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TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness PowerPoint presentation

Matti Pitkänen 08/09/2000

Postal address:

Köydenpunojankatu 2 D 11

10940, Hanko, Finland



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"Blog" forum:


A. Basic ideas and concepts

B. Negentropy Maximization Principle

C. Memory and Time

D. p-Adic physics as physics of Intentionality and Cognition


A. Basic ideas and concepts

(mhtml:!tgdconscgeneralweb_files/frame.htm )

1. Why quantum theories of Consciousness?

2. Why existing quantum theory might not be enough

3. Quantum jump as moment conscious

4. Anatomy of quantum jump

5. "Zero energy oncology"

6. the notion of "Self"

7. Contents of consciousness of Self

8. Sharing and Fusion of Mental Images

9. General theory of qualia

1. Why quantum theories of Consciousness?

● Basic problem of quantum measurement theory: determinism of Schrödinger equation inconsistent with non-determinism of quantum jump. Conscious observer must transform from an outsider to a basic notion of quantum theory.

● Failure of materialistic philosophy in neuroscience. Basic problems of neuroscience. Unsuccessful attempts to locate "consciousness module" in brain.

● Coherent holistic behavior of living matter impossible to understand if living matter as random molecular soup.

2. Why existing quantum theory might not be enough

● Quantum measurement theory too primitive for needs of consciousness theory.

● State function reduction probably relates to free will. But it does not provide real insights into intentionality and cognition.

● The relation between experienced and geometric-Time poorly understood.

● Standard Quantum Mechanics does not allow quantum coherence in human time and length scales.

● Effects of ELF EM fields on brain at harmonics of cyclotron frequencies of bio-ions quantal. Energies of corresponding ELF photons extremely weak as compared to thermal energy. Effects should not be there. For the same reason, EEG should not correlate with contents of consciousness and with state of brain.

3. Quantum jump as moment conscious

● Quantum jump as moment of consciousness. Analogy with elementary particle physics.

● New view about the relation of geometric-time to experienced-time. Quantum jump sequence defines experienced time. Why the locus for contents of consciousness shifts towards geometric-Future quantum jump by quantum jump?

● Resolution of the basic paradox of quantum measurement theory. Also other paradoxes (e.g., what was the initial state of universe?).

● Hierarchy of Planck constants: fractal hierarchy of quantum jumps with increasing geometric duration = geometric-Time interval about which conscious experience contains information proportional to the value of Planck constant characterizing the level of dark matter hierarchy. p-Adic time scale hierarchy.

4. Anatomy of quantum jump

● Quantum jump has complex anatomy. Generation of quantum entanglement by unitary process, state function reduction and state preparation.

● Standard quantum measurement theory relies on von Neumann algebras known as factors of type I. They are replaced with hyper-finite factors of type II1 in TGD framework.

● Quantum measurement has finite resolution. Only partial reduction of entanglement possible. Characterization in terms of Jones inclusion N½M of Neumann algebras. M/N corresponds to the degrees of freedom which are measured at level of selves, N those that are not measured and remain entangled. Also conscious experience has finite resolution.

● Interior of space-time surface represents non-quantum fluctuating zero modes representing classical degrees of freedom entangled with quantal degrees of freedom at light-like partonic 3-surfaces (state of measurement appartus entangled with quantal degrees of freedom). Unitary process regenerates also entanglement between these degrees of freedom.

5. "Zero energy oncology"

● Zero energy ontology states that all quantum states have vanishing conserved quantum numbers and are creatable from vacuum.

● Negative energy states located in geometric-Future relative to positive energy states. S-matrix as unitary matrix representing time-like entanglement between positive and energy components of zero energy states. (Tr(Id)=1 for hyper-finite factors of type II1). Also this kind of entanglement is reduced in quantum jump.

● Quantum jump leads to a new state with new S-matrix. Unitary process tend to regenerate this entanglement.

6. the notion of "Self"

● Original definition: Self avoids generation of bound state entanglement with environment as long as it stays conscious. Self sequence of several quantum jumps which somehow integrate to a unified experience. Moments of consciousness → elementary particles, self ↔ bound state of them.

