Alturas Planning Commission

Regular Meeting

City Hall Council Chambers

September 14, 2016 5:30 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Hall at 5:30 p.m. Commissioners present: Tom Romero, Bill Hall, Robert Dolan, Marlene Hamilton. Commissioners absent:Chris Lauppe. Staff present: Secretary Cary Baker, City PlanningDirector Joe Picotte, City Council Planning Dept. Liaison Mark Steffek, Administrative Assistant Bobbi Jean Kemper. Public present: 3.

No one is present under the public forum.

MOTION by Commissioner Hamilton, SECONDED by Commissioner Romeroto approve the minutes of the June 8, 2016 meeting. ALL AYES.

Modoc Medical Center – Temporary Sign Permit

Modoc Medical Center is requesting approval of a temporary “Future Facility Site” sign to be located on the property of the future Modoc Medical Center. The sign will be located on the south side of 12th St. on the northernmost portion of parcel #001-090-1811. Project #S/T2016-01.

The proposed two-sided sign will consist of two directional plywood faces covered with vinyl wrap. Each side will measure 4’ x 8’, with a total of 64 square feet; they will be facing northwest and northeast. At this time, MMC is requesting approval to have the sign up for one year. Sign Permits may be renewed administratively as long as no material changes are made to the approved sign.

MOTION by Commissioner Hamilton, SECONDEDby Councilmember Dolan to approve the Temporary Sign Permit #S/T2016-01 for Modoc Medical Center. ALL AYES.

Marker R.V. & Power Sports – Sign Permit

Owner Bill Marker is requesting approval of a sign permit for a permanent dual-sided, internally illuminated, free standing pole sign at 205 N. Main St. Dimensions are 22’3” H x 7’ W, and 10’ 1” from bottom of sign to the ground; the sign face measures 75 sq. ft. APN #003-18301711. Project #S/F 2016-01.

Mr. Marker states he tried to use the existing pole, but the DMV and manufacturing regulations require it to be two-sided for traffic. Also, the DMV requires his name to be on the sign and it has to mount on top of the manufacturer’s sign. Mr. Marker further states he would like to incorporate it intoone sign to keep the building looking nice.

Planning Director Picotte reports that the sign is a little higher than what is allowed by the ordinance, but it is similar in height as some of the other signs in the area.

MOTION by Commissioner Romero, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to approve the Sign Permit #S/F 2016-01 for Marker R.V. & Power Sports. ALL AYES.

Alturas Skate Park Advocacy Group – Confirmation of building site for proposed Skate Park and Site Plan Approval.

Dee Funk, representing the Alturas Skate Park Advocacy Group, is requesting:

a)Formal designation of the property to the north of the Alturas Municipal Pool as the site for the future Alturas Skate Park (Warner & Kemble St.). This property is part of the Warner St. Park.

b)Approval of the basic concept of the Site Plan for the Alturas Skate Park as presented.

Mrs. Funk reviews that part of the Frisbee Golf Course will need to be re-configured. The basic design of the skate park is approximately 8,000 square feet, with an in-ground design. The group will be seeking grant funding to pay for the skate park. The total cost to build could be from $250,000 up to $400,000.

Commissioners respond that this is a good location for visibility with regards to security and vandalism. Also, the lighting will be beneficial.

Planning Director Picotte comments that the lights can be on a timer and turn off at a designated time. Also, when final plans are developed they will probably have to come back to the Planning Commission for final approval.

MOTION by Commissioner Romero, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to designate the property north of the Alturas Municipal Pool, (Warner & Kemble St.) as the site for the future Alturas Skate Park; and approve the basic concept of the Site Plan for the skate park as presented. ALL AYES.

With no further business to come before the Commission, MOTION by Commissioner Romero, SECONDED by Commissioner Hamilton to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cary L. Baker
