Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpa0

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - native veg.

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: BCSNRCSLand Use: Wildlife

System Narrative Template:

Existing CRP consisting of predominantly (51% or more) native vegetative species. Livestock Exclusion (472) was the conservation practice maintained on the land unit. Existing cover is overgrown and not providing optimum wildlife habitat.




------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Cover has controlled airborne sediment

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Upland Wildlife Habitat

Effect Value / Impact Value
Habitat has been provided for wildlife spp.

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
CRP cover has reduced cropping costs and maintained a constant income.

PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of management has resulted in poor plant vigor.


Effect Value / Impact Value
Increased infiltration resulted in ground water recharge.

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method 1.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index 0.50 HSI

Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpab

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - native veg.

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: BCSNRCSLand Use: Wildlife

System Narrative Template:

Existing CRP consisting of predominantly (51% or more) native vegetative species. Livestock Exclusion (472) was the conservation practice maintained on the land unit. Existing cover is overgrown and not providing optimum wildlife habitat.




------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Cover has controlled airborne sediment.

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
CRP cover has reduced cropping costs and maintained a constant income

PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of management has resulted in poor plant vigor


Effect Value / Impact Value
Increased infiltration resulted in ground water recharge

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method1.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index0.50 HSI

Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpb0

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - introduced veg.

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: BCSNRCSLand Use: Wildlife

System Narrative Template:

Existing CRP consisting of predominantly (51% or more) introduced vegetative species. Livestock Exclusion (472) was the conservation practice maintained on the land unit. Existing cover is overgrown and not providing optimum wildlife habitat.




------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Cover has controlled airborne sediment

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Upland Wildlife Habitat

Effect Value / Impact Value

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
CRP has eliminated annual cropping costs and stabilized income

PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of management has resulted in poor plant vigor


Effect Value / Impact Value
Increased infiltration resulted in ground water recharge.

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method1.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index0.50 HSI

Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpbb

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - introduced veg.

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: BCSNRCSLand Use: Wildlife

System Narrative Template:

Existing CRP consisting of predominantly (51% or more) introduced vegetative species. Livestock Exclusion (472) was the conservation practice maintained on the land unit. Existing cover is overgrown and not providing optimum wildlife habitat.




------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Cover has controlled airborne sediment

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
CRP has eliminated annual cropping costs and stabilized income

PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of management has resulted in poor plant vigor.


Effect Value / Impact Value
Increased infiltration resulted in ground water

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method1.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index0.50 HSI

Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpc0

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - introduced, reseeding

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: BCSNRCSLand Use: Wildlife

System Narrative Template:

Existing CRP consists of predominantly (51% or more) introduced vegetative species. Livestock Exclusion (472) was the conservation practice maintained on the land unit. Existing cover is overgrown and not providing optimum wildlife habitat.




------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Cover has controlled airborne sediment.

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Upland Wildlife Habitat

Effect Value / Impact Value

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
CRP has eliminated annual cropping costs and stabilized income

PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of management has resulted in poor plant vigor.


Effect Value / Impact Value
Increased infiltration resulted in ground water recharge

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method1.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index0.50 HSI

Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpcb

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - introduced, reseeding

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: BCSNRCSLand Use: Wildlife

System Narrative Template:

Existing CRP consists of predominantly (51% or more) introduced vegetative species. Livestock Exclusion (472) was the conservation practice maintained on the land unit. Existing cover is overgrown and not providing optimum wildlife habitat.




------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Cover has controlled airborne sediment.

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
CRP has eliminated annual cropping costs and stabilized income

PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of management has resulted in poor plant vigor


Effect Value / Impact Value
Increased infiltration resulted in ground water recharge.

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method1.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index0.50 HSI

Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpd0

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - irrigated cropland

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: ACSNRCSLand Use: Crop

System Narrative Template:

Irrigated cropland that is subject to wind erosion. Soils are droughty, making establishment of permanent vegetative cover difficult. Conservation practices were previously applied to the land unit to meet compliance requirements.



------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of cover has resulted in airborne sediment during wind erosion events.

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Upland Wildlife Habitat

Effect Value / Impact Value

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
Income from the cropland has been based on crop yields and market conditions


PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Crop yields have been determined by the level of management at the site.


Effect Value / Impact Value
Reduced infiltration limited ground water recharge.

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method15.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index0.20 HSI

Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpdb

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - irrigated cropland

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: ACSNRCSLand Use: Crop

System Narrative Template:

Irrigated cropland that is subject to wind erosion. Soils are droughty, making establishment of permanent vegetative cover difficult. Conservation practices were previously applied to the land unit to meet compliance requirements.



------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of cover has resulted in airborne sediment during wind erosion events.

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
Income from the cropland has been based on crop yields and market conditions.

PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Crop yields have been determined by the level of management at the site.


Effect Value / Impact Value
Reduced infiltration limited ground water recharge.

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method15.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index0.20 HSI

Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpe0

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - converted from dry crop.

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: ACSNRCSLand Use: Crop

System Narrative Template:

Non-irrigated cropland that is subject to wind erosion. Lack of dependable soil moisture will be considered when seeding permanent vegetation. Conservation practices were previously applied to the land unit to meet compliance requirements.


------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of cover has resulted in airborne sediment during wind erosion events


ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Upland Wildlife Habitat

Effect Value / Impact Value
Wildlife Habitat does not meet key spp needs.

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
Income from the cropland has been based on crop yields and market conditions.

PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Crop yields have been determined by the level of management at the site.


Effect Value / Impact Value
Reduced infiltration limited ground water recharge.

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method15.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index0.20 HSI

Management System Templates


System Template Label: crpeb

System Template Name: CRP Wildlife Benchmark - converted from dry crop.

Planning Phase: BENCHMARKPlanning Level: ACSNRCSLand Use: Crop

System Narrative Template:

Non-irrigated cropland that is subject to wind erosion. Lack of dependable soil moisture will be considered when seeding permanent vegetation. Conservation practices were previously applied to the land unit to meet compliance requirements.


------Text Effects------

AIR QUALITY, Airborne Sediment & Smoke Particulates, conveyance

Effect Value / Impact Value
Lack of cover has resulted in airborne sediment during wind erosion events.

HUMAN ECONOMICS, Farm/Ranch Financial Condition

Effect Value / Impact Value
Income from the cropland has been based on crop yields and market conditions.

PLANTS CONDITION, Plants Health & Vigor

Effect Value / Impact Value
Crop yields have been determined by the level of management at the site.


Effect Value / Impact Value
Reduced infiltration limited ground water recharge

------Numeric Effects------

SOIL EROSION, Wind, WEQ Annual Method15.0 Tons/Ac/Yr

ANIMALS (WILDLIFE) HABITAT, Wildlife Habitat Suitability Index0.20 HSI