American Literature
Ms. Bentz
Room E106
Course Description: This course consists of literature created by American authors beginning in the eighteenth century continuingthrough the turmoil of the 1960s and into contemporary literature. We will look at the influences on American writing and its progression throughout the years. Skill development will be focused on essay composition, oral and written argumentation, grammar and conventions, and literary analysis.
Classroom Expectations: It is expected that everyone be to class on time with appropriate materials. The most important rule in my classroom is to treat everyone and everything with respect. This means no fowl language, no physicality, and no defacing of school/teacher property. I expect you to handle yourselves as the young adults that you are.
In the event that you are unable to properly handle yourself, you may be moved, sent to the hallway, given a detention or held after class, parents may be notified, or you may be sent to the office. If an incident results in a removal from my class, consequences are outlined in the student handbook. If your behavior results in three removals from my class, it will result in an automatic failure of the class. Please note that four credits of English are required for graduation. If you receive a failing grade for any reason, including classroom removals, you will be required to make the course up.
If you maintain an acceptable level of maturity throughout the term, you may be rewarded for your efforts as well, so keep that in mind!
Materials Needed:
- Pens and pencils
- A separate notebook for class notes/research
- A folder
- Loose-leaf paper
- Access to note cards (used for research projects, speeches, etc.)
- MacBook Air
Homework/Grading Policy: In order for an assignment to receive full credit it must be turned in on time. “On time” means at the beginning of your class period (unless otherwise noted) on the day that it is due. You should walk into the classroom with the paper assignment ready to hand in, or have already submitted your assignment online, depending on the instructions for that particular assignment. Do not expect to have time to get on the computer submit it or print it out, run to your locker, finish the last question, etc, when you get to class (this often results in a late penalty).
Assignments turned in at any time after I initially collect them are considered late. Electronic assignments time stamped after the beginning of class will be considered late. An assignment that is turned in one day late will automatically lose 10% off of the grade. Any assignments turned in more than one day late will automatically lose 50% (*please remember that any score in the gradebook, even if it is less than 50%, is better than a zero, so you should always turn in an assignment).
You must be able to open all of your typed assignments at school. If you decide to type an assignment on a device other than your MacBook, make sure that you save it to Google drive or email it to school. This is essential as we will be doing a great deal of editing in class.
Problems with computers happen. Please be sure to save and back-up your work often. Consider e-mailing your assignments to yourself or to me so that you have access. I will not accept any computer or printer issues as an excuse for late work!
Make-up Work: If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed. I will not hunt you down to give you assignments or have you make up tests/quizzes. There is a folder on the bulletin board with extra hand-outs in it, please check there for anything that you do not have. I will be happy to fill you in on what you have missed when I am not teaching a lesson, or before or after school. Also, classmates are a great resource for finding out what you missed, please check with them for notes or clarifications as well.
Attendance: If you know that you will be absent from class for sports, appointments, meetings, etc., please hand in any assignments that are due that day before you leave. If you are here on the day that an assignment is assigned but gone the day it is due, you must turn in the assignment the day you return. If you are gone the day that an assignment is given, you will have the number of days you were gone plus one to make it up. For instance, you were gone for two days, you will have three days to make up the assignment that was assigned while you were gone.
Participation and Extra Credit: Class participation points will be awarded often. Participating in class means being an active member in group work, making worthwhile contributions to class discussion, and having a positive attitude throughout the course. Participation points may also be given for things as simple as following directions, using class time appropriately, etc. Disruptive behavior or sleeping will result in a loss of participation points.
Extra credit opportunities may be presented, however extra credit points will not be awarded to any student who is missing an assignment (again, ALWAYS turn an assignment in, even late).
Electronics: If you are using your phone in class, I will take it away. The first time I will keep it until the end of the day, any time after that it will go to the office.
You may use mp3 players, ipads, laptops, etc. with my permission only. They are not to be used for games or social media, and are to be used by one person at a time (no sharing of earbuds). The use of electronic devices of any kind is prohibited during tests and/or quizzes.
- Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a zero. Only specified assignments may be done with a partner or group.
- Plagiarism is illegal and unacceptable. If you are quoting or referring to someone else’s words or ideas, you must give them credit. Not doing so will result in an automatic zero on the assignment.
- All final drafts turned in must be typed (12 pt. font) and double spaced.
- I generally do not allow corrections to be made on tests and quizzes, so remember to study!
Please feel free to contact me if you need any extra help or have any other questions or concerns. I look forward to a great year!
Please sign and return this portion of the syllabus.
I have read and understand all of the American Literature syllabus, including the grading policies and classroom expectations.