The association exists to promote the interests of all members in their gardening activities and to take joint action for the benefit of members. One of the original purposes of the association was to conduct negotiations with the local authority and private landlords for the use of gardening land; if it became necessary to do so the association would fulfil this role again however there are now well established allotments in the village. The association co-operates with other local gardening associations in matters of mutual interest.
Open to anyone who supports the objectives of the association and wishes to take part in any of the association’s activities. Relevant membership data is stored on computer in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Annual membership cards and numbers can be issued and if so may be required on certain occasions when applying for discount or paying for association trips etc..
The annual membership fee is £5 per person and the subscription year commences in September. Payment of subscriptions should be made at or before the Annual General meeting which takes place in October. Members not renewing their subscription by Dec 31st will be removed from the members register but will be immediately reinstated on subsequent payment of an annual subscription.
A typical year’s events will consist of:-
- 8 talks by invited speakers on gardening or related subjects – members £2, non-members £3
- Annual General Meeting with special activity
- 2/3 coach trips to gardens and shows of interest
- Use of Community Bus for visits to local Garden Centres
- 4 Newsletters
- Assistance with the Keyworth Annual Horticultural Arts and Crafts Show
Trading opportunities for members consists of discounted flower and vegetable seed orders with Kings Seeds and Suffolk Herbs in Nov/Dec
Chairman: Alan Cooper, 10 Far Pastures Close, Keyworth, Notts. Tel: 937 5233
Treasurer: Alan Morrison, 17 Debdale Lane, Keyworth, Notts. Tel 937 4746
Secretary: Vacant
Trading: Marion Carey, 67 Ashley Road, Keyworth, Notts, Tel: 9147673
Events: Jane Jones, 34 Beech Avenue, Keyworth, Tel: 9374619
Committee: Pat Carey, 67 Ashley Road, Keyworth, Notts, Tel: 914 7673
Maureen Smith, 9, Maple Close, Tel : 9375092
June McConnell, 52 Kirk Lane, Ruddington, Tel: 984 2969
I would like to become a member of the Keyworth and District Gardening Association and enclose a payment of £3:00. to cover the year to 30th of September 2011.
Title ...... First Name ...... Other Initials ...... Surname......
Full Address......
Postcode...... Telephone Number......
Please return completed slip and payment to Mr P J Carey, 67 Ashley Road, Keyworth, Notts.