Infection Control Annual Statement 2017-2018
West Bar Surgery
South Bar House
Oxford Road
OX17 2GD
This annual statement will be generated each year in June. It summarises:
- Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our Significant Event procedure)
- Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions undertaken
- Details of staff training
- Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines
This protocol applies to all staff employed by the practice.
IC Lead
Dr Raj Gupta is our IC Lead supported by Sandra Neal Senior Nurse Practitioner.
The clinical staff are experienced and Sandra keeps up to date with IC policy and cascades this to team members. However we have recognised that the non-clinical staff have had little formal training. Sandra is arranging to contact the CCG lead infection control nurse, whilst the Practice Manager is making arrangements for the MDU to provide a training session.
Annual training needs will then be assessed.
As a practice we ensure that all of our clinical staff are up to date with their Hep B immunisations, and are offered any occupational health vaccinations applicable to their role. We take part in the national immunisation campaigns for patients and offer vaccinations in house and via home visits to our patient population.
- Our contract cleaners work to cleaning specifications laid out in the Cleaning Plan.
- The contractor undertakes a monthly audit check and reports back to the surgery.
- Independent Health & Safety / Infection Control audits are completed monthly by the Practice Manager.
- We provide minimal toys to help entertain children. The cleaning contractor steam cleans the toys in the common area, whilst the clinicians are responsible for any toys in their rooms. These will be included in the surgery cleaning audits.
- Spill kits for blood, vomit and urine are provided in the nursing are with all necessary PPE.
The practice provides PPE for all members of the team in line with their role.
- Clinical waste is categorised and stored in line with our waste management policy. The waste is collected weekly. The weekly waste transfer sheets are stored and archived for 5 years.
- Domestic waste is disposed of via a commercial wheelie bin. Collections take place weekly.
Fixtures, Fittings & Furniture
Where possible all decorating, renewals and repairs will be made in line with infection control guidelines
- Renewals of fixtures such as sinks and taps will be compliant
- A rolling plan of redecoration will be put in place and wall coatings used will be compliant to infection control guidelines
- All seating in consulting rooms and couches are all in good repair and of wipeable materials. Further consideration is needed with regards to the chairs in the small waiting room.
In August 2016 an Infection Control Inspection was undertaken internally, and was completed by the Infection Control Team. As a result:
- There will be a surgery audit monthly of the Cleaning Plan
- The small waiting room chairs will be considered for change
- The monthly audit will cover toys in the GP rooms
- The joint waste storage area can be left untidy. Cleaner to speak to landlord and the pharmacy who are the offender
- Formal Reception training required for handling specimens
- A minor surgery infection audit is required
Policies relating to Infection Control are stored on the Intranet within an Infection Control folder. These are reviewed and updated annually as appropriate. However all are amended on an on-going basis as current advice changes.