Annenberg/CPB Video Series
Title / No. of Programs / No. of Blank Tapes or DVD’s NeededLanguage Arts/Reading
American Passages: A Literary Survey / 16 / 4
The Expanding Canon: Teach. Multicultural Lit. In HS / 8 / 4
Conversations In Literature / 8 / 4
Making Meaning in Lit: Teachers, Grades 6-8 / 9 / 5
Making Meaning in Lit: Grades 6-8 / 3 / 2
In Search of the Novel / 8 / 5
Teaching Reading K-2 Workshop / 8 / 4
Teaching Reading K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices / 13 / 4
Artifacts & Fiction Workshop in American Literature / 8 / 4
Total Tapes/DVD’s Needed Language Arts/Reading / 36
Private Universe Project in Mathematics / 6 / 3
The Missing Link: Essential Concepts for MS Math Teachers / 8 / 4
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra / 10 / 3
Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability / 10 / 3
Geometry / 12 / 3
Number and Operations / 12 / 3
Mathematics: What's the Big Idea? / 8 / 8
Teaching Math: A Video Library, K-4 / 24 / 11
Teaching Math: A Video Library, 5-8 / 3 / 1
Teaching Math: A Video Library, 9-12 / 10 / 4
Measurement / 12 / 3
Total Tapes/DVD’s Needed Mathematics / 46
Reactions in Chemistry / 8 / 4
Learning Science Through Inquiry / 8 / 4
Energy / 8 / 4
Force and Motion / 8 / 4
Shedding Light on Science / 8 / 4
A Private Universe / 1 / 1
Private Universe Project in Science / 10 / 10
The Science of Teaching Science / 8 / 8
Teaching HS Science / 6 / 3
Minds of Our Own / 3 / 2
Rediscovering Biology / 13 / 4
Essential Science / 8 / 4
Total Tapes/DVD’s Needed Science / 52
The Learning Classroom / 13 / 4
Total Tapes/DVD’s Needed All Lang Arts/Read/Math/Science / No. of Programs 305 / No. of Blank Tapes/DVD’s Needed
American Passages: A Literary Survey
A video course on American literature for college-level instruction and teacher professional development; 16 half-hour video programs, instructor’s guide, study guide, and Web site
American Passages: A Literary Survey is a 16-part American literature course. The video programs, print guides, and Web site place literary movements and authors within the context of history and culture. The course takes an expanded view of American literary movements, bringing in a diversity of voices and tracing the continuity among them. The materials, which are coordinated with the Norton Anthology of American Literature, can be used as the basis of a one or two-semester college-level course or for teacher professional development.
ISBN: 1-57680-564-6
Individual Program Descriptions
1. Native Voices
Native Americans had established a rich and highly developed tradition of oral literature long before the writings of the European colonists. This program explores that richness by introducing Native American oral traditions through the work of three contemporary authors: Leslie Marmon Silko (Laguna Pueblo), Simon Ortiz (Acoma Pueblo), and Luci Tapahonso (Navajo).
2. Exploring Borderlands
Chicana writer Gloria Anzaldúa tells us that the border is "una herida abierta [an open wound] where… the lifeblood of two worlds is merging to form a third country — a border culture." This program explores the literature of the Chicano borderlands and its beginnings in the literature of Spanish colonization.
3. Utopian Promise
When British colonists landed in the Americas, they created communities that they hoped would serve as a "light onto the nations." But what role would the native inhabitants play in this new model community? This program compares the answers of two important groups, the Puritans and Quakers, and exposes the lasting influence they had upon American identity.
4. Spirit of Nationalism
The Enlightenment brought new ideals and a new notion of selfhood to the American colonies. This program begins with an examination of the importance of the trope of the self-made man in Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography, and then turns to the development of this concept in the writings of Romanticist Ralph Waldo Emerson.
