Examples of opportunities for conducted activities

The program used the following directed experience/resource immersion techniques to engage the audience with the site’s tangible resources:the description of the web of life followed by instructions to look for evidence along the trail.This experience provided opportunities for insight and revelation (intellectual connections) and opportunities to feel wonder (emotional connections) in relation to the following resource and its meanings: In our daily lives we often overlook the ways in which everything in nature is interconnected.

The program used the following directed experience/resource immersion techniques to engage the audience with the site’s tangible resources:the story of Jim White’s first entry into the cave while the audience experienced total darkness.This experience provided opportunities to feel empathy and/or amazement (emotional connections) in relation to the following resource and its meanings: The curiosity and sense of adventure of early cavers compelled them to ignore the danger and risk of cave exploration.

The program used the following directed experience/resource immersion techniques to engage the audience with the site’s tangible resources:the activity with the length of rope (equal to the length of a yucca taproot), along with encouragement to observe the plant’s waxy leaves.This experience provided opportunities for understanding relationships (intellectual connections) and opportunities to feel wonder (emotional connections) in relation to the following resource and its meanings: Multiple adaptations of some desert plants allow them to survive through long and severe periods of drought.

The program used the following directed experience/resource immersion techniques to engage the audience with the site’s tangible resources: the guided imagery of a seed blown by the wind, along with the encouragement to feel the breeze blowing up from the canyon, followed by the comparison to our own “journey through life.” This experience provided opportunities for insight and revelation (intellectual connections) and opportunities to feel amazement (emotional connections) in relation to the following resource and its meanings: The survival of some plants is entirely dependent on forces beyond their control, such as wind currents that carry them many miles to fall on a spot of fertile soil. Likewise, our own lives may be influenced by profound forces beyond our control.