An A-Z List of ESOL Strategies for PreK-12 Classrooms

Compiled by:J. Govoni

Avoid acronyms and abbreviations; Adapt lessons and assessments to varied English

proficiency levels; and use Appsto support English vocabulary and academic content.

Buddy with an English speaking partner; Build on cultural knowledge and experiences; and

haveBilingual dictionaries accessible in all classrooms.

Cultural backgrounds must be considered; Categorize, Classify, and useCooperative learning

strategiesto promote critical thinking skills; and Check for comprehension through

Cloze activities, Concrete examples, and Computer programs.

Demonstrate appropriate use of the English language; and incorporate Direct instruction,

Drawings,and Dramatizationsto check ELs’ comprehension.

Educate yourself on ELs’ cultural backgrounds; Encourage use of native languages in the

classroom; Enhance lessons with visuals;and Establish a positive and comfortable

learning environment.

Form a community of learners in the classroom; and refer to Frayer’s Model of vocabulary

instructionto accommodateELs’ academic needs.

Graphic organizers and simplified Grammarpromote cognitive development; and Guided

reading fosters ELs’ comprehension.

Hands-on experiences and Home-school connections are essential; Highlighting, Heritage

languagedictionaries, and Handouts of key learning promote comprehensible


Individualizedinstructionprovides an appropriate ESOL modification; and Illustrations and the

Inquiry-basedApproach promoteELs’ participation.

Journals and reading logs are ways to check for comprehension; JoggingELs’ background

knowledgeis critical; and Jumping at opportunities to include diverse cultures is crucial.

Keep directionssimple; use KWL charts and Kinesthetic activities to support learning; and

remember to Keep a professional attitude.

Label items in the classroom; include LEA to build on ELs’ languages; provide Leveled readers

and resources to modify for comprehensible instruction; and plan for Learning centers.

Modify language; Model step-by-step instruction;Minimize use of idioms; and use

Manipulatives, Maps, and Media resources to support comprehensible instruction.

Negotiate meanings of words to foster the learning process; Notice ELs’ strengths; Nurture

their learning; and provide a welcoming program for Newcomers.

One-on-one instruction is beneficial to the learning process; Open books, Oral reports, and

Outlines are effective ways to check for comprehension.

Predicting, Pre-reading, Pictures, Peer assistance, Parents’ home languages, and Pre-activities

are positive ways to support learning; as well as considering the Proficiency levels of ELs when planning instruction and assessments.

Questions based on language proficiency and the use of Webb’s or Bloom’s Taxonomy are

beneficial for ELs’ learning.

Read alouds, Role-plays, and Repetition are effective strategies; and it is important to

remember to Researchall cultures and Review lesson objectives.

Scaffold information; Simplify grammar and vocabulary; and Sequence, Summarize, and

provideSmall-group instruction.

Talk slowly; incorporate TPR and various types of Techonologies; and modify instruction using


Underline key words and essential details; and Use visuals.

Vary instruction; use Venn diagrams and other Visuals; and Visit with families of ELs.

Wait for ELs’ responses, incorporate Word banks and Whole language activities; and modify

Word choice and sentence structure.

Xerox activities to foster ELs’ comprehension of text; and pay Xtra attention to language and

cultural barriers to promote social and academic growth.

Yack slowly and repeat yourself often; and You, as the teacher or administrator, should be

trained on strategies and assessment protocol to work effectively with a diverse student


Zigzag through lessons to modify for comprehensible instruction, check for student

comprehension, and make appropriate assessment accommodations.