Curriculum Vitae

and list of selected works

Name, Surname : Yalçın SARIKAYA

Date of Birth : 15 Ağustos 1978

Place of Birth : Ankara / TURKEY

Foreign Languages : English: (fluent)

Farsi : (intermediate level)

French: (intermediate level)

Azerbaijani: (fluent with Latin, Crillic and Arab alphabets)


Degree / Department/Program / University / Yıl
Bachelor’s / International Relations / Gazi University / 1999
M.A. / International Relations / Gazi University / 2001
PhD / International Relations / Gazi University / 2007
Associate Prof. / International Relations / Giresun University / 2013

Title of M.A. Thesis

Foreign Policy of Iran in the Post-Cold War Period

Title of PhD. Thesis

Nationalism in Iran with Reflections on the Region

Previous Academic Positions:

Görev Unvanı /

Görev Yeri

/ Yıl
Research Assistant / Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Gazi University / 2000-2008
Assistant Prof. Dr. / Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Giresun University / 2008-2013
Associate Prof. Dr. / Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Giresun University / 2013-…

Administrative Functions:

- Founding Head of Department of International Relations (January 2009-January 2012)

- Founding Director of Black Sea Center for Strategic Researches

(BLACKCSR) (October 2008-…)

- Erasmus Institutional Coordinator of Giresun University (August 2009 - February 2010)

- Founding Coordinator of International Students Office of Giresun University (June 2012-August 2014)

- Director of Vocational School of Social Sciences of Giresun University (March 2013-…)

Duties at Projects:

Assistant Researcher, Political Economic and Social Effects of the Regional Conflicts: Georgia Case – Giresun University SRP (Scientific Researches Project)

1st Black Sea International Symposium: Turkish-Russian Mutual Symposium, 27th-28th March 2008, Giresun-Turkey, Membership of Organization Committee, Editor of Proceedings book.

2nd Black Sea International Symposium: Black Sea Neighborhood, 16th-17th April 2009, Giresun-Turkey, Executive of the Symposium, Membership of Organization Committee, Editor of Proceedings book.

3rd Black Sea International Symposium: Black Sea Beneficiaries, 4th-6th August 2010, Giresun-Turkey, Head of Executive and Organizational Council, Editor of Proceedings book.

4th Black Sea International Symposium: Conflict & Cooperation, 6th-7th October 2011, Giresun-Turkey, Head of Executive and Organizational Council, Editor of Proceedings book.

5th Black Sea International Symposium: Historical and Current Political Issues: Opinions & Suggestions, 6th-7th December 2012, Giresun-Turkey, Head of Executive and Organizational Council.

6th Black Sea International Symposium: From the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea: A Strategic View, 6th-7th November 2014, Giresun-Turkey, General Coordinator of the Organization.



Y. Sarıkaya, Tarihi ve Jeopolitik Boyutlarıyla İran’da Milliyetçilik, (Nationalism in Iran with its Historical and Geopolitical Dimensions), Ötüken Publishment., İstanbul 2008.

O. M. Öztürk-Y. Sarıkaya (Ed.) Kaosa Doğru İran, (Iran Towards chaos), Fark Press, Ankara 2006.

O. Metin Öztürk-Y. Sarıkaya (Ed.) Uluslararası Mücadelenin Yeni Odağı: Karadeniz, (The New Focus of the International Struggle: Black Sea), Platin Press, Ankara 2005.

Book Chapters:

Y.Sarıkaya, Ed. M. Savaş Kafkasyalı, Bölgesel ve Küresel Politikalarda Orta Asya (Central Asia at Regional and Global Politics), (Kerimov’s Foreign Policy: 20 years on the axis of Regime Security), 1-20 pp., Ankara-Turkistan, Ahmet Yesevi International Turk-Kazakh University Press, 2011.

Y. Sarıkaya, “İran Nereye?”, (Whereabouts Iran?), O. M. Öztürk-Y. Sarıkaya (Ed.) Kaosa Doğru İran, (Iran Towards chaos), Fark Press, Ankara 2006, pp.53-69.

