With the three new traffic signals recently activated in Malone, drivers should notice a major change from past practice by the DOT – the signals are located on the far side of the intersection. This is a relatively new preferred option by NYS DOT state-wide, and there are several advantages over placement of the signals on a wire strung diagonally across the intersection as has been the standard practice in New York.
A further enhancement to these new signals is that they are suspended on mast arms rather than hanging from cables. This gives a cleaner look to the installation, keeps the wiring enclosed and protected from weather, and provides greater stability for the signal heads in high winds. In some instances, box span wire will be used rather than mast arms. In these installations, the signals are hung from a cable connecting the four poles in the intersection. This allows for mounting the signal heads on the far side but lacks the advantages of the mast arms.
Additional advantages of placing the signal heads on the far side of the intersection include:
- Reduced red-light running, as drivers perceive a greater distance to the signal when the light changes from green to amber, and therefore are more likely to stop.
- Better sight angle for drivers waiting at the intersection for a signal change.
- Signals are visible to a driver in the intersection waiting to make a left turn.
- Better view of the lights to a driver making a right turn on red.
- Safer for DOT to perform maintenance on the signals.
- Allows for the use of video detectionequipment rather than embedded loop sensors to detect vehicles waiting for a light to change.
- Provides for street or route signs on the mast arms rather than at the corner.
As with any change, there are always some drawbacks. In far-side signal installations, four poles plus foundations are required rather than two, adding to the total cost. However, the foundations and poles are slightly smaller in size. Further, four poles provides for installing pedestrian signals where necessary.
The gradual change to the new design actually began with a presentation to DOT Region 7 headquarters in Watertown by Franklin County Traffic Safety Board vice-chairman, Dave Werner, and Federal Highway Administration Transportation Safety Engineer, Emmett McDevitt in March, 2009. This played a key role in the decision to install far-side signals as standard practice. The far-side signal information was subsequently presented to the Regional Traffic Engineers representing the other 10 regions of New York State by Marty Percy, Regional Traffic Engineer in Watertown. The result is that NYS DOT is now using far-side signal placement for new installations as standard practice throughout the state.
It also should be noted that the 2009 edition of the federal Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices strongly recommends far-side signal configuration.
For more information on traffic safety, go to Franklin County TSB at: and under departments, click on Traffic Safety Board.
Far Side Placement of New Traffic Signals