
Daily Oral Language

Week 4

Make the corrections for each sentence then rewrite the corrected sentence on the lines given. Complete only the two sentences that correspond with the day of the week.

M1. on Saturday, miss Washington will speek to us about sioux artists


M2. yeers ago, several tribes decorate common objects with beads


M3. yesterday i finished a book called The art of the plains Indians by Shirley Glubok


T1. kara said egerly, “I want to see the cases for the knifes ”


T2. these cases is decorated with blue red and yellow beads


W1. how did people cover those belt with beads


W2. eech weever used thred, an loom, and beads of many colors


Th1. mr. wood wear a beeded band around his hed


Th2. my friend said, It keeps his hair back and holds a fether


Fun Facts about Native American Beadwork

Did you know…?

·  Native Americans used Italian beads that the early European settlers brought with them.

·  Some of earliest beads, called pony beads, were larger than the ones used today.

·  Each tribe had a distinctive style of beading.

·  Plains Indians made beadwork decorations for their horses.