Agenda Message – Meeting of May 2, 2002



10365 Keller Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505

Thursday, May 2, 2002, 5:30 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER – 5:30 p.m.

CLOSED SESSION – 5:31 p.m.


1. Certificated Personnel Matters

2. Classified Personnel Matters

3. Management Personnel Matters

a. Middle School Assistant Principal

4. AEA & CSEA Negotiations

Pupil Personnel

1. Suspensions

2. Expulsion Case #2001-02-34, 39, 40, 41, 42





1. Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. – President Ben Johnson II

2. Establishment of Quorum: A quorum is expected with Mr. Ben Johnson II, Mr. Greg Kraft, Mr. Jose Luis Perez, Mr. Mike McKelroy and Mr. K.R. Zack Earp in attendance.

3. Pledge of Allegiance: Board, staff and audience.



This item is placed on the Agenda so that members of the audience have an opportunity to speak regarding subjects or concerns that do not appear on the Agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit speaking time to five minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35145.5 prohibit the Board of Education from discussing or acting upon matters not on the Agenda.


4. Good News of Alvord:

a.  Student of the Month:

Promenade Elementary School is proud to recognize CaSandra Glover as the Alvord Unified School District Student of the Month for May 2002.

CaSandra Glover is an exemplary student. As a member of PALs she acts as a school ambassador to new students and as a conflict manager on the playground. She completes her schoolwork conscientiously, always working to the best of her ability. Her work is thoughtful and creative. For one project, CaSandra’s family videotaped her as a host on a cooking show. CaSandra, or Nikki to her friends, is well respected and liked by her peers. Her positive outlook enhances the classroom environment and atmosphere. CaSandra’s personality, commitment, and energy will serve her well in life.

It is with great pleasure that we honor CaSandra Glover as the Alvord Unified School District Student of the Month for May 2002.

b.  Classified Employee of the Month:

Promenade Elementary School is honored to recognize Anne Riley as the Alvord Unified School District Classified Employee of the Month for May 2002.

Anne Riley is an outstanding member of the Promenade team. She works as an instructional assistant in the Special Day Class, and she is assigned as a one-on-one assistant to a fully-included autistic 3rd grade student. Anne has a heart for the special needs students. She comes to work each day with a smile on her face. She has often said that she has “found her calling”.

Anne puts in extra hours with tutoring, conferences and classroom preparation. She is adaptable and reliable.

Anne is a natural teacher who is able to break concepts down to a level of student understanding. She has strong classroom management skills and approaches her students with patience, even under moments of great stress. Communication is a strength for Anne. She meets regularly with teachers and parents on the behavior and progress of her assigned students.

Ann is an outstanding professional who brings integrity and empathy to her job. She is positive, flexible, reliable, thorough, conscientious, eager to learn, organized, helpful, and caring.


Agenda Message – Meeting of May 2, 2002

It is with great pleasure that we honor Anne Riley as the Alvord Unified School District Classified Employee of the Month for May 2002.

c. Special Recognition for Carol Addis Student Drug Use Prevention Poster Contest: Linda Fujiu, Coordinator of Student Assistance Programs & School Safety, will present special recognition to Judy Lee, a fourth grade student at Orrenmaa Elementary School, and Rozebel Cabrera, a seventh grade student at Arizona Middle School, for participation in the 18th Annual Carol Addiss Student Drug Use Prevention Poster Contest through the Riverside County Office of Education. Judy was chosen as a third place winner in her category (4th-6th grade), and Rozebel was chosen as the third place winner in her category (7th-12th grade). Alvord Unified School District would like to recognize Judy and Rozebel, along with their teachers and principals, for their accomplishment.


Student Representatives will report on current activities and accomplishments at their schools.

Promenade Elementary School - Leila Tuchez

Alvord High School - Tamekia Evans

La Sierra High School - Jennifer Kraft

Norte Vista High School - Leonel Hernandez


Presentation of Annual Report of the Peer Assistance Review (PAR) Panel to the Board of Education: Jim Sullivan, PAR Panel Chairperson, will give a report to the Board.



5. Consent Agenda:

Board/Superintendent Items

a. Approve Minutes: It is recommended that the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 4, 2002, and Special Meeting/Board Workshop of April 18, 2002 be approved.

b.  Accept Gifts:

Harriet Miller donated a paper shedder valued at $700.00 to the Math Department at La Sierra High School.


c. Adopt Resolution No. 36 – Day of the Teacher: Wednesday, May 8, 2002, has been designated as “California Day of the Teacher” by the Legislature of the State of California. This resolution is presented in recognition of Alvord teachers.

