Held on 4 June 2015 at Great Bentley Village Hall.
Present Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr K. Plummer (Chair), Cllr C. Warder, Cllr R. Taylor, Cllr L. Edwards and Cllr P. Balbirnie.
Also in attendance were thirty five (35) members of the public.
· Cllr Hills explained that due to his interest in item 06.15.82(a) he would leave the meeting at this point. Cllr Plummer was elected as Chair for the meeting.
· Cllr McWilliams asked if she could address the meeting. Her statement is attached as Appendix A to the minutes. She moved away from her seat and took no further part in the meeting but stayed and listened to proceedings.
Public Questions: The Chair invited questions from members of the public.
1) Opposes all the major housing applications. She is not against growth of the village. The ‘Station Field’ proposal will bring traffic to village whereas the Admiral’s Farm proposal will bring additional traffic through the village. She asked that in the interests of transparency and fairness that only councillor’s who have no interests in either the Station Fields or the Admirals Farm applications vote on these applications
2) Against the Admiral’s Farm application. There are a number of ecological issues relating to the Admiral’s Farm site. The site has the only copse of trees on the edge of the village with associated wildlife.
3) Against the Admirals Farm application. Pedestrian safety issue walking to school.
4) Against the Admirals Farm application. It was noted that there is no reference to the conservation area in the application or no reference to the water table. It is important that the footpath is reinstated.
5) Against all major development. Need time to plan any development properly. The surgery is full. The school is full. Don’t look like starter homes
6) The ecological report was prepared in winter. Need to delay consideration until the survey work required during the summer months is completed. Once the principal decision made the outline red line is then agreed.
7) The traffic survey for the Simmons Yard development turned out to be completely wrong. If the projections are wrong again then that could cause chaos.
8) If there is a need for development then it should be planned and in moderation. More information about the proposal is required before an informed judgement can be taken.
06.15.79 Apologies for absence: Apologies have been received from Cllr G Wright. Cllr Edwards stated that he needs to leave at 7.50pm.
06.15.80 Declarations of interest:
i. Cllr Hills stated before the start of the meeting that he had an interest in application 15/00682/OUT and stepped out of the meeting at that time.
ii. Cllr Taylor declared a personal interest 15/00682/OUT as he lives in close vicinity in Moors Close.
iii. Cllr McWilliams declared an interest in so much as she has now been elected on to TDC’s Planning Committee.
06.15.81 Minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2015: Cllr Balbirnie proposed the minutes, Cllr Warder seconded them and they were agreed as a true record of proceedings.
06.15.82 Planning Applications:
The first one dealt with at last meeting
Planning Reference No. / Application Details / Address/Location15/00682/OUT
Mr G Wright / Proposed erection of 75 dwellings, garages, roads and associated works. / Land at Admirals Farm Heckfords Road Great Bentley
Cllr Balbirnie moved to defer the decision until the next meeting to allow time to gather further information to assist a decision to be taken. Cllr Warder seconded the proposal and it was agreed unanimously.
A copy of the letter sent to TDC Planners is attached as Appendix B
15/00791/FULMr & Mrs Chaplin / Proposed two storey side extension to form garage & two bedrooms. / Hill View Thorrington Road Great Bentley
Decision: No objection and no comment
15/00794/TCAKier Services - Ms K Heaton / 1 No. Yew - reduce in height to approximately 3.5 m above ground level / Great Bentley C P School Plough Road Great Bentley
Decision: Tree Officer to look at it and get back to me
06.15.83 Correspondence:
a) Objection from Mr and Mrs P. Harry to the planning application (15/00682/OUT) at Admirals Farm: A copy of Mr Harry’s letter is attached as Appendix C.
b) Objection from Mr D Gollifer to the planning application (15/00682/OUT) at Admirals Farm: : A copy of Mr Gollifer’s letter is attached as Appendix D.
c) Request to TDC from Mr D Gollifer to prune trees at Cambria: Noted.
d) Star Development – response to informal meeting request: Noted.
06.15.84 Planning matters for report:
a) Notice of Planning Appeal References, APP/P1560/W/15/3015149 and APP/P1560/W/15/3015097. Noted.
The Chair closed the meeting thanking the members of pubic present for their patience and invited questions from members of the public.
Public Questions
1) It was noted that the ECOS survey relating to the Waterworks site identified a number of important issues.
2) Suggestion that Gt Bentley is in need of sheltered housing for elderly residents.
3) Request for to set up a GBPC subcommittee.
4) Request a proper village meeting.
5) Heckfords Road site not safe for pedestrian’s to walk to the village centre.
6) Request to share email with http://protectgreatbentley.wix.com/home
7) Is it possible to gain information from successful planning application refusals?
8) Is it possible to obtain independent specialist reports?
9) Suggestion that GBPC needs to develop its own strategy/tactics for how to approach these applications. Not sensible to merely deal with them one at a time as they come in.
Cllr Lynda McWilliams - Planning, TDC and Parish Council 2015
I have had a meeting and discussed with Tendring District Council's Monitoring Officer and Solicitor my position, as a TDC Councillor and Parish Councillor, now I am sitting on TDC's Planning Committee and the conflict I have regarding the Parish Council and Planning applications at Parish Council level.
