Allocated parcel number on Plan A / Name and address of proposed recipient / Interest of proposed recipient s52(3) PA 2008 / Registered land:Registered
title number and OS grid reference / Unregistered land:
OS grid reference and description of land / Evidence of reasonable effortsand that the authorisation request is a last resort* / Reasons for s52 request **
1 / Mr. A Jones
22 The Street
TV22 9HG / s52(3)(b) – interest in the land as freeholder / Registered number: TN674800
OS Ref: TF189256 / N/A / Served requisition notice on the land shown in Plan B on Mr Jones on […date…].
No response.
(refer to paragraph 7 for level of sufficient detail required). / Compliance with chapter 2 of part 5 identifying s.42 consultees (refer to paragraph 2 for level of sufficient detail required).
2 / Unknown / s52(3)(a) – an occupier of the land / N/A / OS Ref: TF125640
Description: scrub land with outbuildings adjacent to registered title number TN674800 / Located site notice outside entrance to land as shown in Plan B on […date…]. Published notice in […name of local/regional paper…] on […date…].
No response. / Compliance with chapter 2 of part 5 identifying s.42 consultees (refer to paragraph 2 for level of sufficient detail required).
* Evidence of reasonable efforts and last resort may include: providing the date that a requisition notice was sent to the recipient and the date of insufficient response or confirmation of no response received, date the site notice was displayed relating to that parcel number and/or the date the notice was included in the newspaper relating to that parcel number and/or setting out a schedule of correspondence and/or meetings between the developer and the proposed recipient(s).
** Reason for s52 request should refer to compliance with either provisions under chapter 2 of part 5 or chapter 1 of part 6 (s52(1)).
Project nameDeveloper name
Date Request(s) made
s52 Request(s) Letter / [dated [ ] enclosing the s52 request(s)]
Table / [Identifying the land about which interests in land is to be sought (see suggested format at Annex A)]
Plan A / [date / reference and Key Plan (if applicable)]
Plan B (if applicable) / [date / reference]
Appendix 1 / [Up-to-date official copies and title plan(s) for the registered title(s) identified in the Table and shown on Plan A]
Appendix 2 / [Evidence to demonstrate reasonable efforts have been made by the developer to obtain information about interests in land (may include correspondence with the proposed recipient(s) of the s52 notice/ copies of site notices/ copies of newspaper notices) and schedule of correspondence and/or meetings between the developer and the proposed recipient(s)].]
[Evidence provided of notifying the recipient(s) identified under s52(3) that the s52 authorisation request(s) have been made to the Secretary of State]
Appendix 3 (if applicable) / [Copy of application acceptance notification letter from the Secretary of State dated [ ] (if applicable)]
Requirement / Included[i] / Developer’s comments[ii]Yes / No / N/A
1. Contact details / Full name, address, telephone number and email address of the person or organisation (and named point of contact) making the request. / Stated in paragraph [ ] of authorisation request(s) letter dated [ ].
If the application is made by an agent acting on behalf of the developer, information as requested above should be provided for both the developer and the agent. / Stated in paragraph [ ] of authorisation request(s) letter dated [ ].
2. Request for authorisation / Full explanation as to why authorisation to obtain interests in land is sought. Explicit reference should be made to enabling compliance with the provision of chapter 2 of part 5 of the Act (pre-application procedure) or chapter 1 of part 6 of the Act (procedure following acceptance of the application). / Explanation provided in paragraph [ ] of authorisation request(s) letter.
Confirm whether the developer is applying or has applied to the Secretary of State for a development consent order (DCO). / Explanation provided in paragraph [ ] of letter dated [ ] and s46 notification has been provided to the Planning Inspectorate (or its predecessor), or
Application was accepted by the Secretary of State on [date]. The Application reference number is [ ]. A copy of the acceptance letter is enclosed in appendix 3.
3. Description of the project requiring development consent / Where an application for a DCO has not been submitted: a description of the proposed NSIP and any associated development. / The DCO application has not yet been submitted to the Secretary of State. The proposed project is described in letter dated [ ].
Where an application for a DCO has been accepted: the reference number of the application. / Application was accepted by the Secretary of State on [date]. The Application reference number is [ ]. A copy of the acceptance letter is enclosed in appendix 3.
