

Circle or highlight the descriptors that best describe your progress towards accomplishing the Learning Target: / Exemplary / Accomplished / Developing / Beginning
Learning Target #1:
I can gather research on Ancient Egypt – focusing on “Daily Life”, Geographical Locations, and Famous Accomplishments and/or people.
Learning Target #2:
I can create a “skit” based on my research that will “Teach” the audience about Ancient Egypt. / §  The information is thorough, with lots of details.
§  Background and interesting details are added making the info clear and providing unique connection.
§  The story for the skit is creative and highly entertaining – while extremely informative.
§  The skit flows effortlessly with both the words and physical movement of characters.
§  I stay in “character” 100% of the time. / §  All required information is covered – with no obvious gaps.
§  Information is clear and focused.
§  The story for the skit is entertaining and informative.
§  The skit flows well with both words and physical movement of characters.
§  I stay in character most of the time. / §  Some information is covered – but there are noticeable gaps of information missing.
§  Some parts of unclear and unfocused.
§  May get off topic or share inaccurate info.
§  Some parts of the skit are entertaining and/or informative.
§  Some parts of the skit flow with words and physical movement of characters.
§  I stay in character sometimes – but lose focus sometime / §  Significant information is missing – causing big gaps.
§  Inaccurate information is shared.
§  Off topic.
§  The skit is unorganized and lacks effort.
§  The story is unrealistic, confusing, and hard to follow.
§  I am rarely in character - lacking focus throughout the skit.
Learning Target #1 / Ex / Acc / Dev / Beg / Inc
I can gather research on Ancient Egypt – focusing on “Daily Life”, Geography, and Accomplishments.
Learning Target #1 / Ex / Acc / Dev / Beg / Inc
I can create a “skit” based on my research that will “Teach” the audience about Ancient Egypt.
Circle or highlight the descriptors that best describe your progress towards accomplishing the Learning Target: / Exemplary / Accomplished / Developing / Beginning
Learning Target #3:
I can work together with a group to create a skit and participate in the performance.
Learning Target #4:
I can demonstrate my learning about Ancient Egypt (from my skit and the skits of my peers) through one of the following ways:
-Write a Poem
-Write a Paper
-Draw a Poster / §  I am highly focused and supportive with my ideas and the ideas of others.
§  I am a highly balanced and effective leader and follower.
§  I participate and am outgoing in the skit.
§  My final “piece” demonstrates a detailed depth of knowledge with strong connections between the information learned from the different groups, in addition to my own group.
§  It can stand alone as a comprehensive teaching tool. / §  I am focused and supportive with my ideas and the ideas of others.
§  I am a balanced and effective leader and follower.
§  I participate in the skit.
§  My final “piece” demonstrates a depth of knowledge with consistent connections between the information learned from most of the different groups, in addition to my own group.
§  It can stand alone as a teaching tool. / §  I am somewhat focused and supportive with my ideas and the ideas of others.
§  I attempt to balance being a leader and follower.
§  I participate some in the skit.
§  My final “piece” demonstrates knowledge that is limited, but mostly accurate.
§  Minor errors may be present.
§  Some parts could be used as a teaching tool. / §  I lack and support with my ideas and the ideas of others.
§  I struggle to be a leader and follower.
§  I resist participating in the skit.
§  My final “piece” demonstrates knowledge that is mostly from my group.
§  Information may be limited and/or inaccurate.
§  Errors may interfere with understanding.
§  Limited parts could be used as a teaching tool.
Learning Target #3 / Ex / Acc / Dev / Beg / Inc
I can work together with a group to create a skit and participate in the performance.
Learning Target #4 / Ex / Acc / Dev / Beg / Inc
I can demonstrate my learning about Ancient Egypt with a poem, paper, or poster.