TENth Meeting of the conference of

the parties to the vienna convention


TwentY SIXTH Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

Paris, France, 17-21 November 2014


Mr. Abdullah Al Islam Jakob, MP

Hon’ble Deputy Minister

Ministry of Environment and Forests

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Statement of the Leader of the Delegation

Mr. President

Hon’ble Ministers


Distinguished Delegates

Ladies and Gentlemen

I am greatly honoured and privileged to be here in this prestigious event in the beautiful city ofParis, France. Onbehalf of Bangladesh delegation and on my own behalf, I extend my sincere gratitude to the people and the Government of Francefor hosting this meeting and also for the warm and generous hospitality extended to us.

I also take this opportunity in congratulating you, Mr. President on your election. I am confident that under your able leadership, and with the assistance of the Bureau, we will have a fruitful meeting in Paris.

Mr. President,

Since accession to the Montreal Protocol on 2 August 1990 and subsequent ratification of amendments of the Protocol, our government has been implementing Montreal Protocol in Bangladesh and successfully completed with 100% CFCs reduction target in 2010 in the Refrigeration & Air-condition sector and also to the solvent and other sectors. We have also phased out CFCs in MDI sector in 2012.We have developed a very effective Private Public Partnership (PPP) in our country with the relevant sectors during phase-out of ODSs.

The Montreal Protocol has been successful in protecting the ozone layer by reducing production and consumption of ozone depleting substances. This reduction of emissions of ozone depleting substances has also had significant climate benefits, since most ozone depleting substances are also potent GHGs.

Mr. President,

While we are engaged in the implementation of HCFC Phase-out Management Plan, we came to know regarding the two amendment proposal of North American countries and from Federated state of Micronesia to control use of HFCs under Montreal Protocol.

As a vulnerable country to the climate Change,we support,the phase-down of all high GWP HFCs under Montreal Protocol.

Bangladesh finds it a moral obligation to address the issues of HFC emission as these chemicals were promoted by Montreal Protocol Parties during phase-out of CFCs.

We hope parties to the Montreal Protocol under your able guidance will reach an agreeable conclusion in this regard.

Mr. President,

HFCs have been until now major replacement for CFCs and HCFCs. HCFCs are being phased-out under accelerated phase-out schedule under Montreal Protocol.Countries are preparing and implementing HCFC Phase-out Management Plan. Selection of alternative technology is critical in the phasing out of HCFCs.

In Bangladesh, we already started use of environment friendly Hydrocarbon (HCs) in the refrigeration sector. For foam sector, we have chosen zero ODP and low GWP Cyclopentane for conversion of HCFC-141b insulation foam producing process.

Exception is MDI sector. To date, no alternative medical propellant to HFCs has been shown to be suitable for use with existing ingredients or components, let alone proven to be safe for patients. Other sectors have suitable Low GWP alternatives.

We are implementing our HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMPs) in such a manner that the alternatives areozone friendly, climate friendly and also energy efficient and need not phase-out again.

Mr. President,

I have the pleasure to inform you that Bangladesh has developed an indigenous method of wood treatment by applying heat to meet ISMP-15 instead of Methyl Bromide. The lessons learned from Bangladesh may be replicated to other countries. The ozone secretariat can take a lead in this regard.

Mr. President,

All these achievements were possible due to the strong political commitment of the government of Bangladesh and a very effective Public-Private Partnership programme initiated by the government.

We are thankful to the Parties for giving us opportunity to work in various committees in different times.

We are also thankful to the Executive Committee of the Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund for technical and financial assistance extended to us and also thankful to the implementing agencies, UNDP and UNEP for their cooperation and hard work.

Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

Before I conclude, I must express our sincere gratitude to the Government and People of France for their warm and generous hospitality. I would also like to convey our deep appreciation to the Ozone Secretariat for their hard work in providing appropriate support for conducting this meeting. I also thank all the officials of France for their hospitality, support, and cooperation to make the meeting a success.

Thank you once again.

Thank you, Mr. President

Allah Hafez


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