Alternative to Short-Term Suspension Program at Turning Point Academy Description
Parents/Guardians of students who have received a referral for offense warranting a suspension have the option to attend Turning Point Academy Alternative Suspension Center (TPAASC). Students suspended for a period of oneto ten days, but less than the rest of the semester may receive the option of attending the Alternative Suspension Center at Turning Point Academy where they can complete their school assignments and receive credit for attending school. The program is designed to provide a structured, protected, individualized learning environment that acts as a deterrent so that students will not want to return.
The number of days a student can attend the Suspension Center is contingent to the amount of days they are suspended ranging from 1 to 10 days. Students attending the suspension center will be counted present at their home school and therefore would not have to make up days to satisfy the schools’ attendance policy.
Parent(s)/Guardian are responsible for requesting and picking up assignments/textbooks from the home schools. We ask home schools to have assignments ready for pick-up within 48 hours or Thirdday of the suspension. Students are responsible for maintaining and returning the assignment(s) to the home school teacher(s). Upon entry to the Alternative to Short-Term Suspension Program, a staff member will take the student and parent(s) through a 30-minuteorientation, which takes place at 7:30 a.m. Breakfast and lunch is provided for all students.
Students and parent(s)/guardian must sign a contract with the Suspension Center and abide by its rules, expectations, and requirements. The suspension coordinator and facilitator will go over the contract with the parent(s)/guardian and student. A condition for attending the Suspension Program is that the student will sign the contract and abide by its provisions.
The Suspension Center’s dailyshort-term suspension capacity is 25 high school students and 20 middle school students per session. Before a student enrolls, the parent or guardian may call the TPAASC between the hours of operation to check availability.
Program hours projected to be from 8:00 a.m. to2:30 p.m. The parent(s)/guardian or student will arrange their own transportation to and from the Suspension program. The time a student spends at the Alternative to Suspension Program will be very structured. Students can expect their time will be engaged in independent learning activities. Should a studentbehave inappropriately or fail to follow program guidelines, he or she will terminate from the program for the remainder of that particular suspension.
Turning Point Academy Alternative Suspension CenterProgram Schedule
8:00 am - 2:30pm
(Orientation 7:30 am Room 309)
About the Program
Ourprogram islocated in the old Pawtucket Elementary school building, now Turning Point Academy. The address is 8701Moores ChapelRoad Charlotte, N.C. 28214. The Suspension Center is located in the mobile units. Orientation will take place in mobile unit MC3GG at 7:30 am.
The Board of Education’s vision requires Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) to provide all students the best education available anywhere. In order for students to learn in a safe and orderly environment, it is necessary to provide consequences for students who have violated the Code of Student Conduct. These consequences may include an out-of-school suspension.
CMS will operate an Alternative to Suspension Program for middle and high school students suspended for 1-10 days (short-term), allowing students to serve their suspensions at an off-site suspension center. Both lunch and breakfast are provided. You will need to bring a copy of your child’s suspension notice and your child should bring school work and school supplies. There is computer access at the school.
A brief description of our program is as follows:
- Parent/Student Orientation Begins Promptly at 7:30 a.m.
- Communicate the students' home schools to provide an alternative to Out of School Suspension (OSS).
- Provide students thathave been short-term suspended (1- 10 days) the opportunity to continue their academic tract.
- Parents must contact the counselor at the child’s sending school to request assignments
- A Behavior Modification Technician will serve as the in-room facilitatorto ensure students are meeting the expectations of the program.
- Students enroll on a first-come served basis.
- Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
- Parents/Guardians of students who have received a referral for a offense warranting a suspension will be given the option to attend TPAASC.
- Parent(s) are responsible for contacting TPAASC to enroll student.
- On the first day of TPAASC, a parent/guardian must accompany the student to the TPAASC room.
- Bring a copy of the suspension letter provided by the student’s principal.
- Students must have assignments by the third day of suspension.
- Parents are responsible for requesting and picking up assignments/textbooks from the home schools. Students are responsible for maintaining and returning the assignment(s) to the home school teacher(s).
- On the students’ last day of suspension, parents will receive a letter containing the days in which the student was in attendance. This letter is to be taken to the Attendance secretary at the child’s school for the days to be entered in their system, at that time students will return to their respective school.
- Parent/Guardian must provide transportation to and from TPAASC.Students are not allowed to drive and park on the Turning Point Academy campus.
- Students must report on time or they will not be permitted entrance into TPAASC room.
- Student cannot be dropped off before 7:45am.
- Students must be picked up on time at the end of their session or they will be dropped from the program.
- Students are expected to follow the instructions of the facilitatorat all times.
- The staff of TPAASC may dismiss a student at any time for failure to comply with the rules and ethics of the program. Upon dismissal, the student's principal will be notified and the student's suspension will continue out of school.
- Students will attend all assigned days.
- Students will work on coursework as directed.
- Students are responsible for bringing all materials necessary for completion of assignments.
- Students are responsible for maintaining and returning the assignment(s) to the home school teacher(s).