Your Superintendent recommends adoption of Resolution No. 36.

Fiscal Impact: None


d. Adopt Resolution No. 37 – Classified School Employee Week: The week of May 19-25, 2002, has been designated as “Classified School Employee Week” in California by the California School Employees Association and the California State Board of Education. This resolution is presented in recognition of Alvord classified employees.

Your Superintendent recommends adoption of Resolution No. 37.

Fiscal Impact: None

Business Services Items

Mr. Paul Jessup, Assistant Superintendent

e. Approve Purchase Order List Number 13-2001-2002: Your Superintendent recommends the Board approve Purchase Order List Number 13, Purchase Order Numbers 78351 through 78600 (Total 250), Short Form Contract Numbers 40 through 42 (Total 3 ) and Child Nutrition Purchase Order Numbers 4010 through 4025 (Total 16) in the amount of $581,076.49.

Fiscal Impact: $581,076.49

f.  Accept Warrants:

Warrant Dates Warrant Register Amount

3/20/02 14155723-14155785 $36,762.60

3/22/02 14157894-14158000 397,896.77

3/25/02 14159242-14159286 132,230.22

3/26/02 14160271-14160330 290,961.68

3/27/02 14161348-14161426 24,304.00

3/28/02 14162252-14162295 570,538.32

3/29/02 14163697-14163738 157,680.70

4/1/02 14163838-14163878 80,031.98

4/2/02 14164720-14164789 132,891.82

4/3/02 14165446-14165458 38,054.96

4/4/02 14167068-14167127 379,808.52

4/5/02 14167720-14167739 12,683.79

4/8/02 14169318-14169362 235,008.42

4/9/02 14170757-14170870 62,417.22

4/10/02 14172078-14172181 68,229.68

4/11/02 14173407-14173481 378,754.57

4/12/02 14173866-14173894 88,698.78

4/15/02 14174889-14174913 7,745.52

4/16/02 14176235-14176274 53,828.75

4/17/02 14177694-14177788 65,552.64

Total: $3,214,080.94

Your Superintendent recommends acceptance of these warrants.

g.  Approve Lease Agreement – Portable Classrooms: As part of the conversion to 6-8 middle schools, six additional portable classrooms will be placed on the Arizona campus prior to the 2002/03 school year. Three of the classrooms will be leased, and three will be relocated from existing inventory.

Your Superintendent recommends approval of lease agreement with Mobile Modular in the amount of $69,030.00.

Fiscal Impact: $69,030.00

h.  Approve Contract for Environmental and Geotechnical Services – Elementary 13 (Lake Hills): Current California law requires that a Phase I Environmental Assessment Report and Geological Hazard Study report be prepared and approved by the Department of Toxics Substances Control and the California Department of Education. The Phase I Assessment will evaluate the proposed school site for the possibility of any past or current hazardous materials or waste contamination. The Geohazard/Fatal Flaw Site Investigation Report will evaluate whether or not the site is located within a State of California designated geological hazardous area.

Your Superintendent recommends approval to enter into a contract with Hilltop Geotechnical, Inc. in the amount of $4,000.00.

Fiscal Impact: $4,000.00

i.  Approve Contract for CEQA Services – Elementary 13 (Lake Hills): The District is required to comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) prior to commencing a school project. As part of the school site escrow and Department of Education site approval requirements, the District is to complete its evaluation of environmental and physical condition of the school site and proceed with obtaining all state and local approvals. The Department of Education requires CEQA proceedings prior to approving a school project.

Your Superintendent recommends approval of this proposal in the amount of $34,880.00.

Fiscal Impact: $34,880.00

j.  Approve Change Orders – 20 State Emergency Relocatables at Various Sites: Due to unforeseen site conditions, change orders are necessary to complete some of the work not included in the original bid. Approval is requested for these change orders in the amount of $28,617.52.

Your Superintendent recommends approval of the Change Order for 20 State Emergency Relocatables at various sites.

