AUSD – Agenda Message – Meeting of August 1, 2002 21
10365 Keller Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505
Thursday, August 1, 2002, 5:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER – 5:30 p.m.
CLOSED SESSION – 5:31 p.m.
1. Personnel
a. Certificated Personnel Matters
b. Classified Personnel Matters
c. Management Personnel Matters
d. AEA & CSEA Negotiations
2. Pupil Personnel
a. Suspensions
b. Expulsion Cases #2001-02-52 and 53
c. Readmission Cases #2000-01-60, 2001-02-11, 12
3. Potential Litigation
a. Reject Claim by Guardian of Student No.4487
1. Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. – President Ben Johnson II
2. Establishment of Quorum: A quorum is expected with Mr. Ben Johnson II, Mr. Greg Kraft, Mr. Jose Luis Perez, Mr. Mike McKelroy and Mr. K.R. Zack Earp in attendance.
3. Pledge of Allegiance: Board, staff and audience.
4. Good News of Alvord:
a. Student of the Month:
Twinhill Elementary School is proud to recognize Mauricio Anaya as the Alvord Unified School District Student of the Month for August 2002.
Mauricio is brand new to us, just arriving from Peters Elementary School in Garden Grove where he attended from kindergarten through third grade. Mrs. Eckenrod, Mauricio’s teacher was immediately impressed by him and made sure the principal met him. He is a GATE student who is very diversified in his thinking and very verbal. Mrs. Eckenrod stated that he is an excellent math problem solver, an outstanding reader, and has handwriting skills that we all would love to have. He is outgoing and very self-assured.
He is also friendly and happy. Mauricio consistently makes good choices with his behavior and he is a role model for others.
When asked Mauricio which subjects he likes, he stated “Math, spelling, all of them but math most!” He says he likes to help at school and is interested in playing the guitar, drawing, has many hobbies, and loves to read.” His teacher says that he is excellent in origami and is teaching the class how to make different objects. He is going to help her throughout the year in demonstrating origami objects for different holidays and themes. Mauricio is interested in acting or being a professional skate boarder. His favorite book is Mixed Up Chameleon. When he learned about our Student Senate, he started making plans to run for office.
His mother, Adela Bernal, is very proud of him and has always been involved in his learning. He has a brother, Enrique Carrillo who is ten years old.
Mauricio’s energy, enthusiasm, positive attitude, and intelligence make him a pleasure to teach and work with!
It is with great pleasure that we honor Mauricio Anaya as the Alvord Unified School District Student of the Month for August 2002.
b. Classified Employee of the Month:
Twinhill Elementary School is honored to recognize Sue Oberg as the Alvord Unified School District Classified Employee of the Month for August 2002.
Sue has worked for Alvord for twelve years. Eleven and one half of those years were as a substitute in many positions while she raised her children. For one and one half years she has worked at Twinhill in the role of Clerk Typist I. When the current principal arrived at Twinhill last year, she had only been in that position for a few months and had to help a new principal, a new secretary, and a new assistant principal. Everyone turns to her for information. She is patient with everyone.
Sue is a hard worker who is dedicated to the staff, students, and parents. We have worked late together many times. She is enthusiastic, cheerful, and considerate. Her sense of humor makes the office a fun place to be. She is an expert in her position, caring with the students, and considerate to parents. She juggles many tasks at once, answering the phone, tending to a sick child, enrolling a new student, and the list goes on. She says “she enjoys working at Twinhill because of the parents, students, and staff – a calm and pleasant place to work.” It is calm and she is one of the reasons. She plans ahead, and is dedicated to all her responsibilities.
Sue has been married for 27 years to Dean Oberg who is a mechanic. They have three children – Christopher, 22, Kimberly, 21 and, Amber, 18.
Sue’s thoughtfulness and her enthusiasm for her career make her an outstanding employee. She is tremendously appreciated! She is an example to us all.
It is with great pleasure that Twinhill Elementary School honors Sue Oberg as Alvord Unified School District’s Classified Employee of the Month for August 2002.
Mauricio Anaya will report on current activities and accomplishments at Twinhill Elementary School.
This item is placed on the Agenda so that members of the audience have an opportunity to speak regarding subjects or concerns that do not appear on the Agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit speaking time to five minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35145.5 prohibit the Board of Education from discussing or acting upon matters not on the Agenda.
5. Consent Agenda:
Board/Superintendent Items
a. Approve Minutes: It is recommended that the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of July 11, 2002, be approved.
b. Accept Gifts:
1) Banner Mattress, Inc. and Stampede Baseball of San Bernardino donated $90.00 to Collett Elementary School to be used for any function needed by the school.
