of Southern California



1. I, ______agree to be foster caregiver to a male / female, smooth / wire Fox Terrier,aged ____, color ______, with the call name of “______."

2. Fox Terriers are typically affectionate and friendly, and ATRA will not place into foster a dog known to have an unsound temperament. However, no one can predict how any dog will react in a given situation, especially without complete knowledge of its life experiences. Therefore, the foster caregiver is strongly urged to exercise prudence and caution in introducing a foster dog into any new situation until the Fox Terrier has become fully adjusted to its new environment and the foster caregiver has had an opportunity to become familiar with that Fox Terrier's unique personality.

3. The foster caregiver will assure that the Fox Terrier always carries an identifying tag with contact information (name, address and phone number).

4. The foster caregiver must agree always to walk the dog on a leash. Because Fox Terriers are bred to hunt, they will bolt. Fox Terriers are best kept as housedogs in close companionship with their families. They should also be in a home where they will be sleeping in the home and not left outdoors at night.

5. The foster caregiver will not permit the Fox Terrier to run at large or to become a

public nuisance. In the event that the animal becomes lost or is in a shelter, the foster caregiver will immediately notify the ATRA AND the volunteer supervising the case, that the dog is lost or is in a shelter.

6. The foster caregiver agrees that ATRA or it’s volunteer may periodically wish to see the dog, and the living conditions of the animal. The foster caregiver further agrees to surrender the dog to a representative of ATRA, upon demand for any reason, including if the representative considers the conditions provided for the dog to be unsuitable.

7. ATRA makes no representation or warranties regarding the temperament or physical condition of any foster Fox Terrier. All warranties, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, where they are applicable, are hereby specifically disclaimed.


of Southern California


Foster Caregiver Agreement and Terms of Agreement Page 2

8. ATRA shall not be responsible for any bodily injuries or property damage caused by any foster Fox Terrier or by the actions of its foster caregivers. The foster caregiver hereby specifically assumes sole responsibility for, and agrees to hold ATRA harmless from any and all loss and expenses (including legal fees) by reason of liability imposed by law upon ATRA, or any of its officers and members because of bodily injuries or death to any person or persons including the foster caregiver, or any damage to such injuries, death or damage to property may be caused, whether or not the same may have been caused, or may be alleged to have been accused, by negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees, agents or members, or any other person.

Notes on this Fox Terrier:

I have read the foregoing and agreed to the conditions set forth this ______day of
______, in the year ______.

Signature of Foster Caregiver: ______
City, State, Zip:

Witnessed by: ______
Signature of ATRA volunteer:

______rev. 3/2015 ATRA FosterAgreement (4) f