1110 N. Coventry Ave.
Clovis, CA 93611
We were blessed to join key leaders recently to be part of planning a global outreach through a networking relationship with the Church Multiplication Coalition. The project,using Harvestime training,will be launched in the Philippines which will be used as a model for it to spread to other nations. Rev. Jill Boyonas and teams coordinated by Rev. Powell Lemons are launching the training this fall by distributing the Harvestime material on hundreds of flash drives as they minister throughout the Philippines. (Thanks to your gifts to Harvestime, we were able to contribute funds towards the purchase of these flash drives.)
The Church Multiplication Coalition ministers in 40 nations around the world, including the Philippines. Their vision is a church for very village through a unique strategy of cooperative church planting between ministers of various denominations. To date, 3000 churches have been planted in the Philippines alone, and it is this network that will receive the Harvestimetraining as the program is launched. Check the CMCwebsite at:
Jill Boyonas was a successful engineer in the Philippines, but he Rev. and Mrs. Jill Boyonas felt that something was missing from his life.
A co-worker shared the Gospel with him, and Jill found what was missing: A personal relationship with the true and living God. The change that occurred in his life through accepting Jesus resulted in him leaving his position as an engineer and devoting himself full-time to spreading the good news of the Gospel. Jill challenges the church to make the last commandment of Jesus--to go into all the world with the Gospel--our first priority. He challenges that every believer must be involved in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting; that we must become radical about spreading the Word; and that churches must adapt a "going" attitude rather than waiting for the world to come to them. "Our vision is that every believer is a soul winner; every soul winner is a potential Bible study leader; every Bible study leader is a trainer; and every Bible study group is a potential church plant."
-The population of the Philippines is100+ million.
-20 million people speak the Cebuano language. We are presently having the courses translated into this language by a team of Filipino translators.
-49 million people speak Tagalog. We already have the Harvestime material translated into this language.
-80% of Filipinos can speak English--which means they can accessall of the English materials.
-There is a 95% literacy rate in the Philippines which makes the written format an effective strategy for spreading the Gospel in this nation.
-There are 201 different people groups in the Philippines, 30 of which are still unreached by the Gospel.
-The Philippines is the most Christianized nation in Asia. It has been referred to as "the Antioch of Asia" because of thousands of Filipino missionaries and secular workers who are living abroad and sharing the Gospel in their sphere of influence.
...Pray for the success of the teams traveling to minister in the Philippines this fall.
...Pray for the successful launch of Harvestime training through the CMC network.
-Pray for the teams working on the Cebuano translation of Harvestime materials and for funding for the project.
-Pray for the unreached people groups in the Philippines.
-Support Harvestime through your prayers and financial gifts to enable this ministry to remain on thecutting edge of evangelism.
Thank you for partnering with us to reap the spiritual harvest in the nations of the world.
Yours for the harvest,
Argis and Patricia Hulsey