In all cases, postcodes and OS grid references of the NSIP, or proposed NSIP, and associated development. / Post codes and OS grid references for each aspect of the development are stated in paragraph [ ] in the letter dated [ ]
4. Table / Table included showing the land to which the proposed request(s) relate and the proposed recipient(s) on whom the s52 notice is intended to be served. / This information is shown in the Table.
5. Landowner notification / Evidence of providing the proposed recipient(s) with a copy of the s52 authorisation request(s) and any accompanying documents.
Date specified in notification letter to the proposed recipient(s) to provide any comments on the authorisation request(s) to the Planning Inspectorate. / Confirmation is stated in paragraph [ ] of letter dated [ ] and copies of the notification letters provided in appendix 2.
The date specified in the notification letters for the proposed recipient(s) to provide any comments to the Planning Inspectorate is [not less than 21 days starting the day after the date of the notification letter].
6. Plan A / A plan, marked as ‘Plan A’, should be provided showing:
The extent of the development and works / Shown in red on Plan A.
Any land owned or under the control of the developer, or confirmation that there is no land owned or under the control of the developer is shown on Plan A. / Shown in blue on Plan A, or
No land owned or under the control of the developer is shown on Plan A.
Land about which the information is sought. / Shown in green on Plan A the [number] parcels identified in the s52 request(s).
Plan A should be no larger than A0 size, drawn to an identified scale (not smaller than 1:2500) and show the direction of north.
A key plan showing the relationship between the separate sheets for Plan A (if applicable). / Plan A meets these requirements.
N/A as Plan A only comprises one sheet.
The boundary of each registered title number should be clearly shown on Plan A and allocated a parcel number. The allocated parcel number and registered title number should be clearly identified on the Table and the up-to-date official copies of the register title(s) and title plan(s) should be provided. OS grid references should also be included in the Table. / [number] parcels have been identified on Plan A. These have been allocated parcel numbers [number] – [number].
The registered title numbers for these parcels are shown on the Table.
Official copies of the register title(s) and title plan(s) are provided in appendix 1.
OS grid references for each parcel are listed in the Table.
The boundary of any unregistered land should be clearly shown on Plan A and allocated a parcel number. OS grid references should be included in the Table and used to enable the extent of the parcel area to be ascertained. A clear description of the parcel area by reference to the boundary and any physical features identified on Plan A should also be included in the Table. / No unregistered land is within the land identified in green on Plan A.
Parcel numbers identified in Plan A are consistent with the parcel numbers used in the Table. / Consistent parcel numbers are shown in the Table and Plan A.
7. Demonstrating reasonable efforts and last resort
(including Plan B, if applicable) / Schedule of correspondence and/or meetings between the developer and the proposed recipient(s). / Refer to appendix 2.
Copies of requisition notices/letters sent to the recipients identified in the Table and on Plan A. Copies of any plans or documents referred to in the requisition notices/letters. / Refer to appendix 2.
Copies of responses received from the recipients of the requisition notices/letters provided. / Refer to appendix 2.
All supporting information clearly cross-referenced to the Table. / Refer to Table.
Copies of site notices and/or newspaper notices. Details of when and where site notices were displayed and/or when these notices were published in the newspaper(s).
Confirmation that the newspapers' circulation covers an area which includes the land for which information about interests is sought. / Refer to appendix 2.
Plan B showing the land in relation to which requisition notices have been served and the location of any site notices. The land identified in Plan B should be identified by reference to the parcel numbers allocated in Plan A. / Plan B not included as no site notices were displayed.
The requisition notices were served on all [number] plots identified in Green on Plan A and specified in the Table.
Plan B should be the same size and scale as Plan A and show the same physical features. / N/A
8. Fees / £1,000 per request. / [Number] requests have been made.
The fee of [£] has been enclosed with the letter dated [ ].
[i]Please tick as appropriate.
[ii]Please refer and signpost in this text box to where this information is provided/this evidence is demonstrated. The text box for each requirement has been completed with a suggested comment. These suggested comments are to illustrate what information a developer may choose to provide but are not prescriptive.