5. Masculine Heroes
In 1898, Frederick Jackson Turner declared the frontier as the defining feature of American culture, but American authors had uncovered its significance much earlier. This program turns to three key writers of the early national period — James Fenimore Cooper, John Rollin Ridge, and Walt Whitman — and examines the influential visions of American manhood offered by each author.
6. Gothic Undercurrents
What was haunting the American nation in the 1850s? The three writers treated in this program — Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and Emily Dickinson — use poetry and prose to explore the dark side of nineteenth-century America.
7. Slavery and Freedom
How has slavery shaped the American literary imagination and American identity? This program turns to the classic slave narratives of Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass and the fiction of Harriet Beecher Stowe. What rhetorical strategies do their works use to construct an authentic and authoritative American self?
8. Regional Realism
Set in the antebellum American South, but written after Emancipation, Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn remains a classic of American literature. This program compares Twain’s depiction of Southern vernacular culture to that of Charles Chestnutt and Kate Chopin, and in doing so, introduces the hallmarks of American Realism.
9. Social Realism
This program presents the authors of the American Gilded Age, such as Edith Wharton, and juxtaposes them with social realists like Anzia Yezierska. These writers expose the double world that made up turn–of–the–century New York: that of the elite and that of the poorest of the poor. Which of these realities is the more truly American?
10. Rhythms in Poetry
Amidst the chaos following World War I, Ezra Pound urged poets to "Make it new!" This call was heeded by a large range of poets, ranging from T. S. Eliot to Jean Toomer. This program explores the modernist lyrics of two of these poets: William Carlos Williams and Langston Hughes. What is modernism? How did these poets start a revolution that continues until this day?
11. Modernist Portraits
Jazz filled the air and wailed against the night. Caught in the sway, American prose writers sought out the forbidden — the slang, the dialects, and the rhythms of the folk and of everyday life. Writers such as Hemingway, Stein, and Fitzgerald forged a new style: one which silhouetted the geometry of language, crisp in its own cleanness.
12. Migrant Struggle
Americans have often defined themselves through their relationship to the land. This program traces the social fiction of three key American voices: John Steinbeck, Carlos Bulosan, and Helena María Viramontes.
13. Southern Renaissance
"My subject in fiction," Flannery O’Connor tells us, "is the action of grace in the territory held largely by the devil." One might do well to ask what, if not the devil, haunts the American South in this era between the wars. This program uncovers the revisioning of Southern myths during the modernist era by writers William Faulkner and Zora Neale Hurston.
14. Becoming Visible
This program guides the viewer through the works and contexts of ethnic writers from 1945–1965. Starting with the works of Ralph Waldo Ellison, Philip Roth, and N. Scott Momaday, we explore the way writers from the margins took over the center of American culture.
15. Poetry of Liberation
For many, the 1960s mark the true end of modern America. Whereas the modernists remained serious about the transcendent nature of art, the artists of the 1960s wanted an art that was relevant. They wanted an art that not only spoke about justice, but also helped create it. This program explores the innovations made in American poetry in the 1960s by Allen Ginsberg, Amiri Baraka, and Adrienne Rich.
16. Search for Identity
Even as the poets were fostering a rebellion, contemporary prose writers began creating a new American Tradition comprised of many strands, many voices, and many myths about the past. This program explores the search for identity by three American writers: Maxine Hong Kingston, Sandra Cisneros, and Leslie Feinberg.
The Expanding Canon: Teaching Multicultural Literature in High School
A video workshop for high school teachers; 8 one-hour video programs, workshop guide, and Web site; graduate credit available
This professional development workshop for high school teachers is an exploration of the richness of multicultural literature shown through four pedagogical approaches to teaching it: reader response, inquiry, cultural studies, and critical pedagogy. Eight one-hour video programs feature classroom footage illustrating these approaches, augmented by background information on featured authors and analysis of their works by leading scholars, educators, and the authors themselves. Rounding out the workshop experience are the print guide, which includes discussion questions and activities, and the Web site, which includes resources about literature and teaching strategies.
Produced by Thirteen/WNET. 2003.
