Good evening sisters and welcome to Founder’s Day and the Installation of officers for District ___. We are honored to share in this installation as we install, ______, as District President as well as the other officers – ______, ______. Will you please come forward.
Years ago women frequently used scraps of material to create beautiful patchwork quilts and what memories were to be found in these lovely creations! A bit of red from a dress worn to a garden party, a piece of blue and white from a shirt… a piece of gingham from the dress Susie wore her first day at school, an elegant piece of satin from grandmother’s “Sunday go-to-meetin” gown. All these patchwork pieces of material were put together with friendship and love. And, like the beautiful quilts, handed down from generation to generation, our ESA history makes up a “Patchwork of Friends” .
Bits of color, different personalities, a mingling of hopes, dreams, desires and goals. We are thankful for yesterday – for those who had vision, for those who worked and planted the seeds of sisterhood that brought forth our beloved Epsilon Sigma Alpha, leaving for us a “Patchwork of Friends” in District ____.
Our ESA life was built upon the labors of these sisters who trod the path before us. We are the heirs of all that has been accomplished, all that has been done, all that has been eloquently written, expressed and left behind for the guidance of tomorrow’s members. This evening we salute our Founders who laid the cornerstone of ESA and honor all who have shared in forming the high ideals for which we stand. We are thankful for tomorrow, which is full of surprises and opportunities for our new District officers, for the challenges before them and for their opportunity to add to our “Patchwork of Friends”.
Before we proceed with the installation of our new officers, I would like to take a moment to reflect back on this past year. ______, you truly gave in all that you did. You met your obligations and responsibilities fairly and squarely with love and understanding. Your wealth of knowledge and expertise is still needed. You will be called on to continue to give the gifts of love, kindness, joy, understanding, sympathy and tolerance, along with the gift of encouragement, inspiration, and guidance to the new officers. Thank you for your leadership.
TREASURER ______, In your hands is placed the financial welfare of the Council. Your patchwork piece includes sincerity, careful attention to detail and trust which are the characteristics necessary for the fulfillment of you duties. As you perform your duties as the financial officer of the Council, you will disburse funds as directed by the President and membership, in accordance with the approved budget. As the president-elect presents to you your patchwork of friendship, keep in mind these words as you accept your office and prepare to be a part of the patchwork of friends it represents.
“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
SECRETARY ______, it takes patient hands to create a beautiful quilt that is great enough to hand down through generations, and it will take patient hands to wield the pen as you serve the membership by keeping accurate records of the Council’s accomplishments. Activities of the Council not recorded are lost forever. As a quilter chooses her stitches carefully, so must you choose well your words, writing with patient hands and love in your heart as you inscribe in permanent form the history and proceedings of the Council. Hold close these words as you accept your patchwork from the president:
“Sisterhood is like a golden chain,
that links are sisters dear,
and like a rare and precious jewel,
they’re treasured more each year.
Years can’t erase the pleasure,
That the joy of sisterhood gives…
For ESA is a sisterhood that lives and lives and lives!”
VICE PRESIDENT ______, your sisters have placed their trust and confidence in you, believing that to the best of your ability you will support the president and help her build a stronger District. You will stand at her side and be ready to share the work and willing to fulfill the plans of your president. Your knowledge and friendship provide the patchwork pieces of color needed to complete the design. Always keep an open mind, observe, analyze, consider and question, and do it in the name of friendship. Take these words for your own as the president gives you your patchwork gift.
“People need other people as a performer needs an audience.
People need to know that other people are depending upon them,
Waiting for them, pulling with them.
People need people, who believe in them, trust in them, and expect much of them.”
Our quilt is nearly complete. President ______, you must choose the bright colors for the quilt that will become your “Patchwork of Friends”. The members of District______will look to you for leadership. As our leader you must see things from the eyes of your fellow officers and sisters. Put yourself in their shoes and help make their dreams come true. Believe in your sisters, trust them, love them, and thus draw out the best in them. You will find they will rise to your highest expectations.
In the coming year, use your heart as well as your head, be a self-starter, creating plans and setting them in motion. ______, to you is entrusted the leadership of District _____. The new year before you will be filled with pleasures and disappointments, achievements and frustrations, happiness and despair. But primarily, it will be filled with love. Treasure love in yourself and you will give it to others. Give it to others and it will come back to you. As you accept the leadership of this great sisterhood, we offer this blessing:
“May you walk the road of happiness and enjoy life every day.
And have the time and have the will to laugh a bit and play.
To have your hopes and plans succeed, to have your goals come true.
All this and more is just a part of the blessing our love holds for you.”
No quilt is complete until the needle has taken the last stitch. CHAPTER PRESIDENTS you complete this “Patchwork of Friends”. You will share the responsibilities of our goals and purposes, and support our chosen leaders in all their endeavors. Leadership is vital to the growth of our District. Please come forward as your name is called and accept a small token of love and appreciation from the president as you prepare to build ESA in District ____ and put sill more stitches of love and friendship in the year ahead.
Sisters of District ____, use the “Patchwork of Friends” given to you this year. Join with our officers and pledge your support and share in the growth of all the good things we can accomplish. Experiences such as these inspire us and sharing them makes us kindred spirits.
“Our ESA family is like a patchwork quilt,
with kindness gently sewn.
Each piece an original, with a beauty all its own.
With threads of warmth and happiness, it is
lightly stitched together
to last in love throughout the year,
our ESA family – friends forever!!”
Ladies, I now present to you your newly installed officers of District ____