My position is this; -
As from 2nd June 2015 I am now a member of TDC's Planning Committee; I can no longer take part in any discussion or decisions regarding planning applications at Parish Council level, otherwise I would have expressed an opinion which constitutes evidence of predetermination and prevents me from sitting on the Planning Committee, when any applications within the Parish area are received. I am allowed to remain in the meetings to listen to the concerns/representations, unless these involve the Developer or Applicant, which would be regarded as lobbying, which is covered by the District Council’s Planning Protocol.
I ask that the Clerk records that when planning applications are discussed that I have not debated, commented or made decisions regarding planning applications at parish council level.
8 June 2015
To: Mr R Matthams
Planning Policy Team Leader
Planning Services
Council Offices
CO16 9AJ
Dear Richard,
Planning Application 15/00682/OUT –
Proposed Development of 75 Dwellings at Admiral’s Farm, Gt Bentley
I would like to thank you for taking the time to come and speak to Parish Councillors at Great Bentley on 4 June 2015. I found what you had to say very informative and I know the Parish Councillors appreciated the clarification you provided on a number of issues.
Just to confirm that I spoke with Mary Foster on Thursday after our meeting when I was unable to contact you. I was grateful to learn that you have agreed an extension to the consultation deadline to allow Parish Council to reconsider this application at its 2 July 2015 meeting.
At the Parish Council’s Planning Committee meeting on 4 June, members resolved to defer making a judgement on this application for one month to allow time to gather additional information about the proposed development at Admiral’s Farm. I set out below the information they have requested. I would be grateful if you provide the clarification requested prior to the next Parish Council Planning Committee meeting on 2 July 2015.
1. With reference to the suggestion that land may be able to made available for a new GP Surgery. Greater detail is required as to where the land is located. Will the land be given to the Surgery for free?
2. The current land edged red is shown on the attached sketch map. Discussion was had as to whether it was proposed that Houses would be put on the Westerly boundary adjacent to Heckfords Road. It was generally agreed that unless significant planting was proposed this would want to be resisted. The Council would like, if this application is being considered for approval, to take the opportunity for significant screening and bunding to be provided, to, (not only the new doctors surgery site if this is where it is proposed to be located), but also the now completed new development at Green Corner on the west end of Moors Close.
3. Members discussed at length the requirement for smaller homes in the village as well as larger ones. It was agreed that there needs to be a balance, and not just have all 5 and 6 bed Houses. If the village is to have development it needs to accommodate a cross section of people. Therefore, the Parish Council would like to see some two and three bed units becoming available.
4. Parish Councillor’s would like to have further details of the Housing Trust idea in lieu of social housing that you described was being arranged at Lawford.
5. Considerable discussion was given to ecology. The Preliminary Ecological Assessment indicates that a number of on-site ecological assessments are outstanding. It is difficult to see how a proper judgement can be made on this application without all the required reports being completed. The Council would like to have assurances that no damage is to occur to the ecology in this area
6. The issue of tree protection around the water works in particular was raised. Is it possible to apply TPOs to protect the trees on site and on the adjacent waterworks site?
7. It is understood that this is an outline planning application and the Parish Council has no wish to object to development proposals per se. It is understood however, by parish councillor’s that if the outline application is approved then the principal is approved and that subject to detail, the application will then eventually proceed albeit in the face of strong local opposition. Members would like to have seen an indicative plan showing the size and location of the dwellings. Can you provide any assurance that local resident’s views will be considered?
8. Concern was expressed about the location of the access road close to Moors Close located at a dangerous section of Heckfords Road.
9. It was suggested that there is a contradiction in the outline of the site. One drawing shows the western boundary of the site running along Moors Lane and on another it crosses Moors Lane and stretches to Heckford’s Road. Are you able to clarify the site boundary?
10. Concern was expressed about the additional street lighting and the light pollution that would bring from 75 dwellings situated on the edge of a rural village.
I hope you are in a position to provide clarification on the issues raised
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Harkin
Clerk to Great Bentley Parish Council
Planning Cttee Item 83a
The outline planning application 15/00682/OUT for a low density development on a greenfield site on Admiral’s Farm should not be approved. Whilst its design and mimicry of previous infill estates behind the houses surrounding the green enables the protection of the historic character of the village, the development is not sustainable, has traffic and safety implications, environmental impact and will contribute to the urbanization of Great Bentley.
The village Primary school is already at full capacity and children are being turned away. It cannot accommodate more pupils nor would it be a simple solution of bolting on an additional classroom because of the varying ages of the pupils of primary school age arising from 75 households.
The doctor’s surgery is already extremely busy - getting an appointment can be as long 3 weeks. There is no room for expansion
The Highway and Transportation Review (HTR) envisages a higher proportion of traffic from the development proceeding in a northerly direction but makes no reference to where/how vehicles proceeding in a southerly direction can park in the village. Parking is already at a premium and the village centre is already highly congested at peak periods. This is further compounded by traffic from St Osyth regularly using GB as an access route to the A133. Gridlock is not uncommon; further traffic volume however small would be unsustainable.
The HTR and Design Access Statement (DAS) both state that the village has good, strong public transport links, presumably based on the rail and 5 bus routes cited in the HTR. As the Village Transport Representative I can assure you that the Service 85 and 178 do not exist and there is not a direct route to Brightlingsea. Service 72 and 79 only run on one or 2 days a week and then only 1 journey a day - hardly a ‘good regular service.’ This leaves the 77 service as the only regular route currently 5 days per week and that has been recently reduced from 6 days - for commercial reasons. The bus service could be described as adequate at best.