● Self hierarchy. Entire Universe at the top. Infinite hierarchy of Planck constants characterizes the self hierarchy partially. Self hierarchy identical with dark matter hierarchy?

● Everything is conscious. But consciousness can be lost by entangling with a larger system.

● New definition: Reduction of the notion of self to that of quantum jump. Quantum jump contains sequences of quantum jumps at shorter time scales. Self single quantum jump at highest level of hierarchy of quantum jumps defining self. Bound state of particles is also particle.

● Human lifecycle single quantum jump at highest level. We are conscious even during sleep: this allows to know that I existed yesterday.

7. Contents of consciousness of Self

● Subselves experienced as separate mental images. Explains why we can remember a temporal sequence of phone numbers.

● Subself a mental image which is a statistical average over mental images of subself. Spatial and subjecto-temporal averaging. The entropy assignable to the mental image increases and mental image ages. Could Second Law of Thermodynamics characterize subjective experience rather than reality?

● The sequence of lower level quantum jumps creates the experience about flow of time although there is only single quantum jump at highest level.

● Contents of consciousness about the region defined by space-time sheet defining self. Subselves correspond to sub-space-time sheets.

● Do sensory selves correspond to partonic 2-surfaces: our visual experience represents world as 2-dimensional!

8. Sharing and Fusion of Mental Images

● Sharing and fusion of mental images. Generalization notion of entanglement inspired by many-sheeted space-time. Two space-time sheets which are disjoint can have subsheets which are connected by join along boundaries bond. Selves can have subselves which are fused together. Contents of consciousness are not completely private. Pool of shared mental images making possible social behavior and language.

● Stereo vision as example: right and left visual fields represent mental images which fuse together to stereo vision. Same happens to the consciousness of us at the level of collective consciousness and gives rise to objective multidimensional view about human condition.

● “Length scale dependent” notion of resolution of conscious experience. The entanglement of sub-selves is not seen in the resolution used by selves. Finite resolution of conscious experience can be described in terms of Jones inclusion N½M. For subselves representing the mental images, the resolution is better. Selves form abstractions by averaging over sub-subselves.

9. General theory of qualia

● Quantum numbers label quantum states. Qualia correspond to increments of quantum numbers in quantum jump. Also increments of (non-quantum fluctuating) zero modes could correspond to qualia: geometric qualia.

● Classification of qualia according to the character of quantum number.

● Visual colors as example. Visual color could correspond to QCD color! Increments of color quantum numbers correspond to basic color qualia. Primary colors. Complementary colors.

● Quantum model for sensory receptor. Amplification of quantum jump needed. Bose-Einstein condensates at plates of “capacitor”. Discharge gives rise to Macroscopic quantum number increment at plates. Does this explain why living matter is full of electrets? Cell membrane basic example?


B. Negentropy Maximization Principle

(mhtml:!tgdNMPweb_files/frame.htm )

1. Negentropy Maximization Principle

2. NMP and hyper-finite factors of type II1

3. What about cognitive measurements?

1. Negentropy Maximization Principle

● NMP defines the variational principle for the dynamics of consciousness and is analogous to Second Law. Information gain in quantum jump is maximized. Reduction of entanglement entropy maximal in quantum jump.

● Number theoretic entanglement entropy. Replace the argument of logarithm of rational valued probability in Shannon’s entropy with its p-adic norm. Minimization of the resulting entropy with respect to prime p allows to assign prime p to a system. Prescription generalizes to algebraic extensions. Negative entropy associated with cognitive entanglement between different number fields and correlated for experience of understanding?

● The resulting entropy is in general negative! Interpretation as information? Information carrying entanglement as correlate for experience of understanding? Cognitive entanglement involving p-adic numbers necessarily of this kind. What about real-real entanglement? Possible application: quantum computers.

● Number theoretic vision: physics essentially algebraic number based (plus simple transcendentals like e). Is entanglement always algebraic so that entanglement entropy would be always non-positive? Or is only entanglement between different number fields algebraic?

2. NMP and hyper-finite factors of type II1

● Single ray in state space has vanishing norm in real context for hyper-finite factors of type II1. What does this mean from the point of view of NMP?