ISBN: 1-57680-676-6
Individual Program Descriptions
1. Workshop 1. Reader Response: Pat Mora and James Welch
In Part I, Alfredo Lujan and his students at the Monte del Sol school in Santa Fe, New Mexico, explore My Own True Name, Pat Mora’s collection of poetry for teens and young adults. Pat Mora visits the classroom and shares her poetry with students. In Part II, Greg Hirst’s Wolf Point High School students on the Fort Peck reservation in Wolf Point, Montana, respond to the literature of Native American writer James Welch.
2. Workshop 2. Reader Response: Keith Gilyard and Mourning Dove
In Part I, Alfredo Lujan’s students discuss poems in Keith Gilyard’s Poemographies. Gilyard reads his poem, “The Hatmaker” to the students and leads them in a response-based writing activity. In Part II, Greg Hirst’s students learn about and enact the oral tradition through the Salish coyote stories as written by Mourning Dove.
3. Workshop 3. Inquiry: Rudolfo Anaya and James Baldwin
In Part I, Jorge Arredondo’s students at Charles H. Milby High School in Houston, Texas, begin an inquiry-based exploration of Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima. In Part II, Bo Wu and her students at Murry Bergtraum High School in New York City explore three works by James Baldwin and begin to create their own Web sites about Baldwin.
4. Workshop 4. Inquiry: Tomás Rivera and Esmeralda Santiago
In Part I, Jorge Arredondo’s students begin an inquiry unit based on Tomás Rivera’s And the Earth Did Not Devour Him by visiting with Rivera translator and poet, Evangelina Vigil-Piñón. In Part II, Bo Wu and her students discuss Esmeralda Santiago’s memoir When I Was Puerto Rican and begin creating their own memoirs.
5. Workshop 5. Cultural Studies: Ishmael Reed and Graciela Limón
In Part I, Betty Tillman Samb and her students at Raoul Wallenberg High School in San Francisco, California, explore Ishmael Reed’s poem “Railroad Bill, A Conjure Man” and related texts. Reed visits the class and reads excerpts of the poem. In Part II, Bobbi Houtchens and her students at Arroyo Valley High School in San Bernardino, California, discuss excerpts from Graciela Limón’s novel about Chiapas entitled Erased Faces. Limón reads passages from her novel and shares stories of growing up in East Los Angeles and visiting the Zapatistas in Mexico.
6. Workshop 6. Cultural Studies: N. Scott Momaday and Russell Leong
In Part I, Betty Tillman Samb’s students study the mythological themes and historical shifts of Kiowa culture through N. Scott Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain. In Part II, Bobbi Houtchens and her students tour LA’s Chinatown with poet Russell Leong and explore the relationship between poetry and Tai Chi. Leong reads excerpts of his poem “Aerogrammes” and leads the class in creating Japanese Renga poems.
7. Workshop 7. Critical Pedagogy: Octavia E. Butler and Ruthanne Lum McCunn
In Part I, Cathie Wright-Lewis’s students at Benjamin Banneker Academy in Brooklyn, New York, investigate the political, social, technological, and environmental issues in Octavia E. Butler’s novel, Parable of the Sower. In Part II, Sandra Childs’s students at Franklin High School in Portland, Oregon, discuss cultural and political issues as they relate to Ruthanne Lum McCunn’s novel, Thousand Pieces of Gold. Lum McCunn reads from her novel and discusses it with students.
8. Workshop 8. Critical Pedagogy: Abiodun Oyewole and Lawson Fusao Inada
In Part I, Cathie Wright-Lewis and her class explore the tradition of spoken word and the works of poet Abiodun Oyewole. In Part II, Sandra Childs’s class studies the history of Japanese-American internment in the United States through the works of Lawson Fusao Inada. Inada reads his poetry to the students and addresses their questions.
Conversations in Literature
A video workshop on engaging in literature for grade 6-12 literature and language arts teachers; 8 one-hour video programs, workshop guide, and Web site; graduate credit available
In this video workshop, teachers, academics, and authors gather as a “community of readers,” immersing themselves in classic and contemporary literature from Hamlet to works by Langston Hughes, James Dickey, and Alice Walker. These participants, led by Dr. Judith Langer, model the habits of effective readers in an approach known as “envisionment building.” The readers develop interpretations by stepping into and moving through the text using their own unique perspectives. Develop your own reading community using these video programs with coordinated Web site and print guide, and learn how intuition, background experiences, and personal involvement construct meaning for readers. Return to the classroom with inspiration to guide your students toward engaging with literature in the same way.
ISBN: 1-57680-460-7
Individual Program Descriptions
1. Workshop 1. Responding As Readers
In this session, the audience meets the readers in this workshop — including Dr. Langer — and their varied literary backgrounds. Dr. Langer introduces the major concepts of her work in understanding the processes through which effective readers interact with literary texts.
2. Workshop 2. Envisioning
Dr. Langer explains the four vantage points that effective readers take as they build “envisionments,” and the research process through which she identified them. She explains how each vantage point, or “stance” — being outside and stepping into an envisionment, being in and moving through an envisionment, stepping out and rethinking what one knows, and stepping out and objectifying the experience — contributes to an evolving and expansive understanding of the text. The stances are demonstrated as the readers discuss Gary Soto’s poem “Oranges.”
3. Workshop 3. Stepping In
In a discussion of James Dickey’s “The Lifeguard” and Frank O’Connor’s “First Confession,” the group talks about their impressions, intuitions, and hunches that help them gather information as they first enter a text. They also talk through sticking points when the information they encounter in the text fragments their envisionments, and demonstrate how they work collectively to rebuild them. Throughout, Dr. Langer clarifies and explains content and suggests ways to apply techniques in the classroom.
4. Workshop 4. Moving Through
In this session, the community of readers shows how they create an envisionment as they are in and moving through a text, a time of great personal involvement in the action and character motivation. The group works with two texts, Cathy Song’s poem “Lost Sister” and Stephen Dixon’s short story “All Gone,” building on their initial impressions to examine motives, feelings, causes, interrelationships, and interactions as they create a more complete envisionment of these texts. At this point in their reading, the community steps inside each text virtually, living through it as it unfolds.
5. Workshop 5. Rethinking
The group demonstrates another important vantage point that competent readers adopt: that of stepping outside the text and using what they find there to rethink what they know. As they discuss Shakespeare’s Hamlet, they plumb the familial relationships included in the text to find points of congruence between the text and their own lives, and lessons they can take away from this examination. Dr. Langer stresses that, while not all texts speak explicitly to readers in this way, seeking the places where one’s life intersects with the lessons of literature is important for all readers.
6. Workshop 6. Objectifying the Text
This session showcases the reader as critic, as the readers step out of the text to reflect on what it all means, how it works, and why. From this stance, the readers look at Alice Walker’s “Revolutionary Petunias” and Langston Hughes’s “Theme for English B” to examine the authors’ craft, the structure of the text and its various literary elements, and the choice of language. Dr. Langer reminds readers of the importance of personal evaluation of the text and encourages teachers of readers to include the techniques explored here in their classrooms.
7. Workshop 7. The Stances in Action
This session shows how readers move into and out of each of the stances as they build their envisionments. This program serves as a model of effective reading habits for the viewer, focusing on two extended discussions as the onscreen readers individually and collectively enter and become immersed in their reading, and step back and reflect on its lessons. Viewers will learn to discern the various stances used and how they can influence work with students.
8. Workshop 8. Returning to the Classroom
In the concluding session, the readers in this community talk about the ways in which these processes can affect the language arts classroom, sharing their success stories. The audience is also given the opportunity to eavesdrop on classrooms throughout the country to see how teachers can encourage their students to become active and involved readers, creating rich and complex envisionments as they interact with literature.
Making Meaning in Literature: A Video Library, Grades 6-8
A video library for middle school language arts teachers; 9 twenty-minute video programs, library guide, and Web site