Y. Sarıkaya, “İran'ın Nükleer Macerası: Büyük Oynamanın Başlangıcı ya da Büyük Darbe Vurmanın Bahanesi”, (The Nuclear Adventure of Iran: Start for being a Big-player or Salvo for a Strike) O. M. Öztürk-Y. Sarıkaya (Ed.) Kaosa Doğru İran, (Iran Towards chaos), Fark Press, Ankara 2006, pp.53-69.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Rusya Federasyonu’nun Gürcistan Politikası”, (Georgia Policy of Russian Federation), O. Metin Öztürk-Y. Sarıkaya (Ed.) Uluslararası Mücadelenin Yeni Odağı: Karadeniz, (The New Focus of the International Struggle: Black Sea), Platin Press, Ankara 2005, pp.185-202.

Y.Sarıkaya, “11 Eylül'deki Saldırı ve Uluslararası Politika Bağlamında Terörün Geleceği”, (The 9/11 Attacks and future of terror under the context of International Politics) On bir Eylül Bir Örtülü Operasyon Mu? (Was 9/11 a covert operation?) Osman Metin Öztürk (Ed.), Biltek Press., Ankara, 2002, pp.79-86.

Selected Articles

Y. Sarıkaya, Georgian Foreign Policy After August 2008 War, Karadeniz Araştırmaları-Black Sea Researches, Autumn 2011, No:31, pp.1-16.

Y. Sarıkaya, Turuncuya Veda: Ukrayna’nın Kritik Seçimi (A Farewell to the Orange: The Critical Election of Ukraine), Karadeniz Araştırmaları-Black Sea Researches, Spring 2010, No:25, pp.1-10.

Y. Sarıkaya, "The Wider Black Sea Basin: An Option for Turkey to be a Regional Power?", Harvard BSSP (Black Sea Security Program) Journal, 2009, Expert Opinion, pp.84-99.

Y. Sarıkaya, “1974-1980 Dönemi Türkiye-ABD İlişkileri” (Turkey-US Relations 1974-1980 Era), Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, Genelkurmay ATASE ve Denetleme Başkanlığı Yayınları, (Strategic Researches Journal of Turkish General Staff Military History and Strategic Studies Directorate), No.7, pp.111-129, Year:4, February 2006.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Mahkeme Kararlarında Kıta Sahanlığına Hak Sahibi Olmanın Esasları”, (Right to Ownership for Continental Shelf According to the International Court Decisions) Journal of Armed Forces, No.367, 2000, pp.35-41.

Selected Symposium-Conference papers

Y. Sarıkaya, “Giresun Process and Role of Turkey in Settlement of the Ukrainian Crisis”, Perspectives of Settlement of the Ukrainian Crisis, 12-13rd December 2014, Tbilisi/Georgia.

Y. Sarıkaya, “An Introduction to the History of Karabagh Conflict”, The Panel of 3 Generation 1 Genocide in Karabakh, (Karabağ’da 3 Nesil 1 Soykırım Paneli), 8th October 2014, Ankara/Turkey.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Türk Dünyası Perspektifinden Kıbrıs'a Bakmak”, (An Overview Towards Cyprus from the Perspective of Turkic World), Workshop on Fulfillment of Expectations in Post-Solution Cyprus (Kıbrıs’ta Çözüm Sonrası Beklentilerin Karşılanması Çalıştayı), 24th May 2014, Ankara/Turkey.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Partnership, Alliance or Integration? Is there a Room for Integration?”, Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey Trillateralism and the Future of the Regional Politics, 17th February 2014, Baku/Azerbaijan.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Türkiye’de Ortadoğu Araştırmalarında Türklük ve Türk Dünyası Bağlamı” (The Context of Turkishness and Turkic World in Middle East Researches in Turkey) 1st Turkic World Workshop of Amasya: Researches on Turkic World in Turkey (1191-2013), (1. Amasya Türk Dünyası Çalıştayı: Türkiye’de Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları (1991-2013)), 24th-26th May 2013, 21. Yüzyıl Türkiye Enstitüsü, Amasya/Turkey.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Diversifying Characteristics of Political Processes in BSEC Region”, Think Tanks Forum of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Countries, 17th-18th May 2013, Baku/Azerbaijan.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Türkiye-Azerbaycan İlişkilerinde Sivil Toplum Boyutu”, (The Civil Society Dimension of Turkey Azerbaijan Relations) Symposium on Turkey’s Relations with Turkic Republics at their 20th Anniversary of Independencies, (Bağımsızlıklarının 20. yılında Türk Cumhuriyetleri ve Türkiye ile İlişkileri), 11th-12th May 2012, Marmara University, İstanbul.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Pursuit for Strengthening Think-Tank Collaboration in OIC Countries”, 3rd Think Tank Forum of the OIC Countries, 2nd-3rd March 2012, Baku/Azerbaijan.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Economic Prospects of Current Black Sea Geopolitics” Conference: Security in the Black Sea Region: Energy, Environment and Economy, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Foreign Policy Research Institute of Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and the Centre NOMOS, 29th November 2011, Sevastopol/Crimea/Ukraine.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Forgotten Dimension of Karabakh War: Azerbaijani Refugees and IDPs”, Istanbul Human Security Conference, 27th-28th October 2011, CPRS Turkey, Coventry University&Kadir Has University, İstanbul, Turkey

