Terms of publishing papers in the journal “Medycyna Pracy”

Instructions for authors of manuscripts in English

Bimonthly “Medycyna Pracy”, published since 1950, is an organ of the Polish Society of Occupational Medicine and the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź. The rules governing the procedure of publishing papers in the journal are adjusted to the “Uniform requirements towards papers intended for publication in biomedical journals” developed by the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (formerly the Vancouver Group), (

I. General

  1. “Medycyna Pracy”(Med Pr) publishes original papers, review papers, case studies, information, communications and reports from conferences, congresses and symposia, book reviews, letters to the editor, information about academic degrees, honors and awards in the field of occupational medicine, occupational hygiene and public health.
  2. In English may be submitted only original papers and case studies.
  3. Articles published in the journal are the property of the Polish Society of Occupational Medicine and the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź. The editorial office on behalf of them acquires the exclusive copyright to the printed papers (including the right to publish them in the printed form, via electronic media and on the Internet). In relation to the above, the authors shall not be paid any royalties. Reproduction of all papers or their fragments may be made only after obtaining the consent of the editorial office.
  4. The articles published in “Medycyna Pracy” are reviewed. The appropriate form and instructions for reviewers are made available to the public on
  5. Manuscripts not conforming to the conditions contained in the regulations thereof are sent to the authors for redrafting or shortening, before considering the substantive content.
  6. Editors reserve the right to make language amendments without consulting them with the author, and also to shorten the submitted manuscripts.

II. Specific recommendations

  1. Manuscript – editors accept works prepared in Microsoft Word or Open Office, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, prepared in A4 format. The work – in atext file with a set of figures and tables and, separately, figures in an editable format – should be sent in the form of one-sided print in 2 copies (one without the authors’ data). The electronic version should be sent to: .
  2. The Authors’ Declaration(the forms are available at the manuscript must be accompanied by aprinted form of astatement signed by all authors of the manuscript and, if relevant, all authors of the photographs. According to the form, please indicatethe input of the individual authors (including the information on the author of its concept, assumptions, methods used, etc.), while preparing the publication. Ghostwriting and guest authorshipare asign of scientific misconduct, and as such will be publicized by the editorial board by notifying the institutions employing the authors, scholarly societies, etc.Works sent with no Authors’ Declarationshall not be accepted.
  3. The form of the manuscript– each paper must contain: a) a running title i.e. ashort title (max50 characters including spaces); b) name and surname of the author (authors) withthe title or academic degree; c)title in Polish and English – in capital letters, stating in a footnote on the sources of funding used for the publication, the contribution of the research institutions, associations and other entities; d)affiliation, i.e. the name of the author’s workplace and the organizational unitin English and Polish; e)summary of up to250 words in English and Polish (in the case of original papers, the abstract should have a structural form, i.e. it should be divided into: Background, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions);f) keywords (max6, according to the Medical Subject HeadingsMeSH);g)full data of the first author for correspondence (including e-mail address); h) references.
  4. Original papers–their subject is to present the methods and results of their own research and thorough evaluation and the reference to other research on the topic. They should include the following sections: Introduction (state of knowledge on the subject, formulated research aim), Materials and Methods, Results (shown clearly, with reference to the tables or figures contained therein), Discussion (with an indication of the extent to which the research aims were reached, and with references linking the research to other researches connected with the subject), Conclusions (should refer to the established aims of the paper).
  5. References–up to 30 items in the original study and 60 in the review – should take into account the full references of all of the publications (including legal acts, websites, etc.), referred to by the author in the text. Avoiding citation of own publications allows to preserve anonymity in the process of paper evaluation by reviewers. Reference should be included in the text at the point of reference to the text on the item of literature (Arabic numerals in parentheses), consistent with the order of citation. In the case of another citation of the same item, the same number should be given.The list of references should include: a) for periodicals: name and initial of the author (max 6 authors, and if more – abbreviation ‘et al.’ after comma), title, journal title abbreviation (according to the National Library of Medicine Title Abbreviations ( tipped with a dot, year of publication, volume, number, range of pages, DOI displayed as permanent URL (if the article has it) (e.g. Rydzyński K, Michalak J. Economic changes and their relevance to occupational medicine. Med Pr. 2002;53(1):50–7, if article is not in English, the title should be translated to English, written in square brackets, and the language of the original version should be given after the page numbers (e.g. Wesołowski W, Czerski B. [Exposure to organic solvent vapors in the production of lacquers]. Med Pr. 1992;2:129–35. Polish.); b) in the case of books: surname and initial of the author, book title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and doi (if the book has it) (e.g. Pałczyński C. Occupational allergy in healthcare workers. Łódź: Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine; 2002.); c) for chapters in the book, additionally: authors, chapter title, editor’s name, range of pages (e.g. Kopias J. Principles of organizing and exercising preventive health care over the working population. In: Byczkowska Z, Dawydzik L, editors. Occupational medicine in medical practice. Łódź: Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine; 1999. p. 148–60.); d) in case of electronic sources, additionally publishing year (and month if it is known), citation date and the access path (e.g. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Scientific opinion on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in food. Parma, Italy 2011 [cited 2013 Aug 30]. Available from: Complete rules concerning literature are available in International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) at
  6. Tables –should be developed using the tools to create tables in Microsoft Word or Open Office and numbered (Arabic numerals). The titles and content of the tables should be prepared in English and Polish, including a footnote explaining the abbreviations used in the tables.The place of referring to a table in the main text should be marked with its number (e.g.Tab.1).Tables should be numbered chronologically.
  7. Figures– should be black and white, made in vector format, saved in eps., pdf., cdr. or ai. and numbered (Arabic numerals). Descriptions should be prepared in Arial or Myriad font in two versions: transformed and not transformed into curves. Signatures and content of the drawings and explanations for them should be prepared in English and Polish. The place of referring to the figure in the main text should be marked with its number (e.g., Fig. 1). Figures should be numbered chronologically.
  8. Source of data– with respect to all the data from other publications or unpublished sources that are in the main text of the article, tables and figures, the source of origin should be indicated.In case of putting a table or a figureof another author/s, it is necessary to attach the approval of the publisher for such table or figure to be reprinted free of charge.
  9. Author’s review and a copy for the author– following the composition of the text, the author will receive apdf file for the purpose of author’s review, during which only errors of typesetting may be corrected.Following the publication of the issue, to the e-mail address given by the author for correspondence, editors send the article in pdf format, they are required to make it available to co-authors.

Editorial office address:

Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Publishing Office

św. Teresy 8, 91-348 Łódź, Poland

tel +48 42 6314 717, fax +48 42 6314 719


Publishing Office of the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź, last up-date: 29 November 2013