2) Banner Mattress, Inc. and Stampede Baseball of San Bernardino donated $70.00 to Promenade Elementary School to be used for any function needed by the school.
3) Wal-Mart Foundation donated $500.00 to Twinhill Elementary School for grounds beautification.
Business Services Items
Mr. Paul Jessup, Assistant Superintendent
c. Approve Purchase Order List Number 2-2002-03: Board approval is requested for Purchase Order List Number 2, Purchase Order Numbers 79757 through 80137 (Total 381), Short Form Contract Numbers 53 through 55 and Numbers 1 through 6 (Total 9) and Child Nutrition Purchase Order Numbers 4108 through 4131 (Total 24) in the amount of $1,484,421.23.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of Purchase Order List Number 2-2002-03.
Fiscal Impact: $1,484,421.23
d. Accept Warrants:
Warrant Dates Warrant Register Amount
6/26/02 / 14240215-1424086 / $512,342.897/3/02 / 14243631-14243687 / 76,144.25
7/5/02 / 14244241-14244270 / 17,617.82
7/8/02 / 14244732-14244813 / 324,618.78
7/11/02 / 14248601-14248726 / 906,800.51
7/12/02 / 14250163-14250243 / 267,919.58
7/15/02 / 14251013-14251101 / 216,397.94
7/16/02 / 14252262-14252349 / 175,093.24
7/18/02 / 14254485-14254607 / 550,142.38
Total: / $3,047,077.39
Your Superintendent recommends acceptance of these warrants.
e. Approve Amendment No. 1 to Owner/Architect Agreement with HMC Group – La Sierra High School: Board approval is requested to approve amendment No. 1 for professional services related to the redesign and reprinting of contract documents for the La Sierra High School administration plaza project.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of the contract amendment in the amount of $1,500.00.
Fiscal Impact: $1,500.00 (Deferred Maintenance Account)
f. Approve Agreement for Meal Services – Riverside County Superintendent of Schools No. C-3831: Board approval is requested of Agreement No. C-3831 with Riverside County Superintendent of Schools for meal services to Grindstaff and La Sierra Community Schools.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of Agreement No. C-3831.
Fiscal Impact: $5,000.00 (Approximate Net Revenue to Cafeteria Fund)
g. Approve Agreement for Legal Services – Bowie, Arneson, Wiles & Giannone: Board approval is requested for an agreement with Bowie, Arneson, Wiles and Giannone, Attorneys at Law, for legal services effective July 1, 2002, through June 20, 2003, and authorize the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to sign the agreement.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of agreement for legal services with Bowie, Arneson, Wiles & Giannone.
Fiscal Impact: Increase in Hourly Rates $205/$190/$180
h. Approve Request to Revise the 2001-02 (Restricted) General Fund Budget: Board approval is requested for revision to the 2001-02 Budget to reflect receipt of the Public Schools Library Act funds in the amount of $468,709.00.
Your Superintendent recommends approval to revise the 2001-02 restricted general fund budget.
Fiscal Impact: $468,709.00 (Increase Contingency)
i. Ratify Change Order – Damon Construction Co. – Collett and La Granada Elementary Schools: Board approval of a change order for additional concrete work to be performed at Collett and La Granada elementary schools’ playgrounds is requested.
Your Superintendent recommends ratification of this change order in the amount of $8,260.00.
Fiscal Impact: $8,260.00 (Deferred Maintenance Fund)
j. Approve Notice of Completion – Damon Construction Co.: Board approval is requested of the Notice of Completion for Damon Construction Company for removal of asphalt playgrounds and replacement with concrete at Collett and La Granada Elementary Schools.
Your Superintendent recommends approval to file a Notice of Completion for Damon Construction Co.
Fiscal Impact: $133,579.00 / $121,078 (Deferred Maintenance Fund)
$12,500.00 (General Maintenance Fund)
k. Approve Change Order – Ysmael Villegas Middle School: Board approval of the change order for the Ysmael Villegas project related to requests made by the Inspector for the Riverside County Transportation Department.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of this change order in the amount of $8,708.21.
Fiscal Impact: $8,708.21 (50/50 State/Local Funds)
l. Approve Change Orders – Norte Vista High School Modernization Project: Due to unforeseen conditions with the age of the facilities and requested changes during construction, change orders are necessary to complete the work not included in the original contract documents.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of these change orders in the amount of $17,417.38.
Fiscal Impact: $17,417.38 (80/20 State/Local Funds)
m. Award Contract for Alvord District Stadium Phase III: Notice Inviting Bids for the project was published in the Press-Enterprise on July 12 and July 17, 2002. On July 30, 2002, bids were received and read aloud.
Your Superintendent recommends awarding contract to the lowest responsible bidder meeting all contract requirements.
Fiscal Impact: To Be Determined (Stadium Funds/Alvord Educational Foundation)
n. Approve Contract – Complete Inspections: Board approval is requested for a contract with Complete Inspections for Division of the State Architect inspection services related to the food service building renovations at La Sierra and Norte Vista high schools and the modernization of Loma Vista Middle School.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of contract with Complete Inspections for an estimated 15-month project duration.
Fiscal Impact: $137,280.00 (80/20 State/Local Funds)
o. Approve Disposal of Surplus Items: Board approval to dispose of surplus items pursuant to Education Code 17546(c) is requested.
Your Superintendent recommends approval to for disposal of surplus items.
Fiscal Impact: None
Instructional Support Services Items
Dr. Jim Buckley, Assistant Superintendent
p. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – Dr. Robert Marzano: Board approval is requested for consultant services between Dr. Robert Marzano and Alvord Unified School District. As a culminating activity to the Wells’ Middle School Demonstration Program (MSDP), Dr. Marzano will present three workshops on “Classroom Instruction that Works.” These workshops will be presented on December 4-5, 2002 and January 23, 2003. Dr. Marzano is an internationally known trainer and speaker who has authored 18 books and over 150 articles pertaining to classroom instruction.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of the agreement for consultant services between Dr. Robert Marzano and Alvord Unified School District.
Fiscal Impact: $14,000.00 (Categorical – Middle School Demonstration Program)
q. Ratify Agreement for Consultant Services – Charles Aarons: Board approval is requested for consultant services between Charles Aarons and Alvord Unified School District. Charles Aarons converted various fields from our current Digitronics Student Information System such as attendance, health history, grades, courses taken, credits earned, emergency information, etc., to the new Aeries Student Information System.
Your Superintendent recommends Board ratification of the agreement for consultant services between Charles Aarons and Alvord Unified School District.
Fiscal Impact: $2,400.00
r. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – WestEd: Board approval is requested for consultant services between WestEd and the Alvord Unified School District. Dr. John Carr of WestEd will present two workshops on August 30, 2002 and September 30, 2002, at Wells Middle School on integrating instruction and assessment utilizing English Language Development (ELD) and English/Language Arts standards. These workshops will assist teachers with developing a comprehensive results-driven instructional program for English Language Learners.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of the agreement for consultant services between WestEd and Alvord Unified School District.
Fiscal Impact: $4,600.00 (Categorical)
s. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – Suzanne Nyberg: Board approval is requested for consultant services between Suzanne Nyberg and Alvord Unified School District. As part of the California Teachers Association, Suzanne Nyberg will provide a one-day training on the classroom management program “I Can Do It” as a part of the New Teacher Training on August 19, 2002.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of the agreement for consultant services between Suzanne Nyberg and Alvord Unified School District.
Fiscal Impact: $321.90 (Peer Assistance Review Funds)
t. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – Kelly Wolowicz: Board approval is requested for consultant services between Kelly Wolowicz and Alvord Unified School District. As part of the California Teachers Association, Kelly Wolowicz will provide a one-day training on the classroom management program “I Can Do It” as part of the New Teacher Training on August 19, 2002.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of the agreement for consultant services between Kelly Wolowicz and Alvord Unified School District.
Fiscal Impact: $321.90 (Peer Assistance Review Funds)
u. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – Dennis Brandt: Board approval is requested for consultant services between Dennis Brandt and Alvord Unified School District. As part of the California Teachers Association, Dennis Brandt will provide a one-day training on the classroom management program “I Can Do It” as part of the New Teacher Training on August 22, 2002.
Your Superintendent recommends approval of the agreement for consultant services between Dennis Brandt and Alvord Unified School District.
Fiscal Impact: $321.90 (Peer Assistance Review Funds)
v. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – Youth Services Center: Board approval is requested for consultant services between Youth Services Center and Alvord Unified School District. As part of the Half¹Time After School Program, the Youth Services Center will provide a .45 FTE counselor for the months of July-August, 2002 at Foothill, La Granada, Myra Linn, Rosemary Kennedy and Terrace Elementary schools. This counselor will increase to a .55 FTE in September to expand services to Villegas Middle School through the 2002-03 school year. The counselor will provide small group counseling, conflict resolution and enrichment instruction with students of the Half¹Time program.