3 June2013


Present: Manny Cohen (Chairman),Tim Part (Secretary & Treasurer), Will Bevan (1st XI Captain), Russell Clayton (2nd XI Captain), Richard Godfrey (League Representative)

Apologies:Dan Norcross (President),Jim Bridgeman (Manager), Matiullah Haidar (3rd XI Captain), Alastair Reeves (Social Secretary), Digby Hunt (Welfare Officer)


  • Apologies were noted (please see above)


Treasurer’s update

  • TP noted the balances of the two club accounts
  • MC enquired about the cost of supplying shirts to the 3rd XI – WB noted that there were plenty of spare shirts from last year’s stock. Agreed that MC would distribute these to the 3rd XI


  • TP highlighted the low response to the various calls for subs to date – agreed that TP would progress with individual emails and calls to non-payers
  • An extension to the Super 70 scheme was raised again – TP to explore


  • RG noted that a higher level of fine for not having a 1st XI scorer would soon come into effect
  • WB asked whether the Committee felt that advertising for the position was the best course of action
  • Three alternatives were identified to explore before advertising – asking members for suggestions, seeing if Sophie Murday would be available and TP to discuss with Joe Spence (Headmaster of Dulwich College)

Super 7o draws

  • TP conducted the draw, winners being:
  • April 2013: Brian Delay (£60) & James Clark (£120)
  • May 2013: David Shepherdson (£60) & Anurag Verma (£120)
  • June 2013: Tim Part (£60) & Richard Neville (£1,000)

Other financial business

  • Before the meeting, JB had said that he was exploring getting a promotional banner made for the nets – cost to be ascertained and then decision made by Committee



  • The performance of the websites was noted – selection had been working much better just using PlayCricket for the interim


  • TP noted that he would be having dinner with Joe Spence (Headmaster of Dulwich College) on Saturday 8 June to discuss a mutually beneficial partnership with the school
  • Player recruitment needs a boost – call for help from the base in next email

4.Ground and works (RC)

  • Following the League issuing the club with an “Offence 1” notice over the condition of the wicket, John Dodwell the ECB pitch inspector made a courtesy visit to the club. Also in attendance were the groundsman, RC and a league representative
  • John Dodwell’s report will be issued in 2-3 weeks’ time, but RC reported that the initial findings showed that the percentage composition of weed in the grass was acceptable at under 1%, the grass was of a suitable type and the roots penetrated to a sufficient depth
  • Remedial action will be taken in the interim and addressed further once the report is published
  • MC said that we should respond to the League on publication with a robust response if we feel that it is being heavy-handed and overly-punitive – TP to draft an appropriately-worded response if and when this is necessary

5.Social initiatives

  • A quiz was agreed – AR to organise with WB as quizmaster

6.Date of next meeting

  • Monday 1 or Monday 8 July – TBC


  • Selection issues were discussed
  • Names were proposed for entry into the League awards (OSCAs)
  • It was noted that the 3s have had one of their three strikes (cancelled match) for the season
  • The quality of teas was discussed – alternative arrangements are being explored should it be deemed necessary to change provider

The meeting lasted for 50 minutes

Date of next Committee meeting:1 / 8 July 2013 (TBC)