Fiscal Impact: $28,617.52

Instructional Support Services Items

Dr. Jim Buckley, Assistant Superintendent

k. Approve Language Arts – Reading Intervention Adoption (4-8): State evaluation data, information given in publishers’ presentations, evaluations by staff and careful consideration of specific criteria contributed to the adoption decisions. The recommended programs are specifically designed for students who are two or more years behind grade level. School sites will be able to choose the program that best fits their students’ needs. The following reading intervention programs are recommended for adoption:

Grades 4 – 8

Publisher: SRA/McGraw-Hill Title: SRA/Reach Program

Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title: Language!

A Literacy Intervention Program

Publisher: Wright Group/McGraw-Hill Title: Fast Track Reading Program

Publisher: Hampton Brown Title: High Point

Publisher: Scholastic Title: Read 180

Your Superintendent recommends approval of Language Arts – Reading Intervention Adoption (4-8).

Fiscal Impact: None

l. Approve Overnight Trip to Future Farmers of America (FFA) State Judging Finals: Board approval is requested for 11 Norte Vista High School students and 3 chaperones to attend the FFA State Judging Finals on May 3-5, 2002 at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California.

This trip will allow students the opportunity to compete in various judging competitions.

Your Superintendent recommends approval of the overnight trip for 11 Norte Vista High School students.

Fiscal Impact: Approximately $1,298.00 to be paid from the Norte Vista High School Agricultural Incentive Grant.

m. Approve Application for 2002-2003 Community Based English Tutoring (CBET): Board approval for the 2002-03 CBET application is requested. The application of Intent to Participate includes the acknowledgement of general assurances to be observed under this program. The funding amount is determined by the number of English Language Learners in the District as reported on the March 2002, R-30 Language Census Report multiplied by $35 (estimated by the California Department of Education).

Your Superintendent recommends approval of the application.

Fiscal Impact: $222,320.00 revenue (Community Based English Tutoring Program funds)


n. Approve New Course Descriptions: The Instructional Support Services Division is requesting Board approval for the following courses. The courses were piloted, evaluated, revised and approved by the Curriculum Council as new courses for the 2002-03 school year.


Agenda Message – Meeting of May 2, 2002

·  A+ Managing Maintaining Your PC

·  Advanced Placement C++

·  Creative Living

·  Class Piano

·  Academic Literacy

·  Language Arts Mastery (LAMP)

·  Advanced Placement Ceramics

·  Digital Electronics


Agenda Message – Meeting of May 2, 2002

Your Superintendent recommends approval of these new courses.

Fiscal Impact: None


o. Approve Job Description of District Program Manager: Board approval to change the job description of Program Manager of English Language Support Services/Gifted and Talented Education to District Program Manager is requested. Currently, over half of the District's students are economically disadvantaged and/or English Language Learners. This change will allow this person to provide seamless services to students, teachers, and parents.

The Gifted and Talented Education program will be administered by the Director of Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development.

Your Superintendent recommends approval of the job description for a District Program Manager.

Fiscal Impact: None


p. Approve Reclassification of Program Manager, English Language Support Services and Gifted and Talented Education to District Program Manager: Board approval to reclassify the Program Manager of English Language Support Services and Gifted and Talented Education to District Program Manager is requested by Instructional Support Services. The reclassification will allow this person to focus their efforts on providing seamless instructional support services to students, teachers, and parents.

The Gifted and Talented Education program will be administered by the Director of Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development.

Your Superintendent recommends approval of the reclassification of the Program Manager of English Language Support Services and Gifted and Talented Education to District Program Manager.

Fiscal Impact: None


q. Approve Job Description of Coordinator, English Language Support Services: Board approval to change the job description of Coordinator of English Language Support Services/Gifted and Talented Education to Coordinator of English Language Support Services is requested. Currently, over half of the District's students are economically disadvantaged and/or English Language Learners. This change will allow this person to focus their efforts on providing seamless services to students, teachers, administrators, and parents.

The Gifted and Talented Education program will be administered by the Director of Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development.

Your Superintendent recommends approval of the job description for a Coordinator of English Language Support Services.

Fiscal Impact: None


r. Approve Reclassification of Coordinator, English Language Support Services and Gifted and Talented Education to Coordinator, English Language Support Services: Board approval to reclassify the Coordinator of English Language Support Services and Gifted and Talented Education to Coordinator of English Language Support Services is requested by Instructional Support Services. This reclassification will allow this person to focus their efforts on providing English Language Support Services to students, teachers, administrators, and parents.

The Gifted and Talented Education program will be administered by the Director of Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development.

Your Superintendent recommends approval of the reclassification of the Program Manager of English Language Support Services and Gifted and Talented Education to District Program Manager.