● Interpretation in terms of measurement resolution. Quantum Clifford algebra M/N creates the space of states in which state function reduction occurs in the usual manner.

● The spinor space associated with M/N can be identified as complex quantum plane. It does not make sense to speak about state function reduction in this space.

● The moduli squared for components of quantum spinor commute and can be diagonalized simultaneously. The corresponding probabilities have universal spectrum given in terms of rationals. A possible interpretation is in terms of fuzzy logic and fuzzy beliefs. Only for M:N=4 d is it possible to have non-fuzzy beliefs and non-fuzzy logic.

3. What about cognitive measurements?

● What about cognitive measurements? Could p-adic probabilities save the ray? Discretization strongly suggested. Analogy: p-adic and real partonic 3-surfaces have discrete set of common points.

● p-Adic integers infinitely large in real sense are finite in p-adic sense and have finite real counterparts obtained by canonical identification of p-adics and reals (% xnpn à% xnp-n). Probability for single ray infinitesimal as real number could have finite norm in p-adic sense and would be mapped to a finite real number.

● For cognitive entanglement rational entanglement, probabilities very natural as is also negative entanglement entropy.


C. Memory and Time

(mhtml:!tgdmemoryweb_files/frame.htm )

1. New view about Time and Memory

2. Biological Death

3. Arrows of Geometric- and Experienced-Time

4. Selections associated with intentional acts

5. Time scales of Memory

6. time scales of Cognition, Intention, and Memory


1. New view about Time and Memory

● The neuroscience view about long-term memories not convincing. Four-dimensional archive with same data stored again and again.

● New view about time. Experienced-time and geometric-time are two different things as is indeed obvious (irreversibility/reversiliby, subjective future does not exist).

● Time mirror mechanism allows memory recall as communications with the geometric-Past. Also time-like entanglement possible. Memories stored in the brain of geometric-Past. No need to make the brain now an archive.

● Contents of consciousness from 4-dimensional space-time sheet defining highest level in the personal self hierarchy of self. Paradigm of four-dimensional brain. Space-time as four-dimensional organism/society.

2. Biological Death

● New view about what happens in biological death. The 4-D brain of geometric-Past continues conscious existence without sensory input. What happens to self? Does it find new biological body in geometric-Future? How dynamical is geometric-Past -- depends on what unitary process U can do.

● Long-term memories by 2 mechanisms. Episodal memories by sharing mental images of geometric-Past by time-like entanglement: fits nicely with view about S-matrix.

● Declarative memories by communication with geometric-Past. Negative energy signals from magnetic body time reflected from the brain of geometric-Past as positive energy signals. Possibly amplified if analog of population inverted laser in question.

● Libet's findings about neuronal activity preceding experience of volition. Negative energy signals backwards in geometric-Time initiating neural activity. This should occur in several time scales. Editing of geometric-Past in time scales of human life possible?!

3. Arrows of Geometric- and Experienced-Time

● Why we can remember geometric-Past but the information about geometric-Future is only plans/hopes/expectations.

● Why geometric-Past relatively stable and geometric-Future highly unstable in the sense that our intentional action can affect it?

● Arrow of subjective time emerges naturally. How to understand arrow of geometric-Time in the sense that the space-time sheet representing contents of consciousness seems to drift to geometric-Future?

● Could the geometric-Future contain a lot of bosonic p-adic space-time sheets representing intentions transformed to negative energy signals propagating into geometric-Past and generating neural activities there? Geometric-Past would not contain much p-adic space-time sheets: intentions already realized.

● Experienced flow of geometric-Time as p-adic-to-real phase transition front propagating towards geometric-Future? Structure of the world of classical worlds as union of those associated with future and past lightcones would explain the arrow of geometric-Time.

4. Selections associated with intentional acts

● This does not explain the selections associated with intentional acts. There must be something else involved.

● Could geometric-Future represent a quantum critical phase containing coexisting phases with different values of Planck constants? Could quantum jump induce phase transition leading to one of these phases? Geometric-Past would not be quantum critical and relatively stable in time scale characterizing self.

● Quantum ethics: choice between phases would mean good deed if it leads to a phase with a larger Planck constant. Evolution would basically mean growth of Planck constant and thus level of consciousness.