Y. Sarıkaya, “Georgian Foreign Policy After August 2008 War”, Symposium on Common Governance Culture & Reconstructing Problems in Three Seas Basin Countries, 13th-16th October 2011, İstanbul, Turkey.

Y. Sarıkaya, "Political Analysis of US-Iran Armed Confrontations: 1979-2010”, ISA (International Studies Association-Uluslararası Çalışmalar Derneği) 52nd Annual Convention: Global Governance: Political Authority in Transition, March 2011, Montreal, Quebéc, Canada.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Turkish-Russian Relations in the First Decade of the 21st Century”, 3rd Black Sea International Symposium: Black Sea Beneficiaries, 4-6 August 2010, Giresun Turkey. Symposium Papers Book, December 2010, pp-37-47.

Y. Sarıkaya, "The Wider Black Sea Basin: An Option for Turkey to be a Regional Power?", Theory Versus Policy? Connecting Scholars and Practitioners - ISA (International Studies Association-Uluslararası Çalışmalar Derneği) 51st Annual Convention 2010, 17th-21th February 2010 New Orleans, Lousiana, USA.

Y. Sarıkaya, Contemporary Turcology Researches Symposium: Iranian Turcology 2010, İran Türkolojisi: Titles, Problems and Approaches, 22th-25th June 2010 "İran Türklerinde Siber Siyasal-Kültürel Hareketler", (Cyber Political-Cultural Movements Among Iranian Turks) pp.29-36, Ankara/Turkey, 2011.

Y. Sarıkaya, 2nd Black Sea International Symposium: Black Sea Neighborhood, 16th-17th April 2009, Giresun-Turkey, Proceedings Book, "Security of Energy Transportation Lines: Risks and Threats" pp.216-228, Giresun/Turkey, August 2009.

Y. Sarıkaya, 1st Black Sea International Symposium: Turkish-Russian Mutual Symposium, 27th-28th March 2008, Giresun-Turkey Proceedings Book, "Russia-Iran Relations from past to present", pp.223-241, Giresun/Turkey, August 2008.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Nükleer Tartışmanın İran Milliyetçiliğine Etkileri”, The Effects of Nuclear Debate over Iranian Nationalism), ICANAS-38, 10th-15th September 2007, Ankara-Turkey

Y. Sarıkaya, “International Khodjaly Massacre Symposium”, Proceedings Book, "Traditional Armenian Terror Policy: Nationalization of Terrorism and Khodjaly Massace" pp.122-127, Lahey, Holland, 25th February 2007.

Y. Sarıkaya, “ABD’nin Irak Müdahalesi Sonrasında Türkiye-İran İlişkilerinin Güvenlik Boyutu”, (The Security Dimension of Turkey-Iran Relations after US Intervention to Iraq), 3rd Middle East Seminary, Fırat University, Elazığ/Turkey, 2nd-4th November 2006.

Y.Sarıkaya, “10th Military History Symposium: Effects of Cold War and Post Cold War Historical Results on Turkey’s Security” Proceedings Book, "Ethno-Religious Analysis of Afghanistan’s Reconstruction”, pp.517-526, İstanbul/Türkiye, 20th-22nd April 2005.


Y. Sarıkaya, “NATO Zirvesinin Ardından Ukrayna Krizi” (Ukraine Crisis After the Summit of NATO), EkoAvrasya Journal of Economic and Strategic Researches, 2014/4, No. 28, pp.18-23.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Türkiye’de dışarıdaki Türk varlığı hakkında eğitim/bilgilendirme yürütülmelidir”, (Education/Public Disclosure should be held over Turkish entity abroad Turkey) An interview of VOA, 27th August 2014.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Karabağ Sorunu ve Ağustos 2014 Çatışmalarının Düşündürdükleri” (Karabagh Conflict and Thoughts Deriving from August 2014 Clashes), 2023 (Monthly Journal), August 2014, No.160, pp.40-45.

Y. Sarıkaya, “21. Yüzyıl Başında Türkiye’nin Yakın Çevresinde Durum ve Riskler” (The Situation and Risks in the Near Abroad of Turkey at the Beginning of the 21st Century), Yeni Türkiye (New Turkey), January-February 2014, No.56, pp.421-429.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Zaruri Uzlaşı ve Sınırları: Ruhani Döneminde İran-Batı İlişkilerine Dair Bir Öngörü Denemesi” (Necessary Reconciliation and Its Limits: A Prediction Attempt over West-Iran Relations in Rouhani Era), 2023 (Monthly Journal), November 2013, No.151, pp.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Muhtemel bir Siyasal Fay Hattının Tehlikeleri Üzerine” (On Dangers of a Probable Political Fault Line), 2023 (Monthly Journal), February 2012, No.130, pp.14-19.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Bahardan Krize Arap Hareketleri: Suriye Testi” (Arab Movements From Spring to Crisis: Test of Syria), 2023 (Monthly Journal), June 2011, No.122, pp.4-9.

Y. Sarıkaya, “İran Akdeniz'e Ne Kadar Yakın? İran'ın Akdeniz Perspektifinde Etnik-Dinsel Boyut”, Kuzey Doğu Akdeniz Uluslararası Sempozyumu, (How Close Iran to the Mediterranean?: Ethno-religious Dimension of Iran’s Mediterranean Perspective), International Panel on North East Mediterranean, Gazi university, Ankara, 12th-13th May 2005.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Kapılar Kimin İçin Açılıyor” (For Whom the Border Gates are Opening?), 2023 (Monthly Journal), October 2009, No.102, pp.12-17.

Y. Sarıkaya, “2009 İran Seçim Krizi: İç ve Bölgesel Analiz” (Iranian Election Crisis of 2009: Domestic and Regional Analysis), 2023 (Monthly Journal), July 2009, pp.16-20.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Obama Ortadoğu'da Son Şans Mı?” (Is Obama Last Chance for the Middle East?), 2023 (Monthly Journal), February 2009, No.94, pp.10-15.

Y. Sarıkaya, “ABD Savunma Politikasının El Kitabı: Amerika’nın Savunmasının Yeniden İnşası” (Handbook of the USA Defense Policy: Rebuilding America’s Defenses), 2023 (Monthly Journal), August 2003, pp.28-34.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Gündem İran: Azerbaycan’da ABD’ye Güvenmenin Riskleri” (Agenda is Iran: Risks of Relying USA on Azerbaijan), 2023 (Monthly Journal), July 2003, pp.34-38.

Y. Sarıkaya, “Bush Doktrini: Caydırmak Yetmez Müdahale Şart” (Bush Doctrine: Deterrence is not adequate, Intervention is Essential), 2023 (Monthly Journal), November 2002, pp.54-58

Y. Sarıkaya, “Hatemi Döneminde İran'ın Dış Politikası: Geleneksel Dış Politika İçin Atılım İmkanı Mı?” (Iranian Foreign Policy at Hatemi Era: A Possibility for a leap to the Traditional Foreign Policy?), 2023 (Monthly Journal), June 2002, pp.24-32.