Carers’ Report

Amended by Achieving for Children providing services for Kingston and Richmond

APPENDIX 6 – AfC Permanency Policy

To be completed by the child’s main caregiver/s (with support from social worker as needed)

Please note

1.This report is an opportunity for you to share your knowledge of the child. The report will form part of the child’s social care record. Please answer as thoroughly as possible giving examples of behaviour you are describing

2.In thinking about this child’s behaviour and emotional wellbeing, please compare him/her with other children of similar age and ability.

Name of Carer
Agency Details
Date Child was placed
Name of Child
Date of Birth
Legal Status
Name of proposed long term carer
Agency Details
What is this child like to live with and care for?
Please describe a typical “day in his/her life”, what are the rewards and challenges, general routines, likes/dislikes, impact on the household, etc
What are the areas that the child has made the greatest progress in whilst in your care?
Consider emotional, health, education, social, self-care/hygiene, sleeping, eating, general routines, adhering to boundaries etc
Are there any areas where you still have concerns around the child’s development?
Self-regulation, over compliance, education, making friends, managing contact with birth family etc
How does the child typically show emotion and how to they respond to you at these times?
Happiness, sadness, anger, confusion, physical and emotional hurt/distress etc
How does the child respond to familiar and unfamiliar adults and peers?
Shy, attention seeking, overly friendly, tactile, withdrawn, controlling, fearful, appropriate, other, any gender bias between males/females etc
How is the child’s overall emotional presentation at this time?
Anxious, withdrawn, excited, angry, normal, sensitive etc
Has the child exhibited any usual or particularly challenging behaviours?
Sexualised behaviour, soiling/smearing, refusing to eat, tantrums, mutism, hyper activity, hyper vigilance etc
What behavioural management strategies have you found that work best, and those that are least affective with the child?
Time out, star charts, sanctions, set house rules, visual timetables, warnings, financial incentives etc
Does the child attend nursery, pre-school, school – what are their strengths in this environment, are there any areas for support/development?
Attendance, numeracy, literacy, friendships, athletic/artistic abilities, attendance at extra-curricular activities, relationships with teachers, any additional support provided, incidents of bullying as victim or prepetrator etc
How is the child’s health, any significant issues, on-going medical appointments?
Current health, historic health issues, known family health issues, outstanding health appointments, services involved etc
Any other comments or useful information you would like to provide?

© BAAF 2008

Version 1.0 Sep 2015 Amended by AfC