- Cell phones or any other electronics are not permitted on the TPAASC campus.
- Students must follow CMS dress code policy.
Contact Numbers
Eddie Blue (Suspension Coordinator)(980)343-5231
Ms. Caldwell (High School Short-term)(980)343-1267
(Middle School Short-term) (980)343-0991
Student Information
Please fill this sheet in as completely as possible. A copy of this sheet will be kept on file in the office for emergency purposes.
Student Name: ______Grade: ______
Student’s Date of Birth: ______
Mom’s/Guardian’s Name: ______Phone No: ______
Address: ______Cell No: ______
Email Address: ______
Place of Employment: ______Work No. ______
Dad’s/Guardian’s Name: ______Phone No: ______
Address: ______Cell No: ______
Email Address: ______
Place of Employment: ______Work No. ______
Emergency Contact: ______Relationship: ______
Emergency Contact Phone Numbers: ______
Are there any illnesses, disabilities, or allergies we should be aware of?
Does your child receive any Educational Services?
List all people who may pick your child up from school.
*If the person picking your child up is not listed on this form, they will not be allowed to pick your child up.* Please inform the person picking your child up that proper ID is required.
Name / Phone / Relationship1.
My child has permission to ride public transportation during his/her stay at the Short Term Site
I will provide my child with transportation.
Parent Signature Date
Rules and Regulations Specific to TPAASC
The following items will NOT be worn at school:
- Bedroom shoes, Chinese slippers, Flip flops, boots, high heels, slides
- Pants worn below the waist or showing clothing beneath the main outerwear/ no shorts underneath pants
- Stretch fabric/form fitting, holey in jeans or fleece pants.
- wristbands
- Shorts/skirts above the fingertips when standing upright with shoulders relaxed
- Shirts exposing the stomach, being excessively tight, see-through or low-cut in the front or in the back
- Cut-off shirts, midriffs, tank tops, basketball jerseys, tops with spaghetti straps, halter tops, shirts showing cleavage, sleeveless shirts/dresses/tops of any kind
- Headgear (scarves, bandannas, headbands, stocking caps, hoods, hats, towels, sunglasses, doo-rags, and combs)
- Jewelry of any kind including grills and body piercing.
- No tattoos may be visible. Students with tattoos will wear clothing or band-aids to cover the tattoos. Tattoos must be covered before arriving at school. The school will not provide supplies to cover the tattoos.
- Large belt buckles
- Shirts with obscene language
- Shirts containing drug/gang paraphernalia or inappropriate symbols
Extreme styles in clothing and grooming may be detrimental to the maintenance of discipline and morale in school. If not properly dressed, students are subject to being sent home.
Contraband: (Items not permitted)
- CD Players/Walkmans
- Cell phones
- Make up
- Candy/snack foods/Gum
- Book bags/purse
- Weapons
- Drugs
- Drug paraphernalia
- Students should have no more than $10 in their possession
- Any other objects considered inappropriate
- Students cannot be dropped off before 7:45.
- Physical Confrontation
- Verbal Confrontation
- Profanity
- Driving to TPAASC
- Possession of a Weapon
- Possession of Drugs
- Failing to Follow Staff Directions
- Disrespectful to Staff Members/ Fellow Classmates
- Inappropriate Attire
- Refusal to Submit to Metal Detector Scan
- All Other Rule Violations in the CMS Student Rights, Responsibilities and Character Development Handbook
Violations of these rules may result in a due process hearing and a long-term 11-30 day assignment at another alternative placement.
Procedures on Contraband
Staff members are not allowed to hold any items for students found in the rules and expectations. Parents will be asked to pick up any unauthorized items upon the student’s arrival to school. We ask that you please support us in making sure that your child follows program expectations.
*I have been orientated to the TPAASC Rules & Regulations and agree to adhere to them.
Student SignatureDateParent/Guardian SignatureDate
Short -Term Alternative to Suspension Programs
Student and Parental Agreement Form
I have been orientated to and understand the policies and guidelines for Short-Term Alternative to Suspension Programs.
I have been informed of and understand the transportation procedures for the program.
Initial inside box
I understand that my child will be held to a higher behavioral standard while enrolled in the program and failure to comply with all guidelines could result in long-term suspension from the program.
Initial inside box
Holidays, teacher workdays, absences whether excused or unexcused will not count towards program days.
Initial inside box
I have been informed of and understand all the program’s behavioral expectations
Initial inside box
I have been orientated to and understand the behavioral point system
Initial inside box
I have been orientated this year and understand the procedures and rules.
Initial inside box
In the event that my child stops attending the program during his/her suspension, I understand that I am responsible for my child’s adult supervised location or remaining in my home throughout the school day during his/her period of out of school suspension.
By signing below, we are indicating the information in Short-Term Alternative to Suspension Program’s Orientation Packet has been explained to us. We understand it is our responsibility to make sure program rules are followed.
Alternative Suspension Coordinator(980) 343-5231 Phone
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools