, illness, death, etc.), parents should call the school directly or come to the school to pick up their child. If a student uses a cell phone or other electronic device in class, I will take it away, give it to administration, and detention will be given. If a cell phone is taken away more than once, a student may be banned from bringing his/her cell phone to school. (See Metro’s Cell Phone Policy.)
Homework and Exam Expectations
In general, as 12th graders, students are asked to take responsibility for their own learning and to be accountable for their active participation in their education. It will be imperative for you to take responsibility for your own studying and preparation for class and exams. Independent preparation, in addition to schoolwork, will be necessary for success. All students are required to use, have, and maintain their Metro Planner to help with organization and preparedness.
All homework assignment due dates are posted on FamilyLink. You must be able to access FamilyLink at all times.
Homework is expected to be completed on time, printed, and turned in on the due date.
Participation: Each student will earn 5 points per day for participation. In order to obtain 5 points, students must be prepared for class with all materials, follow all directions and rules, and participate in class discussions. Failure to do so will result in loss ofparticipation points for that day. If absent, you must attend Mrs. O’Brien’s office hours in order to make up these points. Additional writing assignments may be given as well depending on the classwork that was missed.
Absent Work: If a student has an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher or a peer for missed notes and/or assignments and to take tests. The student will have one day upon returning to complete the assignment(s)or take a test. You must check Mrs. O’Brien’s webpage before asking her what was missed. If a student is absent on the day of a test, the student must arrange a make-up date with me, and the test must be retaken within one week of the absence or an automatic zero will be issued. If a student has an unexcused absence, no make-up work will be accepted.
Missing & Late Homework: If a student does not have his/her homework completed on time, he/she will automatically receive detention and will serve it the next day during Mrs. O’Brien’s office hours. Attendance to office hours will continue until the assignment is complete. If homework is turned in by the end of the day it was due, it will receive a 5% deduction, but will excuse the student from office hours. After that, late assignments will receive 10% reduction per calendar day.
Tests/Quizzes: If a student is absent on the day of a test, the student must arrange a make-up date with me, and the test must be retaken within one week of the absence or an automatic zero will be issued.
NO retakes will be granted for failure of an exam.
Major Assignments
Jumpstarts: At the beginning of every class period, all studentsare expected to arrive on time, get out their Jumpstart notebook, and complete the prompt for the day.
Presentations and Speeches: Every student will be required to give a formal speech or presentation during the year along with smaller, informal presentations. It is expected that the student will dress and speak appropriately during the presentation and will reference notes minimally. All seniors are required to complete a 12- to 15-page research paper and presentation.
Writing Assignments: Every piece of writing you turn in (formal and informal) must use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It must be typed, MLA format, unless otherwise specified. Be prepared to turn in some assignments electronically. If your handwriting is illegible, the teacher may require you to type all assignments.
Metro Planner: Every student will be provided a Metro Planner. All studentsare required to have it with them daily. At the end of class, we will write down homework assignments together.
Homework: 30%
Classwork: 20%
Participation: 10%
Writing/Essays: 20%
Tests/Quizzes/Projects: 20%
Each semester grade is calculated as follows: The first quarter is worth 40%, the second quarter is worth 40%, and the final exam is worth 20%. There are two semesters in the school year. For example, if a student earns 90% the first quarter, 80% for the second quarter, and then receives 95% on the final exam, the semester grade is calculated as follows:
Quarter One Quarter Two Final Exam
(90% X 0.4) + (80% X 0.4) + (95% X 0.2) = 87% for semester one
The percentage scores will convert to letter grades for transcript reporting. Percentages correspond to letters, as follows:
A: 90%-100%
B: 80%-89.9%
C: 70%-79.9%
D: 60%-69.9%
F: 59.9% and below
The instructor may vary from content and schedule depending on the needs of the students. Some topics may require more time than was anticipated based on students’ needs or interests. Any changes to the timeline and the course will be under the discretion of the instructor.
I am looking forward to teaching 12th grade Humanities this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Metro or . For more information about me, please visit my faculty page on Metro’s website.
•Respect everyone; this is a community of tolerance
•Respect the academic focus of our school; make efficient use of class time
•Pay undivided attention to your teacher and the subject at hand at all times
•Set ambitious learning goals for yourself and support classmates in their goals
•Raise your hand to contribute to the classroom discussion
•Ask questions when you need further clarification
•Always ask for permission before leaving the classroom
•Be safe and careful with class materials and equipment at all times
•Keep your classroom and campus clean
•Attend faculty Office Hours after any tardy or absence
•Attend faculty Office Hours after any assignment you missed or failed to turn in on time
•Arrive to all classes on time (See Tardy Policy below)
•Be prepared for lectures, due dates, and tests
•Bring all of your materials to each class daily: binder, pencil, paper, notebook, etc.
