Rising 10thGrade World Literature and Composition 2015 Summer Reading List:
Welcome to 10th World Literature. We are looking forward to the upcoming year.
In preparation for the course, rising 10th grade students must complete the required readings and assignments over the summer. Please carefully read this entire assignment before starting and plan ahead by locating copies of all of the texts early in the summer. Students MUST have read and completed all summer reading assignments by the first day of class.
- Fiction Focus: Read John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
- Fiction Assessment: Create a collage on a standard size poster (with no white showing) that represents one of the main themes found in the text. The collage MUST contain a minimum of 20 pieces with a clear description of the piece itself. Bring your collage on the first day of class.
- Non-Fiction Focus: Read three articles—one on each of these topics: world events, science, and health. Choose your articles from three different sources using this list: New York Times, U.S. News and World Report, and CNN.com.
- Non-Fiction Assessment: For each of the three articles type a double-spaced, well-developed summary of each article. This summary should be a paragraph consisting of 5 to 8 sophisticated sentences, not just simple sentences strung together, which will provide an overview of the article and state the main points as well as the author’s purpose. Bring a hard copy of each article to class. This assessment is due on the second day of class.
- Drama Focus: Read Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex (try to locate the Dover Thrift Edition, by Dover Publications, Inc. It is permissible to read David Mulroy’s verse translation).
- Drama Assessment: Select ONE of the two choices below:
- Choice One- The Greek Gazette- Prepare a newspaper based on the events of the play. Include standard features such as news articles, editorials, a fashion section, comics, want ads, obituaries, sports, and entertainment. The newspaper must remain true to the time period/setting of the play. Assignment will be submitted on the third (3rd) day of class.
- Choice Two- Fashion Statement- Research the styles and clothing that were worn during the setting of Sophocles’ play. Draw at least five (5) styles that will represent men, women, children, the wealthy, and the working-class). All sketches must be on small-sized poster boards. Assignment will be submitted on the third (3rd) day of class.
Be safe and have an enjoyable summer!
Welcome to 10th World Literature. We are looking forward to the upcoming year.
In preparation for the course, rising 10th grade students must complete the required readings and assignments over the summer. Please carefully read this entire assignment before starting and plan ahead by locating copies of all of the texts early in the summer. Students MUST have read and completed all summer reading assignments by the first day of class.
- Fiction Focus: Read John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
- Fiction Assessment: Create a collage on a standard size poster (with no white showing) that represents one of the main themes found in the text. The collage MUST contain a minimum of 20 pieces with a clear description of the piece itself. Bring your collage on the first day of class.
- Non-Fiction Focus: Read five articles—one on each of these topics: world events, science, and health, editorial, and film/book review. Choose your articles from five different sources using this list: New York Times, U.S. News and World Report, CNN.com, Huffington Post, Washington Post, The Atlantic, National Public Radio, and The New Yorker.
- Non-Fiction Assessment: For each of the five articles type a double-spaced, well-developed summary of each article. This summary should be a paragraph consisting of 5 to 8 sophisticated sentences, not just simple sentences strung together, which will provide an overview of the article and state the main points as well as the author’s purpose. Bring a hard copy of each article to class. This assessment is due on the second day of class.
- Drama Focus: Read Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex (try to locate the Dover Thrift Edition, by Dover Publications, Inc. It is permissible to read David Mulroy’s verse translation).
- Drama Assessment: Select ONE of the two choices below:
- Choice One- The Greek Gazette- Prepare a newspaper based on the events of the play. Include standard features such as news articles, editorials, a fashion section, comics, want ads, obituaries, sports, and entertainment. The newspaper must remain true to the time period/setting of the play. Assignment will be submitted on the third (3rd) day of class.
- Choice Two- Fashion Statement- Research the styles and clothing that were worn during the setting of Sophocles’ play. Draw at least five (5) styles that will represent men, women, children, the wealthy, and the working-class). All sketches must be on small-sized poster boards. Assignment will be submitted on the third (3rd) day of class.
Be safe and have an enjoyable summer!