•Access FamilyLink on a daily basis, on campus or at home
Office Hours:
•If a student does not come to class with complete homework and binder at the start of class, the student is required to attend Office Hours the same day, 2:45-3:30
•Late homework will be deducted 10% for each calendar day, including weekends
•Late work will not be accepted after 5 missed days, and the assignment will be given a 0%
•All assignments are due no later than the last day of the quarter for any credit
•Students who are tardy must attend faculty Office Hours that day or the next available day
•All students who are absent are also required to attend teacher Office Hours ASAP
•Students who do not attend Office Hours will be placed in 9th hour support classes
•Students who fail to report to 9th hour will be placed in Academic Remediation
•Students must be eligible to attend one art course in order to remain enrolled at Metro Arts
•Students not eligible to enroll in one arts course will not be able to enroll the next semester
•Students who do not follow the Metro Rules and Policies will receive a warning
•After 3 warnings, the student must receive a referral to Student Services
•All warnings must be entered daily by the faculty into SMCX
•Warnings will be tracked in SMCX as a mark note in a quarterly engagement assignment
•Referrals to Student Services must be submitted by the teacher to the front office
•All referrals will be entered in School Master daily by Administration
Automatic Referrals Include:
•Failure to report to required teacher Office Hours
•Dress Code Violation
•Cell Phone/Technology Violation
•Inappropriate, disruptive or violent behavior
•Drug, alcohol or weaponsuspicion
Metro administration will handle all discipline for the above issues. Students must be sent to administration office or teacher must request assistance by phone or text. The reporting teacher will be required to complete a referral form provided by Administration.
Tardy Policy:
•Students who are 1-5 minutes late to any class are counted as tardy
•Accumulation of 4 tardies in any class results in an excused absence for that course
•Students who are 6 or more minutes late to any class will be marked as absent
•Students 6-30 minutes late will be marked absent but will be allowed to attend class
•Students who are 31 or more minutes late will sit in the office until the next class
1st Period Tardies Only:
•If late to a first period class, the student must sign in at the front desk
•All first period tardies must be excused by 4 p.m. the following school day
•A tardy of 6 minutes or more will result in an unexcused absence if not excused
•An unexcused absence results in a 10% deduction of the course quarter grade
Absence Policy:
•Any unexcused absence will result in a 10% deduction in the quarter grade for the course.
•Any 6 absences (excused or unexcused) will result in a failing grade for the semester. Medical and/or family emergency circumstances will be considered for an exemption.
•Students who fail a course due to lack of attendance will be withdrawn after the end of the failed semester and may not reapply to Metro until they have completed all missing credits and can regain their cohort year. There is no guarantee that space will be available and students who have failed out are not given preference in future applications to Metro.
•Students who achieve a C- or less in an academic course will be required to be enrolled in an Academic Remediation course in place of an elective and/or 9th hour tutoring.
•Students not maintaining at least a C- in all course work (academic and arts) will not be eligible to audition for any Metro Arts’ performances or art exhibits. All faculty will be informed every quarter of those students not meeting the requirements for entry into performances or shows. The previous quarter’s grades and current grades determine the ability to participate in the current quarter.
•If a final exam is missed, the student will receive a grade of 0% for the final. Final exams are required by state law, and missing one will only be excused for a medical and/or family emergency. In both instances, documented proof must be provided and kept in the student file. A doctor’s note or a public or private announcement (such as Facebook or an email) concerning a family emergency will suffice. Missing an exam for a family trip will not be excused under any circumstances.
Classroom Work Integrity:
•Students are not allowed to work on any academic homework during art classes.
•If a student does not have enough work to do in an art class or is unwilling to work, he/she will be referred to the Administration for rescheduling into Academic Remediation.
•Textbooks must be returned at semester end or a grade of “Incomplete” will be given for the course until the book is returned. Parents will be charged for lost books.
•Materials checked out with Metro Arts must be returned at semester end or a grade of “Incomplete” will be given for the course until the book is returned. Parents will be charged for materials.
Please review this syllabus with your Parent/Guardian. Detach signature sheet and retain syllabus to reference during the year.
(Must be returned to Mrs. O’Brien by ______)
I have read the course syllabus and I understand my responsibilities. I have also read and agree to follow Metro’s Universal Policies.
Studentname (Printed)Student signature
I have read the course syllabus and I understand my child’s responsibilities. I have also read and agree to follow Metro’s Universal Policies.
Parent/Guardian name (Printed)Parent/Guardian signature
Parent/Guardian Contact Information:
Name: ______
Email: ______
Phone: ______